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                                                ║ → 0x10 | Introduction........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x20 | Personal Information................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x30 | Social Media........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x40 | Family................................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x50 | Outro.................................. ║

   ⛧ 0x10 -> Introduction
DiamondFang/Riley Vegting is someone who is a faggot to everyone and then called me harmless. He is acting as if he is undoxable,
which is untrue as shown by this dox. I hope this will help calm down your ego and realize to not fuck with the wrong people.

~ https://prnt.sc/10odtqy


   ⛧ 0x20 -> Personal Information
Enjoy all my wonderful readers, if you're reading this , fuck you, cunt, bitch, faggot.

   ⛧ Online Alias(s): Rileyuwu, DiamondFang, DiamondFang123

   ⛧ Full Name + Age: Riley Vegting, 15

   ⛧ Address: 107 Norwood Ave, Maple ON, L6A3V7                                                                       

   ⛧ Occupation + High School: Maple High School                                                                  

   ⛧ Phone Number(s): (905) 832-6662

   ⛧ Email(s): barbarafigueroaarenas@gmail.com, rileyvegting@gmail.com, chaboirileyxd@gmail.com
   ⛧ IP Address:

   ⛧ Device(s): iPhone, Windows 10 Computer

   ⛧ Password(s): Array


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   ⛧ 0x30 -> Social Media
Here's his social media, go bully him . K thx <3

   ⛧ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/diamondfang123
   ⛧ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUQq2CRgLOoH9x-Jb8I15cg
   ⛧ Github: https://github.com/Rileyuwu
   ⛧ Discord: rileyuwu#6103


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                                         " Going for the entire family tree " 

   ⛧ 0x40 -> Family
Since he decided to really fucking piss me off, I decided to just add in a bit of personal things per say. Welcome to fam-
ily dox, enjoy.

   ⛧ Mother
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ⛧ Full Name -> Barbara Vegting
         ⛧ Address -> 107 Norwood Ave, Maple ON
         ⛧ Phone -> (905) 832-6662


  ⛧ 0x50 -> Outro
Contact me on Discord ! Menacing#8699

s/o Val for the help