Youtuber LGBTQ
Full Name Revan Mansour
age 25 
address 397 E Breckenridge St, Ferndale, MI 48220-1321
Phone numbers (586) 649-7874
Location Ferndale MT
Streets Breckenridge St
Date of birth  Born August 1999 month 18 year 1999
real ravon
sexuality gay
Old address his living in the past
1110 W Town And Country Rd, UNIT 365, Orange, CA 92868-5608
15741 Addison St, Encino, CA 91436-1516 
16610 Flint Hollow Pl, Chino Hills, CA 91709-2286
92868-5608 1201 S Hope St, APT 2302, Los Angeles, CA 90015-4724 
Rashid Mansour
Raymond Mansour
Iman Zakar
Manahil Yaldo
Mansour Muhsin
Susan Mansour
Bradley Logan
Calvin Logan
Cathy Louie
Brady Potter
Bonnie Kilano
Hanaa Mirza
Lee Dewyze
Manuel Kilano
Nadhima Kilano
Travis Barker
Also Seen As
Revan Mansour Mansour, Ravon X Mansour, Mansour Rabon
Neighbors address 396 Breckenridge St Ferndale MI 48220
390 Breckenridge St Ferndale MI 48220
407 Breckenridge St Ferndale MI 48220
415 Breckenridge St Ferndale MI 48220
400 Breckenridge St Ferndale MI 48220
405 Breckenridge St Ferndale MI 48220
379 Breckenridge St Ferndale MI 48220
Revan Mansour is 25 years old and was born in August of 1999. Currently Revan lives at the address 397 E Breckenridge St, Ferndale MI 48220. Revan has lived at this Ferndale, MI address for about 1 year, after moving in around January of 2024. Revan previously lived at 1110 W Town And Country Rd, Unit 365, Orange CA 92868 for 2 years, starting in August of 2022. Going further back, starting in August of 2021, Revan lived at 1201 S Hope St, Unit 2302, Los Angeles CA 90015 for 1 year.

Public records do not indicate that Revan Mansour is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Revan: Rashid Mansour(58), Raymond Mansour(28), Iman Zakar(62), Manahil Yaldo(63), Mansour Muhsin(58), Susan Mansour(49), Bradley Logan(62), Calvin Logan(88), Cathy Louie(75), Elizabeth Emerson(56) and Elizabeth Zakar(56).

Revan's current phone number is (586) 649-7874. This VOIP number was issued by 'Comcast IP Phone LLC', first reported in public records on April of 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions
How old is Revan Mansour?
Revan Mansour is 25 years old, and was born in August of 1999.

Where does Revan Mansour live currently?
Revan Mansour's current address is 397 E Breckenridge St, Ferndale MI 48220. Revan has lived there for about 1 years, since January of 2024.

Who is related to Revan Mansour?
Revan Mansour is likely related to the following people: Rashid Mansour, Raymond Mansour, Iman Zakar, Manahil Yaldo, Mansour Muhsin, Susan Mansour, Bradley Logan, Calvin Logan, Cathy Louie, Elizabeth Emerson, Elizabeth Zakar

What is the best phone number for Revan Mansour?
Revan Mansour's latest phone number is a wireless number at (586) 649-7874.

Is Revan Mansour alive today?
Yes! Revan Mansour is living today.

Does Revan Mansour go by any other names or aliases?
Revan Mansour may also go by the following names or aliases: Ravon Mansour, Ravon X Mansour, Mansour Rabon

Who does Revan Mansour associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Revan Mansour: Brady Potter, Bonnie Kilano, Hanaa Mirza, Lee Dewyze, Manuel Kilano, Nadhima Kilano, Travis Barker

Where did Revan Mansour live previously?
Revan Mansour was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 1110 W Town And Country Rd, Unit 365, Orange CA 92868 | 1201 S Hope St, Unit 2302, Los Angeles CA 90015 | 15741 Addison St, Encino CA 91436 | 16610 Flint Hollow Pl, Chino Hills CA 91709 | 20239 Bannister Dr, Macomb MI 48044

What phone numbers have been used by Revan Mansour?
We show just one phone number for Revan Mansour: (586) 649-7874
Property Details
Square Feet
Year Built
Estimated Value
Estimated Equity
Last Sale Amount
Last Sale Date
Occupancy Type
Non-Owner Occupied
Ownership Type
Land Use
Multi-Family Dwellings (Generic, 2+)
Property Class
Astons Sub
Lot SqFt.
Also Known As
Ravon Mansour
Ravon X Mansour
Mansour Rabon
Rashid Mansour is 58 years old and was born in October of 1966. Currently Rashid lives at the address 20239 Bannister Dr, Macomb MI 48044. Rashid has lived at this Macomb, MI address for about 16 years, after moving in around October of 2008. Rashid previously lived at 668 Peachy Canyon Cir, Unit 201, Las Vegas NV 89144 for 9 years, starting in March of 2006. Going further back, starting in August of 2006, Rashid lived at 35352 Shell Dr, Sterling Heights MI 48310 for 9 years.

Public records do not indicate that Rashid Mansour is currently married. The following people are relatives or close associates of Rashid: Iman Zakar(62), Manahil Yaldo(63), Mansour Muhsin(58), Raymond Mansour(28), Revan Mansour(25), Susan Mansour(49), Bridgette Bakoss(36), Candace Yaldo(33), David Yaldo(44), Devi Mansour(30) and Devin Mansour(30).

Rashid's current phone number is (248) 219-1968. This Wireless number was issued by 'New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC - IL', first reported in public records on August of 2010. Past phone numbers for Rashid include (586) 649-7874, (810) 357-3821 and (727) 541-5351. The primary email address for Rashid is

Frequently Asked Questions
How old is Rashid Mansour?
Rashid Mansour is 58 years old, and was born in October of 1966.

