Rec Roomia legal finna bust over over these hot ass twink femboy leaks! Cease and desist this fuckin dick shitters

General Contact / Bat Signal
Need to get in touch with someone ASAP? Here’s how!
Community Team Leads On-call Weekend Schedule
Name Team Communication Method Communication Info Rec Room
Areas of
Aaron Franklin TPM / Server Cell Phone (text preferred) 646-733-7772 SleepyInSeattle
Brian Sapp Marketing/Growth Cell Phone (text preferred) 213-925-0905 sappadelic
Cameron Brown MGMT / Social Cell Phone (text preferred) 310-699-5923 gribbly
Brandon Bozzi Econ Cell Phone (text preferred) 425-753-1192 Beeboz
Melissa Morgan MGMT/HR Recruiting Cell Phone (text preferred) 206-290-8870 scout206
Nick Fajt MGMT cell phone (Text) 724-816-0739 nick amplitude
Gwyn Leece Econ Cell Phone (text preferred) 206-430-3327 gwymff
Dan Kroymann Server Cell Phone (text preferred) 206-992-2001 trango
Bilal Orhan Social Cell Phone (text preferred) 425-615-8586 bilal
Brandon Berk UGC Cell Phone (text preferred) 407-721-8432 krreb
Shawn Whiting Marketing Cell Phone 607-342-4815 Shawn Community, clubs,
codes, social
ads, youtubers,
streamer and share
Josh Wehrly MGMT / PEX Cell Phone (text preferred) 810-623-4165
Lucian Hardner Tools / Platform / Art /
Release PM
Cell Phone 206-376-9073 recroomrules Ship process
David Haley MGMT Cell Phone (text preferred) 214-662-4164 ag_david
Ryan Cousins Art Cell Phone (text preferred) 847-220-7669 cloud
John Bevis Experiences Cell Phone (text preferred) 360-620-4363 Radiant_Blur Experiences, RROs,
Eliza Dolecki PEX / Social / QA Cell Phone (text preferred) 425-891-4515 estrella_star Ship, Testing
Rob Quinn PEX text 630-765-4945
George Johnston UGC Cell Phone (text preferred) 864-884-8734 Irdakuh
Pedro Cori Experiences Cell Phone (text preferred) 408-819-8766 VotaVader AI, Gizmos, RROs,
General UGC
Mike Scavezze Server Cell Phone (text does not
notify reliably - for
emergencies, call)
412-529-1528 MikeMikeMikeMikeMike
Lainey Ashton Art Cell Phone (text preferred) 209-743-8315 alkmaar
Joshua Skelton Art Cell Phone (text preferred) 785-550-8184
Meriesa UGC Cell Phone (text preferred) 831-277-7682 Design, All UGC
Creative, Events,
General UGC,
Ben Smith UGC Cell Phone (text preferred) 425-736-8889 benrecroom
Riley O’Dea UGC Cell Phone (text preferred) 216-403-0081 Ry-Guy
Audrey Cox UGC Cell phone (text preferred) 281-660-1711 audzilla Circuits, Art,
General UGC design
Jon Steed Platform Cell phone (text preferred) 425-241-3054 steederino
Sarah Tan Ace I’m actually more responsive
on Slack
412-499-1688 sarriest
CJ Nievera Econ / QA Slack / Text 707-386-48
Kristin Mays Art Cell Phone (Text Preferred) 678-628-7477 FrogginTime
Adam Dormier Tools Cell Phone 973-796-8652 Carthage Jenkins, Build
/Deploy process
Dan Andersson UGC Cell Phone (Text Preferred) 425-301 3253 DanBanan
Eric Bennett
UGC Cell Phone (Text preferred) 607-759-6114 PtblDuffy
Terence Tolman Art Cell (calling preferred) 518-423-9133
Jake Chrumka Core Cell (Text Preferred) 313-689-1081 chrums
Tamara Hughes Social / T&S Slack or Cell (text preferred) 1-403-837-9131
mamamonkey Support,
moderation, and in-
game events
Andrew Jean Platform Cell (text preferred) 512-820-4424 banandrew Photon, EAC,
code, Quality
Tyler Wolf Leonhardt UGC Cell (text) 216 544 8582
Corey Nolan ACE Cell (text preferred) 631 707 5868 ForeverSummerSky
(prod) / agcorey (test)
Garett Bass UGC Cell 206 601 7018
Mike Adkison Social Cell (Call first, text if that
doesn’t work)
919-413-4850 houseboat_basement, web
Aurel Lazar Core Cell 774.810.5226 aurel / @aurelinator
Bryant Hawthorne All / Core Cell 360-991-2115 bryhaw Xbox, goals, teams,
RRUI, culture, UGC,
Jeff Clinton Core/QA Cell (text preferred) 425-529-6102 Mollymauk
Chris Carleson QA / UGC Cell (text preferred) 360-739-7247 Morien
Jeff Spradling Server Cell is fastest. WhatsApp/Text
are great.
