\\                \\                \\                \\                \\                \\
              .-'```^```'-.     .-'```^```'-.     .-'```^```'-.    .-'```^```'-.     .-'```^```'-.     .-'```^```'-.
             |   ^^ \/ ^^  |   |    ` \/ `   |   |   ^  \/  ^  |   |   ^^ \/ ^^  |   |    ` \/ `   |   |   ^  \/  ^  |
             |   ^^ \/ ^^  |   |    ` \/ `   |   |   ^  \/  ^  |   |   ^^ \/ ^^  |   |    ` \/ `   |   |   ^  \/  ^  |
             \   \_.__._/  /   \    \____/   /   \    `'=='`   /   \   \_.__._/  /   \    \____/   /   \    `'=='`   /
             `'-.......-'`     `'-.......-'`     `'-.......-'`     `'-.......-'`     `'-.......-'`     `'-.......-'` 
  8 888888888o.                      .8.                    `8.`8888.      ,8'            8888888888',8888'               ,o888888o.     
  8 8888    `88.                    .888.                    `8.`8888.    ,8'                    ,8',8888'             . 8888     `88.    
  8 8888     `88                   :88888.                    `8.`8888.  ,8'                    ,8',8888'             ,8 8888       `8b  
  8 8888     ,88                  . `88888.                    `8.`8888.,8'                    ,8',8888'              88 8888        `8b 
  8 8888.   ,88'                 .8. `88888.                    `8.`88888'                    ,8',8888'               88 8888         88 
  8 888888888P'                 .8`8. `88888.                    `8. 8888                    ,8',8888'                88 8888         88 
  8 8888`8b                    .8' `8. `88888.                    `8 8888                   ,8',8888'                 88 8888        ,8P 
  8 8888 `8b.                 .8'   `8. `88888.                    8 8888                  ,8',8888'                  `8 8888       ,8P  
  8 8888   `8b.              .888888888. `88888.                   8 8888                 ,8',8888'                    ` 8888     ,88'   
  8 8888     `88.           .8'       `8. `88888.                  8 8888                ,8',8888888888888                `8888888P'   
            |    (>K A T S<)                                 Credits / Générique                                 (>K A T S<)    | 
			                                                                               May update in the future
                `-o./ .    , ' .  .
                   ~    `
                              _.     zz
                         .__/|_. z z          z
                           -")\                      z
                       __ //  )
                        ~~/  \-=,,._
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                                                 Kry     <!>     Hapy    <!>     Res                                    
                                               (\___/)         (\___/)         (\___/)   
                                               /0\ /0\         /o\ /o\         /0\ /0\                    
                                               \__V__/         \__V__/         \__V__/                  Dezz: Formatting parents!
                                              /|:. .:|\       /|;, ,;|\       /|:. .:|\                   
                                              \\::::://       \\;;;;;//       \\::::://   
                         ----------------------`"" ""`---------`"" ""`---------`"" ""`----------------------                                  

                                                       Table Of Contents                                                                  
                                              / 1x01 / --- >     Introduction...............                                                 
                                              / 1x02 / --- >     Verification...............                                              
                                              / 1x03 / --- >     Reason.....................
                                              / 1x04 / --- >     Clowning...................                                                  
                                              / 1x05 / --- >     Alias......................                                              
                                              / 1x06 / --- >     Personal information.......                                                   
                                              / 1x07 / --- >     Social Media...............                                                  
                                              / 1x08 / --- >     Email......................                                                   
                                              / 1x09 / --- >     Breaches...................                                                   
                                              / 1x10 / --- >     Mother.....................                                                  
                                              / 1x11 / --- >     Father.....................                                                   
                                              / 1x12 / --- >     Brother....................                                                   
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                          Introduction / l'introduction!                          <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║ ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║ ║ +---------------------------------------                                                                                   ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :". /  /  /                                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :.-". /  /                 Dox is partially in French due to Rayzo wanting to learn other languages to harass people!      ║..|??
??|..║ ║ : _.-". /                                                                                                                  ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :"  _.-".                                                                                                                  ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :-""     ".                                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :                                                Hello and happy Halloween!                                                ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :                         Today we look at Rayzo aka Mathéo Pasquet, a wannabe extorter and larp!!                         ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :                                                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :           From failing to extort a girl to fail doxxing Kry multiple times; Rayzo continues to clown himself!!           ║..|??
