[#] [Additional]
    Pictures: unknown info
    IP Address: I forgot                                                                   
    Hobbies: smoking marijuana
    Alias(es): Cassandra                                                                      

    [#] [Living]
    Address: 8201 W Belfort Blvd, Houston, TX 77071
    Landline: unknown info 
    City: Houston Texas                                                                              
    State: united Sates                                                                            
    ZIP: unknown info                                                                              
    Country: united states    
    Occupants: unknown info
    Flat/House: apartment 
    Bedrooms: 2
     Apartment Number:1132
    [#] [Optional]
    Family member: Aaron Geotcha
    Job: Nurse and Uber eat driver she's pretty broke
    Facebook: Cassandra Geotcha
    Picture: she's really ugly I wouldn't bother
    Other: her son's father is a dead beat and only thing he's done for his kid his whole life was a ps5

    [#] Reason of Dox: Disrespectful to me