Reason for Dox: 
764 faggot, extortion, animal cruelty.

Curious how I doxxed him?

ratted him, also hes an old friend of mines.

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Name: Preston

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Location Information:
Address: 693 Joyce Ridge Road, Kentucky, Milton
Area Code:
Zip: 40045
City: Milton
State: Kentucky
Country: United states 
Continent: North America

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Resdiential Information Regarding the Address: 
Past Residents:
Sarah Hoffmire,  Penny Keithley, Shirley Kelley, Jamie Smith, Elaine Miller and Betty English.
Occupancy Type
Owner Occupied
Ownership Type
Land Use
Mobile/Manufactured Home (regardless of Land ownership)
Property Class
Lot SqFt.
Sarah Hoffmire-Info
Milton, KY
Age: 32
Full Name: Sarah J Hoffmire
Current Home Address:
693 Joyce Ridge Rd
Milton KY 40045
Past Addresses: Homes, Rental Properties, businesses, apartments, condos and/or other real estate associated with Sarah 
Hoffmire in Milton, KY.
More Information
6953 N Jake Gayle Rd
Deputy IN 47230
8095 W Deputy Pike Rd
Madison IN 47250
120 Taft Dr, Unit F
Madison IN 47250
132 Maple St
Hanover IN 47243
3142 E Geyman Hill Rd
Madison IN 47250
Po Box 190
Milton KY 40045
Phone: Cell/Mobile/Wireless and/or landline telephone numbers for Sarah Hoffmire in Milton, KY. (812) 599-4922
(502) 268-2020
(812) 873-7189
(812) 701-3066

Aliases: Refuse, Refusal, Infercal, Refusal, Electric, Refusal, Oxygen, Refusal, Karu, Refusal764, Refusal657, RefusalCourt, Refusalincur, RefusalLTH

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