??|..║ ║ :                                                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║   :                                                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║   :                                                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║ ^.-.^                                                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║'^\+/^`                                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║'/`"'\`                                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                           (                  ║..|??
??|..║   Hobbies include: Exploiting on Roblox                                                                 )  )                 ║..|??
??|..║                    Fanboying extortion groups                                                         _(______               ║..|??
??|..║                    Learning code                                                                     (________)              ║..|??
??|..║                    Fail doxxing                                                                       )      (               ║..|??
??|..║                    Being special ed                                                                  /        \              ║..|??
??|..║                    Abusing his mother                                                            ___|          |___          ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                 ()__\___ _   __/__()         ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                     .`/``||``\`.             ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                    ()/   ()   \()            ║..|??
??|..║ //// ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ \\\\ ║..|??
??|..╠══════╣..>>> | <><> |                            Verification / Vérification!                            | <><> | <<<..╠══════╣..|??
??|..║ \\\\ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ //// ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    1. He admitted the dox was correct                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        2. Streamed his personal email to Res                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║            3. Full name was on his paypal                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                4. Told Res information about his family which matched the Facebook                                           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                    5. Sucked at detracing so bad it confirmed everything                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                        6. Failed to deny anything                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                                 Reasons / Raison                                 <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    (>)   Attempted to dox multiple Kats/Ravenous members                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    (>)   Larps being a 764 member                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    (>)   Attempted to extort Freja into killing her cat                                                                      ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    (>)   Blocked Res & Stare for no reason..                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    (>)   He's autistic                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    (>)   Sided with Fenrix, 0xy and Dezz for some reason                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                             Clowning / Se moquer de!                             <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║\._:_:__:_:_:__:____:_ _ _\\  |                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║:\`.;-._: : :  :_,-/  .  \ \\\|         (-) Failed to extort multiple people                                                  ║..|??
??|..║`_\'`. '`-._:.-' \ \_(#)_/ /\\|                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║ ;_\ ,`./  /      >==/|\==<  \|         (-) Swatted someone over 15 dollars                                                   ║..|??
??|..║"`. \ ,'`./     -' /(-+-)\ \                                                                                                  ║..|??
??|..║__`,~\  .'         \ \|/  |             (-) Idolizes extortion groups who don't want him                                      ║..|??
??|..║  `_.-\'_ _,,,---"""""'                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║.-'`.,'                                 (-) Fail doxxed multiple Ravenous members, multiple times                             ║..|??
??|..║   ,'                                                                                                                         ║..|??
??|..║ ,'                                                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Fell for the most obvious detrace ever                                                                  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Thought the password to a shared account was another members name, and attempted to harass              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) French.                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Tried telling people he moved from France to Texas                                                      ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Had his personal email and phone number on the Discord account he used for doxxing and extortion        ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Fail doxxed Kry multiple times                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Spent months trying to dox Hapy with only an old IP                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Fail doxxed pavelslavoo (believed his name was Pavel and that he lives in Crimea, Ukraine)              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Tried gathering information on Res 4 different times....                                                ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                  (-) Believed doxxing Freja was a flex                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
                      .         .                                                                                                           
                     ,8.       ,8.                   .8.    8888888 8888888888 8 8888        8 8 8888888888       ,o888888o.                
                    ,888.     ,888.                 .888.         8 8888       8 8888        8 8 8888          . 8888     `88.              
