                                                     Reason: This Doxx is on "ItsNotSkeleton."    
Stealing a bunch of roblox accounts by beaming. Being a Tubers93 & c00lkidd Fanboy. He would use Serverside scripts (All Skidded) 
On Backdoored Roblox games, with a c00lkidd type GUI, Of course with the Tubers93 Anti-Leave! But edited.
Tubers93 (2019/2020 "Hacked" MeepCity): https://i.ibb.co/pQwFSwn/IMG-3539.jpg | ItsNotSkeleton Clone (2023-2024): https://i.ibb.co/QkZK4PZ/EFFKzVz.png                                                           
You can clearly see the similarities and ofc its not hard to do, Heres the exact Anti-Leave I posted on GitHub A few months back.                                             
    https://github.com/Ludricous/Roblox-Anti-Leave | Another Note is he would steal roblox accounts by beaming them. Being Racist, And More.
Final Note; This is NOT a spam paste all other pastes of ItsNotSkeleton just useless info that should be taken down as this is will be the 
highest quality doxx on ItsNotSkeleton.

                                              Originally Doxxed By: SlashCoders, Lil Ami, Ayaz, PLX, Virtual.          
                                                           | Pulling Mainly IP information |         
                                                           Improved Doxxed By: Ludricouz.                         
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/dEeHTsZzQB                                                 

➤ Real Name: Enes Baba.
    >>Alias: ItsNotSkeleton, 
➤ Home Address: 7399/23. Sk. No:5, Onur, 35520 Bayrak/Izmir, Türkiye
 >>Home Photo: https://i.ibb.co/djqx5T7/Xfw5VUG.webp
➤Phone Number: +90**********
➤Ethnicity: Turkish 
➤School: "İzmir Bayraklı Demokrasi İlkokulu" 
 >>School Website: https://demokrasiilkokulu.meb.k12.tr/ | IP:
  >>School Phone Number: +902323632709 | Carrier: Turk Telekomunikasyon | Is Wireless: no.
➤Emails: enesbabayt76@gmail.com | itsnotskeleton@gmail.com | itsnotskeletonserverside@gmail.com
 ➤IP Address: | Hostname:host-212-253-203-165.reverse.superonline.net | ASN:34984 | ISP:Solnet Broadband Vae Ist |

                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Memez |

➤ You're on Doxbin: https://i.ibb.co/1MjQdv8/M5Q99ai.gif
➤ I quit....: https://i.ibb.co/C9yrbRd/IMG-3544.jpg 
➤ Im Sorry...: https://i.ibb.co/swFsCFJ/Screenshot-20240410-005450-YT-Studio.jpg
➤ Phonk Trollge edit: https://streamable.com/7tbkv2
➤ "I will FUCK ROBLOX": https://streamable.com/b7mdak
➤ South Park: https://i.ibb.co/gt1bfN8/Untitled307-20240615171351.png
➤ "Thats my Dox Dumbass.": https://i.ibb.co/Hdt0RJt/IMG-9903.jpg
➤ Confusion: https://i.ibb.co/C9ZF0Gg/IMG-9902.jpg

