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Connecting to root@FBI.GOV/PABLO.....
Loading Reyvaugns DOX.... 
Reason for DOX

1. Uses Lanc to "DDoS"
2. Talks Hella Shit
3. Thinks he's hard 
Table of Contents

0x01 Personal Info
0x02 Social Medias / Online Information
0x03 Family
0x04 Pictures
0x05 Health
Name: Reyvaughn Moreno
Age: 16
DOB: Febraury 22, 2004
Ethnicity: Hispanic 
Phone Number: 480-925-5730
School Information:

Mountain View HighSchool (Old School)

Address: 2700 E Brown Rd, Mesa, AZ 85213
Phone: 480-472-6900
Principal: Greg Milbrandt

Superstition High School (Old School)

Address: 10222 E Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85209
Phone: (480) 472-9650
Principal: George Martin

Crossroads Focus School (Current School) 

Address: 855 W 8th Ave, Mesa, AZ 85210
Phone: (480) 472-9350
Principal: Dr. Justine Pilar

Discord: OGpLug#2875 

Snapchat: @daddyyolo00

Instagram: @tb_rey / @reyvaughmoreno / @slumped.rey

Twitter: @reyvaughnmoreno / @MorenoReyvaughn
Father: Doesn't have one 

Siblings: Only Child

Mother: Emily Moreno

Line of Work: Raising a fuck up as a son
Cutting himself for attention: https://gyazo.com/f2f385e65043994df59af54e3c571f77

Him and His Mom: https://gyazo.com/94832be43ff38b1768d912230cc27877

Kid after a fight: https://gyazo.com/2fb29586f637c0cf1629bf7f77719f6d
Skinny Twig: https://gyazo.com/2a4376cacdae6743177fe085da1bd2f7 / https://gyazo.com/769d0f1acf097c878540de20cec47299
Kids Gofundme

https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-reyvaughn (disabled)
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