DOXXED BY PotatoIsCool
First Name: Angelo
Last Name: Heyano
Age: 19
Dob: (Feb 2004)
Address: 2278 Hemlock Ct NW Salem, OR 97304 (lives with parents)
----------------------HOUSE INFO-----------------------------------
Bedrooms: 4
Bathrooms: 3
Square Feet: 2,017
Year Built: 1979
Estimated Value: $470,000
Estimated Equity: $470,000
Last Sale Amount: N/A
Last Sale Date: N/A
Occupancy Type: Non-Owner Occupied
Ownership Type: Individual
Land Use: Single Family Residential
Property Class: Residential
Subdivision: Grassy Knoll Estates
Lot Square Feet: 8,394
APN: 377483
School District: Salem-Keizer School District 24j
--------------------Possible Relatives:--------------------------
Billie J Heyano - Born Oct 1981
Bernice L Heyano - Born Jun 1953
Neal J Heyano - Born Dec 1976
Norman J Heyano - Born Jan 1950
Steven R Heyano - Born Aug 1974
------------------Possible Associates:---------------------------
Helen D McCarroll - Born Oct 1963
Richard F Nikolakis - Born Aug 1989
Tiffany L Borgen - Born Feb 1986
Victoria E Nikolakis - Born Jul 1990
First Name: Roger
Last Name: Hensley
Age: 41
Dob: (Oct 1981)
Address: 2278 Hemlock Ct NW Salem, OR 97304
Phone Number: (503) 990-6854
To lazy to put the rest
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