First Name: Joel
Middle Name: Daniel
Last Name: Ahlbrand
Joel's Age: 48

Joel's Moms Full Name: Barbara Hudson
Barbara's Age: 70s

Home Address: 154 Hidden Lake Trails Hawthorne, FL 32640
City: Hawthorne
State: Florida
Zip Code: 32640

( Joel Ahlbrand lives in 154 Hidden Lake Trails with his mom Barbara Hudson so sad how he still lives with his fucking mom and he's 48 on top of that he loves picking up dogs by the throat and hurting them he also
enjoys beating / hurting women because he is such a weak little bitch boy he also beat the dog and left it in the woods to die :P ) ( On top of that he raped his 15 year daughter ???? )


Facebook Username: joel.ahlbrand
Facebook Link:

Barbara Hudson's Facebook 
Facebook Username: barbara.hudson.5851
Facebook Link:


Joel's Charges:
Contempt Of Court
Out Of County Warrant
Driving While License Canceled Suspended

( The Battery Charge was from beating multiple women )



Pic Of His Facebook Page:
Pic Of His Criminal Record:

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                                                                         ( Get Doxxed By Woeful and Router :> )

Highschool he went to: Interlachen High School
School Address: 126 County Rd 315, Interlachen, FL 32148 
School Phone Number: 386-684-2116