`7MN.   `7MF' .g8""8q. `7MN.   `7MF'`7MMF' `YMM'MMP""MM""YMM   .g8""8q.   
  MMN.    M .dP'    `YM. MMN.    M    MM   .M'  P'   MM   `7 .dP'    `YM. 
  M YMb   M dM'      `MM M YMb   M    MM .d"         MM      dM'      `MM 
  M  `MN. M MM        MM M  `MN. M    MMMMM.         MM      MM        MM 
  M   `MM.M MM.      ,MP M   `MM.M    MM  VMA        MM      MM.      ,MP 
  M     YMM `Mb.    ,dP' M     YMM    MM   `MM.      MM      `Mb.    ,dP' 
.JML.    YM   `"bmmd"' .JML.    YM  .JMML.   MMb.  .JMML.      `"bmmd"'   
║Reason Of The Dox: doxing people, having a shit net that claims to hit shit.║
║Name: Ilaya                                                                 ║
║Last name: Van Pu                                                           ║
║Age: 16                                                                     ║
║Origin: Russian                                                             ║
║Born in: Russia (Came to the netherlands)                                   ║
║Ip:                                                             ║
║Phone number: 0684284946                                                    ║
║Country: The Netherlands                                                    ║
║City: The Hague                                                             ║
║Residence: Wassenaar                                                        ║
║Adress: Kerkehout 2245XA                                                    ║
║School: François Vatel                                                      ║
║Adres of the school: Granaathorst 20, 2592 TD The Hague                     ║