425-241-3917 ElGuapo
Shitong Shen Econ Cell 213-880-6056 Chantilly
Rosa Enciso Server Slack/Cell Phone (text
425-615-8585 sinpais
Jonathan Jerome Core Cell (Text/WhatsApp) 425-217-6186 thirdcompany
Ricky Roesler Econ Cell (Text Preferred) 262-442-6233 Mavricky Econ Features
Robert El-Soudani PEX Slack/Cell (text/voice/video all
425-373-6291 superbouncyball
Sebastian Anderson Recruiting Slack or Cell Phone (text
206-794-9928 GotSeb
Evan Keibler Core Cell (Text Preferred) 206-601-9755 evank
Liz Spain ACE Cell 515-451-5874 Zizzy
Stephanie Hill HR/Recruiting Cell (Text Preferred) 425-306-5043 falsetto-child
Haley Eisenshtadt Econ Cell (Text Preferred) 248-508-0223 immortaljellyfish
Scott Shields MGMT/QA Cell (Text Preferred) 425.328.9496 gentlemenocto QA
Matthew Kaplan UGC Cell 206.972.2546 GrumpoCorgo
Zach Proffitt Server Cell (Text Preferred) 206-409-9286 Propheus
Thomas Flair Community Team Cell 443-386-7639 JongYi Support
Peter Beckfield Econ Team Slack/Cell 206-478-8701 yoyokazoo
Nicholas Sherwin Econ Team Cell 5-62-477-0548 theshermaster Amplitude, all things
Ken Annan Infrastructure Team Slack/Cell/Email 484.643.2902 kennyties IT
Christopher Ory Social Slack/Cell (text preferred) 719.406.8769 OhRlyeh Design/Product
Tony Robinson Social Slack/Cell/Email 803-317-0404 DrummerGeek
Robin Schiro Server Team Cell (Text Preferred) 234-517-1605 RecRoomRobin
Sydney Yin Tools Team Cell 857-210-3339 Skyedelaciel Discord Bot
ADO Approval
Francis Crick Tools Team Cell 425-341-3354 FrancisRR Release Dashboard
Joey Vergara UGC Cell 718-312-2252 Foodbag
Tony Ambrus UGC Cell (Text Preferred) 425-241-3750 azekeal Object Model
Scout Munroe QA/Social Slack/Cell [text preferred] 6199770563 munroom
Michael Knowles Operations Cell (text preferred) 206-588-5669 mapledyne security
Kevin (Chia) Lee Econ Team Cell (Text preferred) 4127730206 kevinchia Design, sound
Yash Bharganwar Marketing/Growth Cell Phone (text preferred) 213-841-9579 yash_r_r
Jacob Brunette Social Cell (text preferred) 206-914-9776 MossMooose
Richard Wifall Experiences Cell (text preferred) 407-588-7245 DigitalBuffalo
Matthew Rice Social Cell (text preferred) 408-230-9221 WolleyFreyr
Catrina Vroman Econ/QA Cell (text preferred) 253-341-3597 CatAttac
Sam Hu Experiences Cell (text preferred) 412-853-5520 UhrmasIX
Evan Braicks Finance Cell 425-761-9154 ebrakes
Micah Arvey Social Cell (text preferred) 206-366-5087 RareGuitarPlant
Chasen Herriott UGC Cell Phone (text preferred) 214-704-8784 phonetic5
Wesley Wittekind Experiences Cell (text preferred) (808)-783-9641 DreadPirateRobot Orientation, Seats,
Yang Lei Server Cell (text preferred) (704)-771-8896 LionooooooLion
Tan Art (UX/UI) Cell (text preferred) 425-999-9132 tinytako RRUI, User Interface
Shelby Merrill Art Cell (text preferred) 786-837-4990 Polygoth
Monica Benya Art Cell (text preferred) 703-343-3710 CakeChomp
Brandon Christian UGC/QA Cell (text preferred) 910-465-7282 Vallarfax
ErikAnthony Harte