                   .`8888.   .`8888.               :88888.        8 8888       8 8888        8 8 8888         ,8 8888       `8b             
                  ,8.`8888. ,8.`8888.             . `88888.       8 8888       8 8888        8 8 8888         88 8888        `8b            
                 ,8'8.`8888,8^8.`8888.           .8. `88888.      8 8888       8 8888        8 8 888888888888 88 8888         88            
                ,8' `8.`8888' `8.`8888.         .8`8. `88888.     8 8888       8 8888        8 8 8888         88 8888         88            
               ,8'   `8.`88'   `8.`8888.       .8' `8. `88888.    8 8888       8 8888888888888 8 8888         88 8888        ,8P            
              ,8'     `8.`'     `8.`8888.     .8'   `8. `88888.   8 8888       8 8888        8 8 8888         `8 8888       ,8P             
             ,8'       `8        `8.`8888.   .888888888. `88888.  8 8888       8 8888        8 8 8888          ` 8888     ,88'              
            ,8'         `         `8.`8888. .8'       `8. `88888. 8 8888       8 8888        8 8 888888888888     `8888888P'                
            8 888888888o      .8.            d888888o.       ,o888888o.     8 8888      88 8 8888888888 8888888 8888888888                  
            8 8888    `88.   .888.         .`8888:' `88.  . 8888     `88.   8 8888      88 8 8888             8 8888                        
            8 8888     `88  :88888.        8.`8888.   Y8 ,8 8888       `8b  8 8888      88 8 8888             8 8888                        
            8 8888     ,88 . `88888.       `8.`8888.     88 8888        `8b 8 8888      88 8 8888             8 8888                        
            8 8888.   ,88'.8. `88888.       `8.`8888.    88 8888         88 8 8888      88 8 888888888888     8 8888                        
            8 888888888P'.8`8. `88888.       `8.`8888.   88 8888     `8. 88 8 8888      88 8 8888             8 8888                        
            8 8888      .8' `8. `88888.       `8.`8888.  88 8888      `8,8P 8 8888      88 8 8888             8 8888                        
            8 8888     .8'   `8. `88888.  8b   `8.`8888. `8 8888       ;8P  ` 8888     ,8P 8 8888             8 8888                        
            8 8888    .888888888. `88888. `8b.  ;8.`8888  ` 8888     ,88'8.   8888   ,d8P  8 8888             8 8888                        
            8 8888   .8'       `8. `88888. `Y8888P ,88P'     `8888888P'  `8.   `Y88888P'   8 888888888888     8 8888                        		 
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                                Alias / Pseudonyme                                <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║                                                             Rayzo                                                            ║..|??
??|..║                                              ----------------------------------                                              ║..|??	
??|..║         UrSoBadImNotTrying            W15B7Z030MNH                  Sympliso                       ihatenek                  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         GovernableParoxysm            RayzoOnTop                    XOrhinaX                       SkyfarmMagicien           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         AltAccountOfRayzo             Rayzo_Junior2                 Rayzo_Items                    alexayyy69                ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         IAmNotRayzo                   0J97HISLY1CE                  DyingFPS                       Robotoid                  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         dyingplshelpme                GlitcherSao                   TotallyNotViolent              FredBearRoleplay          ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         kwttyglockz                   Rayzo91                       Rayzo_junior1                  Thomas_Champion           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         abandonedshut                 Rayzo_junior                  mathbg4568                     listratto                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         RayzoIsIll                    Rayzo0IQ                      Less                           Liliancraft2              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         HauntedPeriod                 Violent                       Pretend                        Here_Johnny               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         Alexis_junior                 RayzoJunior69                 og slice                       Le_Gros_Chat              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         geointxd                      oni                           b_eretta                       Xx_LeaGaming_xX           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         0xrayzo                       rayzo764                      geointxd                       LeLion                    ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         gaze                          federalforces                 quitpretending                 Matheo_leboss             ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         rayzojuniorig                 pretend9966                   pasquetmatheo7                 iamtyko3                  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         matheo.pasquet.7              matheo.pasquet                Riku497254                     xixiixixixiiiixi          ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                        Personal information / Coordonnées                        <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║     Name: Mathéo Pasquet                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║        Detrace: Alexis Junior              >              https://doxbin.com/upload/Rayzoisill510770325953183755Ravenous     ║..|??
??|..║     Date Of Birth: 11/06/2008              >              November 16th 2008                 :                               ║..|??
??|..║          Age: 16                                                                             :                               ║..|??
??|..║           > Grade 11                                                                         :                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                              :                               ║..|??
??|..║      >  Race: White                                                                      /\('')/\                            ║..|??
??|..║      >  Ethnicity: Arab?? / French                                                       \      /                            ║..|??
??|..║      >  Sexuality: Bi                                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║      >  Religion: Claims to be Muslim                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║      >  Citizenship: EU, French                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║      >  Languages spoken: French, English, toddler level Russian                                                             ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║     Mobile: +33 6 70 64 14 63                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║           Location: island Clipperton                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║           Carrier: Orange France                                                                                             ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║     Phone: Honor 70 Lite                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║            HUAWEI-AMN-LX1 id : 9ce8d633-54c0-4974-886f-c7308b3a5c6e                                                          ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         <------------------------------------->  ||  <------------------------------------------------------------->         ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                           Current Address:                                 901 quartier Val 14200 Herouville Saint Clair     ║..|??
??|..║                              Past address:                                 1608 GRANDE DELLE, HEROUVILLE ST CLAIR, 14200     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                        Normandie:                            Calvados (14)                                   ║..|??
??|..║                                        Lieu-dit:                             Porte 9                                         ║..|??
??|..║                                        Code postal:                          14200                                           ║..|??
??|..║                                        Libellé d’acheminement:               HEROUVILLE SAINT CLAIR                          ║..|??
??|..║                                        Type de position:                     Entrée                                          ║..|??
??|..║                                        Clé d’interopérabilité:               14327_gzu4nf_00901                              ║..|??
??|..║                                        banId:                                ce6fa1f3-09c4-46a4-a4aa-5029bfedd067            ║..|??
??|..║                                        Parcelles cadastrales:                14327000DD0001                                  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         <------------------------------------------------->  ||  <------------------------------------------------->         ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    IP                  Country              Region           City                ISP                                ASN      ║..|??
??|..║           France               Orne             Écorcei             Free SAS                           12322    ║..|??
??|..║        The Netherlands                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║         France               Paris            Paris                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Germany              Bremen           Bremen              T-Systems International GmbH       34086    ║..|??
??|..║          France               Paris            Paris                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        France               Paris            Paris                                                           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                          Social Media / Médias sociaux!                          <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                            ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝..|??
??|..║           Sigma!           ║                 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                                                                                   
??|..║           Sigma!           ║       ⠀⠀⠀⠀        ⠀⠀⠀⠸⠁⠸⢳⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://ps4.warframe.market/profile/Rayzo_Junior/statistics                 
??|..║           Sigma!           ║      ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀        ⠀⠀⢠⠃⠀⠀⢸⠸⠀⡠⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                                                                                  
??|..║           Sigma!           ║            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡠⠃⠀⠀⢠⣞⣀⡿⠀⠀⣧⠀⠀⠀⠀                                                                                  
??|..║           Sigma!           ║     ⠀        ⠀⠀⣀⣠⡖⠁⠀⠀⠀⢸⠈⢈⡇⠀⢀⡏⠀⠀⠀⠀                                                                                      
??|..║           Sigma!           ║ ⠀⠀        ⠀⠀⠀⡴⠩⢠⡴⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⡶⠉⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                                                                                          
??|..║           Sigma!           ║         ⠀⠀⠀⢀⠎⢠⣇⠏⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠀⢀⠄⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                                                                                       
??|..║           Sigma!           ║      ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠏⠀⢸⣿⣴⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣆⣀⢾⢟⠴⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀                                                                                         
??|..║           Sigma!           ║      ⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⠀⠠⣄⠸⢹⣦⠀⠀⡄⠀⠀⢋⡟⠀⠀⠁⣇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀        Hello ! Im selling many thing !                                            
??|..║           Sigma!           ║    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡾⠁⢠⠀⣿⠃⠘⢹⣦⢠⣼⠀⠀⠉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡀  Thanks to all traders who have traded and left a +1 rep.                                
??|..║           Sigma!           ║    ⠀⠀⢀⣴⠫⠤⣶⣿⢀⡏⠀⠀⠘⢸⡟⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀        I return ALL positive reviews!                                            
??|..║           Sigma!           ║    ⠐⠿⢿⣿⣤⣴⣿⣣⢾⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢣⠀⠀⠀                     GLHF!                                                         
??|..║           Sigma!           ║    ⠀⠀⠀⣨⣟⡍⠉⠚⠹⣇⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢦⠀⠀⢀⡀⣾⡇⠀⠀                                                                                           
??|..║           Sigma!           ║   ⠀⠀⢠⠟⣹⣧⠃⠀⠀⢿⢻⡀⢄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠐⣦⡀⣸⣆⠀⣾⣧⣯⢻⠀⠀                                                                                
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??|..║       [MVP+] Rayzo_Junior [LG]                                                                                               ║..|??