                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Socials |
➤GitHub - URL: https://github.com/ItsNotSkeleton
➤GitHub - URL: https://github.com/itsnotskeelton
➤Reddit - URL: https://www.reddit.com/user/ItsNotSkeleton/
➤Scratch - URL: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/ItsNotSkeleton/
➤Scratch 2 - URL: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/ItsNotSkeletonalt/
➤Roblox - URL: https://www.roblox.com/users/5506617214/profile?friendshipSourceType=PlayerSearch
➤Roblox 2 - URL: https://www.roblox.com/users/3649422805/profile?friendshipSourceType=PlayerSearch
➤Pornhub Users - URL: https://www.pornhub.com/users/ItsNotSkeleton
➤ru_123rf - URL: https://ru.123rf.com/profile_ItsNotSkeleton
➤Youtube - URL: https://www.youtube.com/@itsnotskeletonofficial/videos
➤Giters - URL: https://giters.com/ItsNotSkeleton
➤Udemy - URL: https://www.udemy.com/user/Itsnotskeleton/
➤Udemy 2 - URL: https://www.udemy.com/user/Itsnotskeletonalt/
➤Discord User: itsnotskeleton_
 >>Discord ID: 1211788844798836767
  >>Discord Account Token: MTIXMTc40DgONDc50DgzNjc2Nw==********************************
➤Discord User 2: deleted _user_e0547d42512
>>Discord ID: 1175020587681325096
  >>Discord Account Token: MTE3NTAyMDU4NzY4MTMyNTA5Ng==********************************
                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Devices |
➤ Redmi Note 11 Pro
 >>Photo: https://i.ibb.co/4sNzM2r/IMG-3623.jpg
➤ Galaxy Tab A (8.0" 2019)
 >>Photo: https://i.ibb.co/tcZbjH0/IMG-3624.webp
➤ Galaxy J7 Neo
 >>Photo: https://i.ibb.co/g4HRkRn/IMG-3625.jpg

                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Father. |
➤Legal Name: Selim Can 
➤Birthdate: 1993-06-07
➤Email: cangolboylu@gmail.com
 >>Databreaches: Armor Games | Gravatar | Mindjolt | Tunngle
➤IP Addresses: |
➤Home Address: 7399/23. Sk. No:5, Onur, 35520 Bayrak/Izmir, Türkiye

                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Father Databreaches. |
Search Results for: cangolboylu@gmail.com

Dataset: 0973 Tunngle Net 8M Gaming 2016
username: canasdasd
email: cangolboylu@gmail.com
hash: afd4cfb1ea0f0e08c373d049783674ac
salt: J,L+P


Dataset: 0832 Mindjolt Com 117M Gaming 032019
gender: m
birthdate: 1993-06-07
id: 29335505
name: Selim Can Gölboylu
regdate: 2009-07-18
email: cangolboylu@gmail.com


Dataset: 0813 Armorgames Com 11M Gaming 012019
username: canasdasd
email: cangolboylu@gmail.com
hash: cc2447f0ff1587c5602adaefb362f1ee4a908370
id: 4333178
uid: 165f8774e612b009ec651319022e72dd


                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Mother. |
➤Legal Name: Melisa Zeynao Sarisin
➤Home Address: 7399/23. Sk. No:5, Onur, 35520 Bayrak/Izmir, Türkiye
➤Email: melisazeynepsarisin@hotmail.com | melisazeynepsarisin@gmail.com
 >>Databreaches: Wattpad | Deezer | Leet
➤IP Addresses: |
                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Mother Databreaches. |
Search Results for: melisazeynepsarisin@hotmail.com

Dataset: 0686 Wattpad Com 275M Social 062020
hash: $2y$10$FxpOz9w9sSh6yuEcrCrSu.Puqt7CPNRLPjP5C0YzBxiEdRW1XsNu2
email: melisazeynepsarisin@hotmail.com
username: melzeysarthekiller


Search Results for: melisazeynepsarisin@gmail.com

Dataset: 1260 Deezer Com 240M Music 092019
name: Melisa Sarışın
country: TR
gender: F
email: melisazeynepsarisin@gmail.com
username: Melisa.Zeynep.Sarışın


Dataset: 0686 Wattpad Com 275M Social 062020
name: BrownieIntense
hash: $2y$10$JOxrPerhMpT0fzGIiJ/Fg.y.uMY8kgTyJNjNtrkpbYAWmMXATVc9.
email: melisazeynepsarisin@gmail.com
username: BrownieIntense


Dataset: 0658 Leet Cc 6M Gaming 082016
hash: da8ca75b1760bc8cf611958d1ee4636e31c4e6cbd6baa149f944354c6a301ea5cd585d9d83ac63668b4880c6c7b0b5f5ce470916f45bb204c4a16a35b5155d3d
email: melisazeynepsarisin@gmail.com
id: 4883347
regdate: 1450456267
username: Blood_STORM_SP


