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Title:RipperSec KMS DOXBIN
Created:Aug 18th, 2024
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 234
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Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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RipperSec Collection ~ Greetz to All RipperSec & Muslim Hacktivist ~ $$$$$$$\ $$\ RipperSec.com $$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ \__| $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$ / \__| $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\$$$$$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____| $$ __$$< $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ / $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ | \__|\____$$\ $$$$$$$$ |$$ / $$ | $$ |$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ ____|$$ | $$\ $$ |$$ ____|$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$$\ \__| \__|\__|$$ ____/ $$ ____/ \_______|\__| \______/ \_______| \_______| $$ | $$ | RipperSec (ريفرسيچ) Leader: KMS. Members: N30, V1p3r, De$i, uf0. $$ | $$ | - 🏴 We Stand For Justice & We Fight For Freedom 🏴 - #ForJustice \__| \__| Follow Us ➡️ https://t.me/RipperSec https://www.tiktok.com/@rippersec 📌 𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐬 📌 #StucxTeam #4-Exploitation #SylhetGang #NetGhostSec #CyberFattah #HacktivistSulawesi #TengkorakCyberCrew #SilentCyberForce #RADNET64 #HelangMerahGroup #NoName057(16) #EagleCyberCrew #AlAhad #Z-BL4CK-H4T #WebSec #AhadunAhad #1722Team #KhalifahCyberCrew #SedihCrew #SKILLNET #LaskarPembebasanPalestina #Zenimous #GarudaFromCyber #HolyLeague #JatimRedStormXploit #MorrocanCyberBlackArmy #RussianCyberArmyTeam #SilentEnemyCrew #KhilafahHackers #AnonymousBD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We're Muslim Hacktivist We Stand with Palestine - بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ - Greetings, bullets and rockets rained down the airspace, after 100 days we come with the same banner. Some of our brothers there use stones, we here use the knowledge we have. Many of our brothers fall like leaves regardless of children, elders, and adults. Although many Islamic leaders are blinded and not protected by the facts, that does not break the spirit of the liberation of the land of Al-Aqsa. We are present today with a coalition of Muslim hackers, we warn that we are never blind and silent, we will always attack cyber sites so many open their eyes and are protected by the facts. Salutations on the Liberation of Al-Aqsa. Warning to the allies Zionist Israel. We has a little message for you. "Even though you are richer, but our god always helps those who strive on his path" =========================================================================== KMS [8/17/2024 7:15 PM] Open Your Eyes, This is Genocide not Self Defense 🇵🇸 #FreePalestine #ForJustice ___________________________________________________________________________ Websites Hacked By RipperSec ⚡️🌍 https://t.me/RipperSec --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD: RipperSec.com Alternative DOWNLOAD: breachforums.st/rippersec RipperSec\Databases [code] 08/17/2024 08:18 PM <DIR> . 08/17/2024 08:10 PM <DIR> .. 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 548 1475156634-Email.csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 1,669,567 230417_sabado.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 14,109,033 a199f5dd5_vasinfosolution.sql 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 3,083,740 abhyudaydb.zip 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 3,770,791 aboutkvk.php.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 630,389 abramis.uk.txt 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 1,558,514 acrd_education.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 47 admin.csv 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 8,827 agftc_demoagftc.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 7,735,777 AGM 1 dt. 4.8.74.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 26,931 alfaelec_webdb.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 322,781 alicia.gob.ar.zip 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 97,657 ambitioncad.txt 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 21,038 anandsoverseaseducation.sql 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 247,989 apsfl.co.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 21,037 arokyaherbalclinic.sql 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 1,170,061 arqus.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 48,892 arqus_user.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 21,037 astraaqua.sql 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 473,787 Auto Sales data.csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 31,119,038 Autosatesdata.pdf 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 495,510 AvantikaUniveristy.txt 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 69,756 avggroup_AvgGroTT20.zip 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 1,004,904,876 backup.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 43,824 bankhapoalim.co.il.csv 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 700,628 bdd.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 2,032,574 bd_mexico2.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 19,375 beaconsc_beacons.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 3,924,377 bechrusa.bdu.ac.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:09 PM 7,392 bgalil_db.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 21,037 brightengineers.sql 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 16,368,030 businesseventmedia.sql 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 57,128,510 bwdb.gov.bd.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 22,336 c1530774_bouza.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 3,710,530 cacpa_cacpa.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 23,824 carton.th.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 789 category.csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 21,036 championssportsclub.sql 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 53,595 checkinout.csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 22,976 christholidaystravels.sql 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 5,032,116 clicclac.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 3,725,957 cmc_erp.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 468,508 coimbatoretaxi.txt 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 44,591 cp01020_grasshope.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 15,331 cp050678_cms.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 21,038 creativegrid.sql 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 138,207 credit_db.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 2,773,379 ctf.pdf 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 516,000 customer_nextlocationuk.co.uk.txt 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 7,419,356 dalhousi_di_2022.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 1,019,806 data (2).csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 13,480 data.csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 14,244,201 data.pdf 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 31,653 Data_Maccia.org.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 3,298 Destination.csv 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 1,017 devareho_vgpdb.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 21,035 dhiravidadevangadheiveegamakkalsabai.sql 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 1,010 dibra.com.ar.rar 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 590,644 di_members.csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 763,502 Docwithloc (1).txt 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 441,171 dutyfree_shop.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 454,605 dutyfree_time_allocation.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 26,397 easonpaintdb.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 3,604 elettpjw_newyaaaro2.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 8,122 esesi.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 8,510 ev000536_info.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 11,435 evoweb3u_khyberfooddb.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 13,553 farnost-veseli_saints.csv 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 168 farnost-veseli_users.csv 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 1,667,981 friendssquare.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 1,041,907 gitgrxut_gitgp.zip 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 43,978 gptcooty.co.in.txt 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 12,703,009 greenup_wp1.