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[+] Welcome to Razbivacha's dox

• Reason for DOX
  • This fucking autistic nigger downed our cyber security explanation video
    due to copyright, because we reacted to one of his videos on how he explain
    how to enter the Deep Web / Dark Web. 
|    [ Victim's Information ]  |
First Name: Biser (Бисер) 
Last Name: Kraychev (Крайчев)
Age: 19 y.o.
Criminal Record: Clean.
|   [ Victim's Location ]   |
Mainland: Europe
Country: Bulgaria
Main City / Village: Krivina (Кривина)
- Krivina is a village located in the Stolichna Municipality of Sofia City Province, Bulgaria
City: Pirdop, Sofia
GPS North latitude (degrees) 42.745029
GPS East longitude (degrees) 24.194739
|    [ Victim's School Information ]    |
School: 85 School "Otets Paisii"
|   [ Victim's Photo Information ]      |
  https://theanarchists.ltd/doxed/razbivacha/   | Collection of his photos
  Alternative Links:
  - https://i.imgur.com/ta0dXPF.png
  - https://i.imgur.com/9uNF3If.png
  - https://i.imgur.com/WA7uVpe.png
  - https://i.imgur.com/xbInTCU.png
  - https://i.imgur.com/aINcbGU.png
  - https://i.imgur.com/d56IybL.png
  - https://i.imgur.com/32LujzR.png
  - https://i.imgur.com/GTMUJci.png
  - https://i.imgur.com/SjszUVV.png
|   [ Victim's Mother Information ]     |
 - This nigger is adopted but we will provide you with information about his 
- Тинка Крайчева (Tinka Kraycheva)
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013120425859
|   [ Victim's Father Information ]     |
 - This nigger is adopted
|      [ Victim's Social Media ]        |
His Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/biser.kraichev.5
- https://prnt.sc/S8t8NnJvuWi8
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@razbivacha3491
- https://prnt.sc/ww4pUp9DNudM
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/razbivachap/about
- https://prnt.sc/Z0-vFGgwgYly | Bulgarian Translation
- https://prnt.sc/oZeN3rulS_id | English Translation
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/razbivacha_2004/
- https://prnt.sc/30MTvticPs-L
|     [ Victim's Phone Number ]         |
 - Collecting...
|     [ Victim's Email ]         |
- biserkrajcev@gmail.com
|     [ Victim's Usernames & Passwords ]         |
- Razbivacha
|     [ Our Contact Details ]         |
Discord: 1MP4C7 || The Good Devil#3118
Telegram Group: https://t.me/theanarchists_official
Telegram channel: https://t.me/theanarchists_bulgaria
Email: theanarchists@duck.com
Website: https://theanarchists.ltd/

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