                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Aunt??. |
➤Real Name: Kubra Tutuncu
➤IP Address: | |
➤Email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
>>Databreaches: Gravatar, Wattpad, BlankMediaGames, EyeEm, iMesh, MyFitnessPal, Nitro, Telegram Combolists, tumblr, We Heart It
                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Aunt?? Databreaches. |
Search Results for: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com

Dataset: 1642 Zeeroq Com 226M Combolist 2019
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
password: 18061995


Dataset: 0824 Gonitro Com 77M Tech 102020
created: 2016-05-15 10:52:41.772
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com


Dataset: 0798 Myfitnesspal Com 144M Fitness 022018
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
username: kubratutuncu


Dataset: 0686 Wattpad Com 275M Social 062020
hash: $2y$10$eycXSTRM28aofa1kpyko9ueh3vVg5fGYgZhnEx150krJKbHzzWxVC
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
username: invisible_monster


Dataset: 0615 Blankmediagames Com 8M Gaming 2018
hash: $H$9olZczvZQCpvAEBYyik5uUnSQydBOp1
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
username: invisiblemonster


Dataset: 0597 Eyeem Com 20M Store 2018
hash: 163e67d630f66fe8228a067bf8d6044861430da5
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
salt: 28VJBEPFKK5czVtwrpU4KEYqhUE1NKwB
username: invisiblemonster
name: kubra


Dataset: 0564 Tumblr Com 73M Social 2013
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
hash: 3fc705a0c6f5afa0e457fbb15d5485649c471fc4


Dataset: 0433 Imesh Com 51M Music 2013
hash: 10bca62d1ed809f8cbf14d9279448c7436334142
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
username: kubratayfun


Dataset: 0077 Weheartit Com 9M Social 112013
email: kubra.tutuncu@gmail.com
username: kbrttnc
hash: 3728b3d73633aaa8ef609f1d52e417cc0342c9c10b92a0bfdf302b36841ba14c
uid: 2316425

                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Uncle??. |
➤Real Name: Hepsen Bahar Akyldz
➤Phone: +905374087682 | Carrier: VODAFONE Telekomunikasyon | Is Wireless: Yes
➤Email: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com
 >>Databreaches: Deezer, Romwe, YouNow, Zomato
                                                             | ItsNotSkeleton Uncle?? Databreaches |
Search Results for: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com

Dataset: 1260 Deezer Com 240M Music 092019
name: Hepsen Akyıldız
country: TR
gender: F
email: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com
username: Hepsen.Bahar.Akyıldız


Dataset: 1008 Romwe Com 19M Retail 062018
address: kocaeli 41900 Turkey
email: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com
name: hepsen bahar akyldz
phone: +905374087682
hash: a4d91ad49b4d3e8b6ba24ba2a1b5becd:19


Dataset: 0595 Younow Com 40M Social 072017
name: Hepsen Aky?ld?z
username: 1487404821.3191
email: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com

name: Hepsen Aky?ld?z
username: HepsenAkyldz
email: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com

name: Hepsen Aky?ld?z
username: 1487404791.9114
email: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com


Dataset: 0426 Badoo Com 126M Dating 2016
email: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com
dob: 0000-00-00
unparsed: 0:F:59:2337:821793
hash: 7e1391e8d324d851919aa05046aaaa00
name: Hepsen Aky?ld?z
username: 0223255837


Dataset: 0115 Zomato Com 17M Dating 052017
email: baharakyildiz_94@hotmail.com
uid: 8585651



 .____                .___        .__                               
|    |     __ __   __| _/_______ |__|  ____   ____   __ __  ______ 
|    |    |  |  \ / __ | \_  __ \|  |_/ ___\ /  _ \ |  |  \/  ___/ 
|    |___ |  |  // /_/ |  |  | \/|  |\  \___(  <_> )|  |  /\___ \  
|_______ \|____/ \____ |  |__|   |__| \___  >\____/ |____//____  > 
        \/            \/                  \/                   \/  