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??|..║       Total Kills: 325                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║       Total Wins: 161                                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║       First Login: 11/06, 2017 (DD-MM-YY)                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║       Latest Login: 24/08, 2023 (DD-MM-YY)                                                                                   ║..|??
??|..║       Online Status: Offline                                                                                                 ║..|??
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??|..║   Name History                                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║   11      Rayzo_Junior          5/23/2020               11:21:28 AM             4.4y                                         ║..|??
??|..║   10      SkyfarmMagicien       3/19/2020               7:59:18 AM               65d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   9       LeLion                1/1/2020                10:13:13 AM              77d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   8       Xx_LeaGaming_xX       11/30/2019              12:08:53 AM              32d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   7       Le_Gros_Chat          10/29/2019              11:55:54 AM              31d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   6       Here_Johnny           5/3/2019                4:13:15 AM              179d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   5       Thomas_Champion       10/24/2018              5:43:47 AM              190d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   4       listratto             9/3/2018                11:04:05 AM              50d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   3       Liliancraft2          6/18/2018               2:42:21 AM               77d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   2       FredBearRoleplay      1/20/2018               6:37:04 AM              148d                                         ║..|??
??|..║   1       Robotoid                                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
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??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
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??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
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??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
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??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    https://x.com/MatheoPasquet                                                       j'aime les mangas et les jeux vidéal    ║..|??
??|..║                                                             Translated from French > I like manga and video games            ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2k5l0vqqfI                                            113 subscribers. Subscribed. 1.    ║..|??
??|..║                                                           Share. 1 waiting Live stream currently offline. On joue avec les   ║..|??
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??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
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??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
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??|..║    >  E-mail Address:  pretend9966@skiff.com                                   .'(`.-` \_.-'-./`  |\_( "\__                  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                             __.>\ ';  _;---,._|   / __/`'--)                 ║..|??
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??|..║                                                                             /.'`\ :;   /'      `-           `-|-`            ║..|??
??|..║    >  E-mail Address:  ihatenek@skiff.com                                  -`    |     |                      |              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                  :.; : |                  .-'~^~`-.          ║..|??
??|..║      >  Registered Website(s):                                                   |:    |                .' _     _ `.        ║..|??
??|..║         [+]    discord.com                                                       |:.   |                | |_) | |_) |        ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                  :. :  |                | | \ | |   |        ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                    . : ;                |           |        ║..|??
??|..║                                                                        -."-/\\\/:::.    `\."-._'."-"_\\-|   Rayzo   |///."-  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                        " -."-.\\"-."//.-".`-."_\\-.".-\\`=.........=`//-".   ║..|??
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                         Breaches / Violation de données!                         <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                               |              ║..|??
??|..║       ips:                                                                                     |              ║..|??
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??|..║       Rayzo_Junior,,,,48911acd-7c49-315b-818c-a2a83e8fdc86 source: GouhoudsMCollection             |              ║..|??
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??|..║                                                                                                           /   |   \          ║..|??
??|..║       usernames: Rayzo_Junior,48911acd-7c49-315b-818c-a2a83e8fdc86                                        \   |   /          ║..|??
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??|..║       line: Rayzo_Junior,,,,48911acd-7c49-315b-818c-a2a83e8fdc86                              '--|___|--'         ║..|??
??|..║       source: GouhoudsMCollection                                                                        ,--|___|--,         ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                         '  /\o o/\  `        ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                           +   +   +          ║..|??
??|..║   Email:  pasquetmatheo7@gmail.com                                                                         `     '           ║..|??
??|..║   Registration date:  12/07/2021 21:41:36                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║   A country:  FR                                                                                                             ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Email:  pasquetmatheo7@gmail.com                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║   Registration date:  2021-02-18 16:52:13                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║   Last Activity:  2021-02-18 16:52:14                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║   Name:  Matheo                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Nick:  pasquetmatheo7-6320234                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Surname:  Pasquet                                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Email:  matheopasquet@gmail.com                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║   Data:  ('mathbg4568', ''),                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║   Leak file:  DB MC 2021                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Email:  matheopasquet@gmail.com                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║   Data:  ('mathbg4568', ''),                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║   Leak file:  DB MC 2022                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Email:  matheopasquet@gmail.com                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║   Data:  mathbg4568,,,,                                                                                                      ║..|??
