Name: Reece A Marshall
Age: 23
DOB: 05/29/1998
Address: 2372 W Walworth Rd, Macedon, NY 14502
Phone number: 3019291325

Bullet points of the fuckers worst actions: 
*anger issues / bipolar / narcissistic / refuses to get diagnosed because of fear of losing kid Because he knows the state wouldn't let him have his kid with his issues. Long term plan to sabotage baby mamas family to get full custody of kid who he has admitted he doesn't care for

*Hates baby mama for getting pregnant despite not using protection. Says people who get abortions or put their kids up for adoption are "weak"Says and "whores". Claims she raped him for sympathy, after she says he raped her. Constantly shit talks her for not wanting her son around him / feeling uncomfortable around him after what he's done to him

*Has a 4 year old who he's seen 20 times in his while life. Refuses to go to hospital to see baby when he was born because he says he fainted. Claims to be a fantastic father while complaining whenever he has to see his kid for a day. Kid plays with grandparents while he sits in room and plays super smash brothers 

*Rages at games. Broken several controllers and other equipment because of missing loot boxes or just being bad at the game he's playing 

*Punched walls and had grandparents hold him back because the 16 year old at Popeyes forgot his dipping sauce

*Failed 4 years straight of community college that his parents fully paid for because "doing homework is for slaves". Said people who do well in school are slaves and retards.

*Grandiose narcissist with no actual real world accomplishments

*Gaslighter who tears people from their connections to isolate and abuse them mentally

*Threatens that he "knows where the gun safe is"

*Grandparents are religious fundamentalists who don't believe covid is real and participated in the attack at the capital

*Grandma called indigenous people "savages" 

*Spit on ex girlfriend for a minute straight after she told him comparing having to wear a mask to being a victim in the Holocaust.

*2 hour long rage episode because ex girlfriend asked a customer to wear a mask in the store per store policy. Attempted to grab steering wheel of ex girlfriend's car and flailed in passenger seat. Jumped out of moving car

*Threatens to be suicidal and want to kill himself on the regular

*Constantly victimizes self for having a porn addiction

*Favorite anime is No Game No Life

*Has Twitch channel with 2 people following it one of which being the moderator

*Hit ex girlfriend with mop, threw pizza cutter at her, dragged her into freezer by arm and caused mental breakdowns at work whenever he was overwhelmed at work (pizza job)

*Makes fun of poor people and calls people who live in trailer parks disgusting 

*Is 23 years old, occupies 3 rooms in relative's house, doesn't pay rent and grandmother pays off his speeding tickets

*Broke into ex girlfriend's apartment on 2 separate occasions. Has stalked her in her parking lot. He lives 45 minutes away

*Wastes paychecks collecting video games instead of paying $20 worth of child support

*Told ex girlfriend he'd rather spent Christmas with her than his own child. Said he doesn't want his kid living with him because it would cut into his video game time

*8 hour long freakout discord call with ex girlfriend because she accidentally forgot to unmute him on a call 

*Broke tv in drunken State and forced girlfriend to buy another so grandparents wouldnt find out

*Punched hole through windshield because highschool girlfriend was talking to another guy

YouTube link of audio of what he did: