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                                  ██████╔╝╚█████╔╝██╔╝╚██╗  ██║░░██║███████╗██║░░░░░███████╗███████╗██╔╝╚██╗██╔╝╚██╗
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      ➣  Reflexx know as owner of Los Angeles GangWars was ddosing BOMBSQUAD MEMBERS and Staff making fun of us they did a big misstake.Is it worth to lose my time 
         to dox a kid like him -> yes after everything that he did yes its worth!

        [⚠️] ???????????????????? ???????????????????? --  
      Atanas one of bombsquad members was owner at los angeles and he was removed so sorry not sorry 
        ???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????? & ???????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Picture: "soon"
➤ Name: Georgi Radev
  ➣ Pseudonyms: 
  ➣ "reflexx", "gosho", "goshkobaba", Acrobbats", "ownera of la", 
➤ Age: 15
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 08/28/2007 -- MM/DD/YY
➤ Location of Birth: Haskovo, Bulgaria
 ➣ Essentia Health- Haskovo Medlain Medical Clinic  > гр. Пловдив, ул. Филип Македонски № 37 	
➤ Location: Haskovo Orfei 2
➤ Race: European
➤ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual / Straight
➤ Political Affiliation: [RED] Republican
➤ Native Language: Bulgarian
➤ Religion: Christian
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Hair color: Dark Brown
  ➣ Eyes color: Brown
  ➣ Gender: M

        ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
➤ Country of Citizenship: Bulgaria

➤ [ISP] Internet Service Provider: Consolidated Telephone Company
➤ Area Code: 218
➤ Mobile Phone Number: 0884078576
➤ Current Address: Haskovo Orfei 2 
➤ Postal Code: 6300
➤ Email Address: "mainreflexx@proton.me", "jorkopi4a1@abv.bg", "papagala321@protonmail.com"
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Static/Dynamic Assignment: Dynamic
  ➣ Internet Protocol v4/ IPv6: "", ""
  ➣ Timezone: [ETC+3] 


  ➣ 2023 - Reflex123@!                         
  ➣ 2023 - Reflexxx123@!
  ➣ 2022 - 
  Device Information
  ➣ HWID - --
  ➣ User Agent - --   

	   ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????
FAMILY PHOTO SLOT: https://ibb.co/LxJNZsZ
➤ Mother Name: Vanya Paskaleva
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: --/--/---- -- MM/DD/YY 
  ➣ Age: 35+
  ➣ Current Address: Haskovo Orfei 2 
  ➣ Additional Information
   ➣ Job Information -- UNEMPLOYED
   ➣ Mobile Phone Number: --
   ➣ Website: ---
  	➣ Job Position: --
  	➣ Duration: --
    X Notice of Databreach PDF - --
    Education Information -- DIDN'T GO TO THERE
    ➣ University Name: --
    ➣ Mobile Phone Number: --
    ➣ Address: --
    ➣ Attendance dates: --
  	 ➣ Qualification Type: --

➤ Step Father Name: Kostadin Paskalev 
  ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: --/--/---- -- MM/DD/YY 
  ➣ Age: 40+
  ➣ Current Address: Haskovo Orfei 2
  ➣ Mobile Phone Number: "--"
  ➣ Email Address: --
  ➣ Additional Information
   ➣ Static/Dynamic Assignment: Dynamic
   ➣ Internet Protocol v4/ IPv6: ""
   ➣ Timezone: [ETC+3]
   ➣ Studied at Русенски университет "Ангел Кънчев"
   ➣ Studied at ТУ София Колеж Сливен

  ➣ Grades: - 10
  ➣ Grinding: Completed
Sexual Act Clip
   ➣ --
His cute Family UwU
 ➣ https://ibb.co/T2nZdBRhttps://ibb.co/z5KTqbShttps://ibb.co/ykG75qMhttps://ibb.co/LxJNZsZ