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    |__|     | _| `._____| \______/  |_______||_______/__/     \__\ \______| |_______|
CREDITS (PNGTuber downer squad)
         - Cloak
         - Vortex

Target's Info:
       - Full Name: Nicholas Celis
       - Age: 18
       - Address: 5719 69th Pl, Maspeth, NY, 11378
       - Birthday: January 15th, 2004 
       - Siblings: 2 Sisters, both younger
       - School: "Frank Sinatra School Of The Arts", Queens, NY

Target's IRL Pics:
       - https://z.zz.fo/V1m5Y.jpg [Baby]
       - https://z.zz.fo/1RkI6.jpg [Face]
       - https://z.zz.fo/iUQhf.png [Sisters]
       - https://z.zz.fo/gsq1E.png [House] 

Target's Social Medias:
       - Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RedVelvety
       - Twitter: https://twitter.com/RedvelvetyLIVE
       - Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@redvelvetylive
       - Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/RedvelvetyLIVE
       - Minecraft Account: https://namemc.com/profile/RedVelvety.2
       - Old Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/imaliveiswear/
       - Old Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC60ClNyxtUqrmDgCBJ27CYg/about
       - Old TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@imaliveiswear

Target's Mother's Info:
       - Full Name: Alicia Caraccio Celis
       - Age: 48
       - Address: 5719 69th Pl, Maspeth, NY, 11378
       - Birthday: April 6th, 1973
       - Previous Addresses:
                              [8345 Broadway Apt 221 Elmhurst, NY 11373]
       - Phone Numbers:
                          [Primary Cell: (347) 231 - 8555]
                          [Primary Home: (718) 335 - 1792]
                          [Landline: (718) 565 - 5998]
                          [Landline: (718) 899 - 5784]
                          [Landline: (718) 424 - 9463]

Mother's IRL Pics:
       - https://z.zz.fo/kUNMY.jpg [Face]
       - https://z.zz.fo/vGdAW.jpg [Mom and Older Sister]
       - https://z.zz.fo/ZEX3g.png [Wedding Pictures]
       - https://z.zz.fo/Dc71X.jpg [Mom And Dad Selfie]

Mother's Social Medias:
       - Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/mscelis
       - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alicia.c.celis
       - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celisa4673

Mother's Database Entries:
       - Livejournal.com │ Email: celisa4673@aol.com │ Username: celisa4673 | Password: alicia1
       - Evite.com       │ Email: celisa4673@aol.com │ Password: 4466565
       - Acxiom│         │ Email: celisa4673@aol.com │ Address:  5719 69th Pl, Maspeth, NY, 11378
       - └─────────► IP:       │ Phone:    (718) 899-5784
                - │ Email: celisa4673@aol.com │ Password: nicky115
                - │ Email: celisa4673@aol.com │ Password: 4466565

Target's Father's Info:
       - Full Name: Arbey Celis
       - Age: 48
       - Address: 5719 69th Pl, Maspeth, NY, 11378
       - Birthday: May 31st, 1973
       - Phone Numbers:
                          [Landline: (718) 565 - 5998]
                          [Landline: (718) 899 - 5784]
                          [Landline: (718) 424 - 9463]

Father's IRL Pics:
      - https://z.zz.fo/Dc71X.jpg [Mom And Dad Selfie]
      - https://z.zz.fo/ZEX3g.png [Wedding Pictures]
      - https://z.zz.fo/bP2uX.jpg [Dad And Younger Sister]