??|..║   Leak file:  [21.42k] - kFaction 2020                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║   Email:  matheopasquet@gmail.com                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║   Registration date:  22/03/2021 21:20:35                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║   IP:,,,                                                           ║..|??
??|..║   A country:  FR                                                                                                             ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Email:  rayzojuniorig@gmail.com                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║   Registration date:  31/08/2021 20:31:10                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║   IP:,                                                                                         ║..|??
??|..║   A country:  FR                                                                                                             ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
                                |                                                                     |                                      
                                A                                                                     A                                      
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                             IIIIIII                                                               IIIIIII                                   
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                          IIIIIIIIIIIII                                                         IIIIIIIIIIIII                                
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                     /.-'.'           '.'-.\                                               /.-'.'           '.'-.\                           
                    /`\-/               \-/`\                                             /`\-/               \-/`\                          
                  _/`-'/`_               _`\'-`\_                                       _/`-'/`_               _`\'-`\_                      
                 `"""""""`                `""""""`                                     `"""""""`                `""""""`      
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                                  Mother / Mère!                                  <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Name:                Nadia Pasquet                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║       Date of Birth:       xxxx-01-05                                                          Dates in YYYY-MM-DD           ║..|??
??|..║       Married:             2001-09-08 to Emmanuel Pasquet                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Current Address:     901 quartier Val 14200 Herouville Saint Clair                                                     ║..|??
??|..║       Country:             France                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║       Mobile:              +33695705350                                                                                      ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Emails:              e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                            e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                            emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Socials:             https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100055382272615                                           ║..|??
??|..║                            https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009409357749                                           ║..|??
??|..║                            https://www.facebook.com/nadia.pasquet.7                                                          ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Education:           Lycée Camille Claudel                                             High school                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Works at:            Conditionnement papeterie at La Passerelle Verte                        March 21, 2020 - Present  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Telephone:  33695705350                                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║   FacebookID:  100009290267794                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║   City:  Hérouville-Saint-Clair                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Name:  Pasquet                                                                                                             ║..|??
??|..║   Surname:  Nadia                                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║   ️Region:  Hérouville-Saint-Clair                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║   Sex:  female                                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Telephone:  33695705350                                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║   country:  FR                                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║   Location: island Clipperton                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║   Carrier: Free Mobile                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                                  Father / Père!                                  <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Name:                Emmanuel Pasquet                                                                                  ║..|??
??|..║       Date of Birth:       1977-06-24                                                          Dates in YYYY-MM-DD           ║..|??
??|..║       Married:             2001-09-08 to Nadia Pasquet                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Current Address:     901 quartier Val 14200 Herouville Saint Clair                                                     ║..|??
??|..║       Country:             France                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║       Phone:               +33 0951460385                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║       Mobile:              +33 783796499                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Emails:              e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                            e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                            emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Socials:             https://myspace.com/278911746                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                            https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009063556624                                           ║..|??
??|..║                            https://www.facebook.com/emmanuel.pasquet.79                                                      ║..|??
??|..║                            https://www.facebook.com/emmanuel.pasquet.9                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Education:           BEP electricien batiment tertiaire industriel at Afpa                                             ║..|??
??|..║       Works at:            pole emploi and quest-france caen from douvres-la-delivrande.                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                             Card Number:  2561007043479 !!!                                                  ║..|??
??|..║                                                  |                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║                                                  |>>> DOB on card 1977-06-24                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  117270clerac                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerac                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerac1                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerac17270clerac                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270cleracc                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerc                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  1carelc07271                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  clerac17270                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  emmanuel.pasque                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  emmanuel.pasquet                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  RYKVJK                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  117270clerac                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clera                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerac                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270CLERAC                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerac!                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerac1                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerac17270clerac                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270cleracc                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  1carelc07271                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  7270clerac                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  carelc07271                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270clerac!                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  17270cleracc                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:     emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  rajeqewy                                                                                                   ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  emmanuel.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║        Registration date:  2011-03-24                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║        Date of Birth:  1974-01-03                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║        Language:  en                                                                                                         ║..|??