Social / Trust and
Cell (text preferred) 206-790-8788 Hen3ry_the_Robot
Brian Haucke QA/Experiences Cell (text preferred) 206-227-3344 ZZGO
Sam Riggins QA/Platform Slack/Cell (Text Preferred) 4093-3833142 BlueTektite
John Yip UGC Cell (voice or text) 425-681-1340 Johnnus-Maximus
Cole Shepherd Server Cell (text preferred) 817-821-9104 TheColeTrain Anything server-
Arthur Tomlin UGC Cell (text preferred) 734-834-5282
Riley O’Callaghan Experience Cell (text preferred) 360-486-4150 RecRiley
Kostya Stankevych Growth Cell (voice or text) 425-393-8966 zedarus
Brian Gish Platform Cell (text preferred) 360-601-2227 brgishy
Phil Bergman Multiplayer Cell (text preferred) 425-503-4211 Future_Phil
Laura Lee Cooper Art Cell (text preferred) 865-719-1609 PolygonBunny
Kelsey Svetfjord QA/Growth Cell (text first, then voice); call
the second if I’m out of
country (google voice)
Carly Evans QA/Art Cell 4168774417 Skittlzz95
Kristen Malone Art Cell (voice or text) 951-526-7069 delightRoll
David Hack UGC Cell Phone (text preferred) 443-983-5170 Hack_RR
BJ Barker Growth/Marketing Cell (voice then text) 208-571-6858 BigSagebrush
Sabrina Chen Marketing/Growth Cell (text preferred) 404-754-9527 TeenWitch User Acquisition
Cassi Hansen People Cell (text preferred) 763-439-4657 brasslass
Ashley Brown Recruiting Cell (text or voice) 541-952-9202 Ashleymb Recruiting
Sydney Paris Recruiter Slack/Text 310-754-9854 Recruiting
Charles Sinex Experience Cell (text preferred) 206-353-5918 Charsuya
Emma Keene Recruiting Cell (text preferred) 916-214-7018 emmaodell Recruiting
Alexandre David Tools Cell (text preferred) 206-747-8940 StormingDecker
Shannon Graham Growth Cell (text preferred) 310-774-1344 KittyKat777 Consumer Insights
Joel Witten Data Cell (text preferred) 301-503-2775 jaydubyaa Rudderstack
Fivetran/ Data
bricks/ statsig
Kevin Gilbert Data Cell (text preferred) 714-604-7268 kg_dg
Jace Brown People Slack/Text (206) 617-2061 CptStargardt
Hailey Nelson Social Cell (text preferred) 608-220-7331 noodlekat
Cheyne Mathey-
Social Cell (text preferred) 206-963-9209 Cheyne
Jamie Chu Growth Cell (text preferred) (516) 660-5330 jbotchu
Jason Young UGC Cell (text preferred) (408) 317-8998 jyrr
Aaron Pietsch Marketing/Growth Cell (text preferred) (801) 673-8193 Pfhor User Acquisition
Mike Katzourin Social/Discovery Call (text preferred) (650) 678-9219 MTK_Wolf
Lauren Mettler Production Cell (text preferred) (719) 499-2041 PluckyPangolin Gift Cards
Tristan Fernando Trust and Safety Cell (text preferred) (206) 805-9116 Earledy
Brandon Borick Growth Slack preferred, Text if no
(817) 805-0889 RushinNinja Consumer Insights,
Research Analyst
Jason Scott UGC Cell (text preferred) (812)219-9850 SUPER10Rj UGC, Meta Horizon
Kevin Johnson Tools Cell (text preferred) (650) 918-6722 SubstantialTurtle
David Govek Server Cell (text preferred) (404) 388-1984 daveidmx
Sankeerti Haniyur Data Cell (text preferred) (408) 931-2871 skh7557
