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                             -=- FBI Dox -=-
                      -=- D0xxed By Gh0st-Krew -=-


Primary Alias: Reelix
Other Alias: Many - shiftfs_confuse, GLevin, Jonatas, Xileer, Emma, LiquidWorm, scopeip-9, jivex5k primarily used
Full Name: Arturo Hakari
Gender: M
Age: 47
Parents: Both Deceased
Siblings: None
Country of Birth: Peru
Current Location: Santiago, Chile
Timezone: Chile Summer Time (GMT-3)
Website: https://www.reelix.za.net/
Github: https://github.com/Reelix
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Reelix
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/reelix
Current Occupation: Federal Bureau of Investigation - Santiago Branch
Current Job Title: Supervisory Special Agent
Proxy IP (Frequently changes): 169.*.*.*
Favorite My Little Pony Character: Fluttershy (Don't ask)

- Frequents infosec communities
- Avid gamer
- Involved in the LulzSec bust after extensive undercover involvement