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Riona Watanabe is a Japanese celebrity with 67k followers, she is an idiot who discriminates against people and oppresses them so I will post her information in this post   
Name : Riona Watanabe 
Born in 1994/10/8 in Sapporo Hokkaido Graduated from METI and now works as a trader Traveled to Malaysia and is studying at the Stratford Institute
Arrested in 2021 for fraud 
She is also famous in the world of trading and cryptocurrencies 
She now lives in Malaysia


               Phone Number +819037760552
               Telecom Company (carrier) 
               home address 3.1681288,101.7101581
               Picture of where she lives https://ibb.co/Rpx3XFZ
               Website - https://rionachanblog.com

   - Her social media accounts
Youtube -
1 - https://youtube.com/@rionawatanabe
2 - https://youtube.com/channel/UCidYLzWmpJrstLOUzYfwhhw?si=H4kzHcIWbMPvAq5I
Tiktok - 
1 - https://www.tiktok.com/@rionawatanabe
2 - https://www.tiktok.com/@rionachan108
3 - https://www.tiktok.com/@mitsuba_0528
Facebook - 
1 - https://www.facebook.com/riona.watanabe.52
2 - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100071758572519
3 - https://www.facebook.com/rio.watabe.9
Instagram - 
1 - https://www.instagram.com/rionanana0528
2 - https://www.instagram.com/mitsuba_daks
X (Twitter) - 
1 - https://x.com/Rionashacho108?s=09
2 - https://x.com/RionaTravel?s=09
1 - https://liff.line.me/1645278921-kWRPP32q/?accountId=295yxsxf
2 - https://liff.line.me/1645278921-kWRPP32q/?accountId=532zamuu
peatix - https://peatix.com/user/5620630/view?type=owner
Telegam - id 7889829163
Google Map - https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/103287512623654086833/?g_st=ac
       - Some photos of her
       - https://ibb.co/vqpz0TN
       - https://ibb.co/wyVb2Jd
       - https://ibb.co/M9bQx5v

           Data leak - 
         - 1 Cloudata
         Email pink-nm12@ezweb.ne.jp
         1 - pinky123
         2 - rioona

         2 - Peatix 
         Email rionachan108@gaea.ocn.ne.jp
         Encrypted password {SSHA}gQxxAtL8BE2qvnuVyRLxRf+XjthfF89S