Where does Rashid Mansour live currently?
Rashid Mansour's current address is 20239 Bannister Dr, Macomb MI 48044. Rashid has lived there for about 16.3 years, since October of 2008.

Who is related to Rashid Mansour?
Rashid Mansour is likely related to the following people: Iman Zakar, Manahil Yaldo, Mansour Muhsin, Raymond Mansour, Revan Mansour, Susan Mansour, Bridgette Bakoss, Candace Yaldo, David Yaldo, Devi Mansour, Devin Mansour

What is the best phone number for Rashid Mansour?
Rashid Mansour's latest phone number is a wireless number at (248) 219-1968.

What is the best email for Rashid Mansour? is the most current email on record for Rashid Mansour.

Is Rashid Mansour alive today?
Yes! Rashid Mansour is living today.

Does Rashid Mansour go by any other names or aliases?
Rashid Mansour may also go by the following names or aliases: Rashid R Mansour, Ray Mansour, Rashid Mansoar, Rashid Msndour

Who does Rashid Mansour associate with?
The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Rashid Mansour: Larry Stubbs, Bonnie Kilano, Suhail Issa, Suhel Aesa, Manuel Kilano, Adrien Zubrin, Alla Presaizen, Ather Kilano, Divya Taneja, Eric Washington, Erykah Washington

Where did Rashid Mansour live previously?
Rashid Mansour was registered, and likely lived at the following addresses in the past: | 668 Peachy Canyon Cir, Unit 201, Las Vegas NV 89144 | 35352 Shell Dr, Sterling Heights MI 48310 | 7397 Laramie Ave, Las Vegas NV 89113 | 7815 Rainshower Dr, Las Vegas NV 89147 | 100 W 13 Mile Rd, Madison Heights MI 48071 | 1657 N Austin Ave, Chicago IL 60639

What email addresses have been used by Rashid Mansour?
There is one email account for Rashid Mansour, and that is

What phone numbers have been used by Rashid Mansour?
Rashid Mansour has been registered with the following phone numbers: (248) 219-1968, (586) 649-7874, (810) 357-3821, (727) 541-5351, (864) 934-3190, (702) 682-2911, (248) 356-6581

Is Rashid Mansour associated wth any businesses?
Rashid Mansour is associated with the following businesses: RASHID MANSOUR, INC, RRJ DESIGNS LLC
Rashid Mansour in Macomb, MI is associated with the following businesses:
100 W 13 MileRd Madison Heights MI 48071
Since February 1994
20239 BANNISTER DR MACOMB MI 48044-5943
Since January 2014
of Rashid Mansour in Macomb, MI
Iman Zakar
Age 62 (Nov 1962)
Manahil Yaldo
Age 63 (Sep 1961)
Mansour Muhsin
Age 58 (Oct 1966)
Raymond Mansour
Age 28 (Nov 1996)
Revan Mansour
Age 25 (Aug 1999)
Susan Mansour
Age 49 (Apr 1975)
Bridgette Bakoss
Age 36 (Nov 1988)
Candace Yaldo
Age 33 (Dec 1991)
David Yaldo
Age 44 (Mar 1980)
Devi Mansour
Age 30 (Apr 1994)
Devin Mansour
Age 30 (Apr 1994)
Dylan Mansour
Age 28 (Nov 1996)
Elizabeth Zakar
Age 62 (Nov 1962)
Fallon Yaldo
Age 38 (Mar 1986)
Farouk Yaldo
Age 73 (Jan 1952)
Haitham Zakar
Age 63 (Apr 1961)
Jacques Vanstaden
Age 54 (Nov 1970)
Jason Zakar
Age 41 (Jul 1983)
Jeffery Zakar
Age 46 (Oct 1978)
Jennifer Zakar
Age 42 (Jun 1982)
Joseph Zakar
Age 34 (Apr 1990)
Show More...
of Rashid Mansour in Macomb, MI
Larry Stubbs
Age 67(Aug 1957)
Bonnie Kilano
Age 56(Feb 1968)
Suhail Issa
Age 46(Jun 1978)
Suhel Aesa
Age 48(Jun 1976)
Manuel Kilano
Age 96(Jul 1928)
Adrien Zubrin
Age 75(Aug 1949)
Alla Presaizen
Age 73(Sep 1951)
Ather Kilano
Age 64(Feb 1960)
Divya Taneja
Age 52(Jan 1972)
Eric Washington
Age 52(Aug 1972)
Erykah Washington
Age 27(Dec 1997)
Eugene Press
Age 70(Jul 1954)
Janissa Brikho
Age 34(Nov 1990)
Janissa Brikho
Age 34(Nov 1990)
Jason Konja
Age 39(May 1985)
Malcolm Rutz
Age 32(Jul 1992)
Margaret Mchenry
Age 64(Sep 1960)
Michelle Washington
Age 52(Jan 1972)
Miho Marumo
Age 62(Dec 1962)
Leslie Byrge
Age 66(Feb 1958)
Show More...
Is Rashid Mansour Currently Married?
We can not find any public records stating that Rashid Mansour is currently Married. It is not likely.

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of Rashid Mansour living at
20239 Bannister Dr, Macomb MI 48044
Anthony Arnone
(586) 596-8345
20254 Bannister Dr
Macomb MI 48044
Susan Hahn
(586) 925-2513
20211 Bannister Dr
Macomb MI 48044
Joanne Apfel
(586) 228-2525
20267 Bannister Dr
Macomb MI 48044
Jeffrey Williams
(586) 855-2054
20198 Bannister Dr
Macomb MI 48044
Lu Kuang
(586) 439-3363
20282 Bannister Dr
Macomb MI 48044
Kyle Szware
(586) 876-9032
20295 Bannister Dr