Spencer Ruelos Growth Cell (text preferred) (424) 536-6398 keychaindandy Consumer Insights,
UX Research
Brandon Layton Tools Cell (text preferred) (541) 868-7710 Nullinstance
Caitlyn Mowry Art Cell (text preferred) (336) 327-4485 Celebi284
Mariya Vizireanu Growth Slack preferred, Text if no
(805) 807-5786 Katt_V Consumer Insights,
Research Manager
Sarah Yamanouchi Growth Cell (text preferred) (619)-386-8068 Monamona526 Product, UA
Alex Talsma Legal Cell (text preferred) (206) 209-7288 AmericanBuffalo Legal
Austin Horning Server/Multiplayer Cell (text preferred) (925) 321-6852 TipTopTaterTot
Grey Zungui Lu Experience Cell (text preferred) (240) 618-4788 NextDoorSalmon UX/UI
Brandon Dang Product Growth Cell (text first, then call) (309) 798-4230 DirtspaceDenizen
Emerson Franks Data Engineering Cell (text preferred) (425) 891-6791 SublimeEther Data
Matthew Johnson Platform Cell (text preferred) (316) 305-5781 Auxum
Riley George Social Cell (text preferred) (760) 689-8862 Yuzu Pup
Zack Maldonado Tools Cell (text first, then call) (413) 345-8282 RecZappy
Brian Phagan Server Cell (text preferred) (425) 615-0095 BrianAlso
Katia Gomes Server Cell (text preferred) (630) 802-5135 o0SirenSong0o Cyber Security
Mark Winham Server Cell (text preferred) (678) 447-1084 RecRoomMark
David Kahler Platform Cell (text preferred) (224) 238-3757 zich1
Evelyn Collier Tools Team Cell (text preferred) (425) 319-1604 etc597 Automation
Mikhail Goroshkov Lifecycle Cell (text preferred) (425) 589-9571 estets
Kartik Agaram UGC Cell (text preferred) (512) 422-0223 BarbarianKit Circuits V2
Jack Pritz UGC Slack @ me or DM jack-rr
Mike Chen Growth Slack / Text (408) 781-1230
Isaias Formacio-
UGC Cell (text preferred) (425) 533-3545 myOcto
Ted Zuvich Multiplayer Cell (text preferred) (425) 829-9184 Taevan
Samantha Bowen Platform Phone (SMS preferred) (864) 275-9617 TwilightOther
Zack Cutri UGC Cell (Text Preferred) (971)-337-9911 ZombieDuder BUGS
Khalif Moore-
UGC Cell (Text Preferred) (925)-683-2953 leafyismRR
Braden Timss BVT Cell (Text Preferred) 206-484-4492 ecrunavak
Cassi Brielmaier Experience/Art Slack > Cell (Text Preferred) (262)470-8167 gh0ulfriend
Joe Daniels Art Cell (Text Preferred) (510) 506-6181
Mark DeFalco Tools Slack > Cell (text preferred) (551) 265-0847 mardef Unity Editor tooling
Cole Thatcher TPM - Server Cell (Text Preferred) (832)349-0499 cthatch
Tim Panec UGC Cell (Text Preferred) (818) 415-1982 mittymorts
Drake Poling UGC Slack > Cell (Text Preferred) (513) 508-5629 GastricBypass
Kevin Bauer UGC QA Cell (Text Preferred) 425-533-3958 QA, UGC
Tai Tran Econ Cell (text first, then call) 425-589-1985 irniat
Steve Metz Data (Trust+Safety) Cell (call; might miss text) 206-584-0405 HamYolo Data; Trust+Safety
Robin Xie Econ Cell (Text Preferred) 412-773-0898 OrNot2B
Henry Duan UGC Cell (Text Preferred) 734-546-0202 Henryduan
Jason Tranchida Studio Cell (Text Preferred) 561-802-8627 Projects_RR
Patty Bauer T&S Cell (Text Preferred) 443 952-0407 Kirien