??|..║        Name:  Emmanuel                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║        Nick:  www.tajkxp.xyz                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Surname:  Pasquet                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║        Country:  FR                                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Sex:  M                                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  luxohoqo                                                                                                   ║..|??
??|..║        Leak site:  Badoo.com                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  luxohoqo                                                                                                   ║..|??
??|..║        Leak site:  Zoosk.com                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Registration date:  2008-10-23                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║        Date of Birth:  1977-06-24                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║        Language:  en                                                                                                         ║..|??
??|..║        Name:  Emmanuel                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║        Nick:  emapa                                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Surname:  Pasquet                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║        Country:  FR                                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Sex:  M                                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  f40ba09a0dc5e1aaaa47b77ab8214494                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Date of Birth:  1977-06-24                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║        Name:  Emmanuel                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║        Surname:  Pasquet                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║        Age:  35                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Sex:  M                                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  luxohoqo                                                                                                   ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  datgriimeybiitch                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  nadiman77                                                                                                  ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                          ║..|??
??|..║        Encrypted password:  f40ba09a0dc5e1aaaa47b77ab8214494                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        date:  10-03-2013                                                                                                     ║..|??
??|..║        Nick:  datgriimeybiitch                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  Ql3ru                                                                                                      ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  sevrine                                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Encrypted password:  54a2a395ad7a05beb475d89b241d0125                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Leak site:  autosportwilly.com                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║        Salt:  19                                                                                                             ║..|??
??|..║        Category:  Auto                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Encrypted password:  c6df5144e6d4bd85f427bd61d82970ad                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║        Leak site:  autosportwilly.com                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║        Salt:  50                                                                                                             ║..|??
??|..║        Category:  Auto                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  Ql3ru                                                                                                      ║..|??
??|..║        Leak site:  autosportwilly.com                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║        Category:  Auto                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  sevrine                                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║        Leak site:  autosportwilly.com                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║        Category:  Auto                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║        Email:  e.pasquet@orange.fr                                                                                           ║..|??
??|..║        Password:  sevrine                                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║        Leak site:  autosportwilly.fr                                                                                         ║..|??
??|..║        Category:  Auto                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    Email:  epasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║    Registration date:  20/10/2009 22:00:00                                                                                   ║..|??
??|..║    Date of Birth:  1977-06-24                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║    Address:  1608 GRANDE DELLE                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║    Prefix:  Monsieur ou Madame                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║    Postal code:  14200                                                                                                       ║..|??
??|..║    Name:  PASQUET                                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║    Surname:  Emmanuel                                                                                                        ║..|??
??|..║    Bonus card number:  2561007043479                                                                                         ║..|??
??|..║    Region:  HEROUVILLE ST CLAIR                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║    Email:  epasquet@hotmail.fr                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║    IP:                                                                                                         ║..|??
??|..║    Nick:  EPPPPAS                                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Telephone:  33783796499                                                                                                    ║..|??
??|..║   FacebookID:  100009063556624                                                                                               ║..|??
??|..║   City:  Hérouville-Saint-Clair                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║   Name:  Pasquet                                                                                                             ║..|??
??|..║   Surname:  Emmanuel                                                                                                         ║..|??
??|..║   Region:  Hérouville-Saint-Clair                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║   Sex:  male                                                                                                                 ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║..|██[ KATS ]██|???|>>                                Brother / Frère!                                  <<|██|???[ KATS ]██|..║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Name:                Quentin Pasquet                                                                                   ║..|??
??|..║       Date of Birth:       2003-07-13                                                          Dates in YYYY-MM-DD           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Current Address:     901 quartier Val 14200 Herouville Saint Clair                                                     ║..|??
??|..║       Country:             France                                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Emails:                                                                                                                ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Socials:             https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008752272765                                           ║..|??
??|..║                            https://www.facebook.com/quetin.pasquet                                                           ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
??|..║       Education:           Ecole d'Athletisim H&F                                                                            ║..|??
??|..║                                                                                                                              ║..|??
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