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 317,712 Gurukrupa Admin Panel.csv 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 42,456 halavd.co.il.txt 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 61,205 happyspeaking.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 33,144,922 hemaschool.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 746,294 holborozzunk.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 272,334 homavocats.fr.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 36,346 horticulture.punjab.gov.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 83,923 iat.sut.ac.th.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 332,541 ibnsinahospitalsylhet.com.bd.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 1,324,213 iitman99_Faculty_Permanent.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 55,098,768 india_school.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 25,127 ingenium.xlsx 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 1,828 Israhell cctv.txt 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 979 jb.com.np-email.txt 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 894,981 jbieted_db4.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 1,263,375 jknp_jknps.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 130,052 jspmicoer.edu.in-db.csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 648,704 J_n_B_Email_ID_New_5324.np 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 84,666,129 kcas.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 2,122 kingfisherdb.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 242,848 kngpgc.ac.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 253,322 kngpgcac_db220819.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 3,839,510 labalabi whatsapp spammer.apk 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 1,608,569 Labalabi-Telegram-Spammer.apk 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 9,770,919 maabhavani.co.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 21,061,428 mahajyoti.org.in (2).zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 21,061,912 mahajyoti.org.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 13,545 mahendra_WebSiteContents.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 35,896,776 maldacollege.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 72,879 marinach (1).txt 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 72,598,528 Massive Attack Argentina.tar 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 16,091 master_db.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 341,334 Medusa.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 1,198,251 mmsgy.txt 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 1,250,204 mna.inah.gob.mx.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 23,396 mnigolf.txt 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 19,271 Motodepot.xlsx 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 29,488 mpgic.txt 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 28,089 mudpgov_database.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 1,467 mudpgov_meherpur.zip 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 227,582,935 myfuturejob.in.sql 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 28,807 nanolab.txt 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 2,662,615 National-Data-.csv 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 4,175 nec.org.in.txt 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 13,667 news.csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 57,011 NHPCResult.csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 162,704 nijamtv.in Pwned by FieexxwasHere .csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 79,217 nited.spmnan.go.th.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 8,104,233 nowgonggirlscollege.edu.in.tar.gz 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 95,894 nsa.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 401,917 nsrit.edu.in-db-1.csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 47,354 Number WhatsApp India.txt 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 1,170 pattaya2_db.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 671,050 payhr.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 374 pics.csv 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 9,547 polea.org.mx.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 17,123 printing_sofiko.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 5,888 products.csv 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 977 ptcdharmapur_database.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 1,049,212 qsjwoqoi_ommestate.sql 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 3,532,288 raghavendraayurveda.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 529 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24,866,796 stellamaryscoe.edu.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 277 Store.csv 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 1,031,335 suncityINDIA.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 908,051 tblpassengerinfo.csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 363 tblslotallocation.csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 640 tbl_config (2).csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 476 tbl_config.csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 109 tbl_user (2).csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 133 tbl_user.csv 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 1,019 tbl_visitor.csv 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 16,725 technota_user.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 424,569 teenswocare.txt 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 167,125 thaiplasti_admin.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 347,014 theory.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 2,210 thepdaitay_binh.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 144,721 tmh.go.th.rar 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 6,198 tramt.txt 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 199,447 u246475065_brainpi.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 11,621 u413614461_kvlorgin_kvldb.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 4,424 u837322788_hitech.zip 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 267,794 ugi.ac.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 1,138,728 ulekz.txt 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 3,578,653 unoedumx_uno_web.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 188,111 usac_db.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 17,513 user (2).csv 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 310 user.csv 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 2,169 userinfo.csv 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 23,397 usr_p603254_2.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 2,417 utsl_utsl2021db.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 2,209 uvpiimp.csv 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 229,167 vivonot_vivonoticias.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 2,919 vruuszjuug.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 198,135 webadmin_newITSData.zip 08/17/2024 08:11 PM 854 whiteteg_shekhar.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 124,509 wordpress_c_2016-11-24_15-55-33.sql.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 4,281 wpiic.csv 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 701,663 www.agcars.co.th.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 66,467 www.cyta.com.ar.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 13,617 www.ebtalent.com.ar.zip 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 25,644 www.inmajorcity.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:15 PM 76,844,348 www.kwc.ac.th.sql 08/17/2024 08:12 PM 209,949 www.mddmedical.com.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 840,822 www.miss-international.us.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 1,829,463 www.mrsflorida.us.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 71,379 www.nonoicollege.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 735,740 www.pupilbooks.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 1,096,744 www.rampurhatgmch.edu.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 15,091,672 www.terraviva.com.ar.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 12,033,686 www.trunet.co.in.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 15,371 wwwautop_autopromain.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 955 xeroflor_dev.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 110,057 yanagawas_crm.zip 08/17/2024 08:14 PM 175,424 yanagawas_yngw.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 963 yawuek2_db.zip 08/17/2024 08:13 PM 323,302 zazprodukte_db.zip 08/17/2024 08:16 PM 1,341,006 [IC] globetech.org.in.zip [/code]