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Brought to you by AS Productions

Reason for doxx: Sexually assaulted a ten year old girl, doxxed and harassed several people. Also slandered and harassed the ten year olds family, going as far as swatting the victims mother when she protested.

———~——-Personal Information:——-~———

Name: Jane Cally Huh

DOB: July 23, 2000

Phone Number: 925-577-2322 

Email: 9255772322@vzwpix.com

Race: Korean-American

———-~————Home Information:——-~——-

Address: 11000 Sutter Hills Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89144

House: 1504 sq. ft, 3.0 bedroom/3 bathroom

People in the family: Lives with father,grandmother, one dog. Mother divorced.

———~———Device Information:——~——-


Devices:  OnePlus 9