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Basic property info (contacts)                                                                                                               
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Overview Hide
Property address	935 Calle Roble
Brownsville, TX 78521
Lat/long	25.92788,-97.45136
Parcel ID	50683
Geographical ID	04-9700-0000-0440-00
Tract or lot	0440
Legal Description
Name	Silva David A & Ana
Address	188 Shoreline Dr
Brownsville, TX 78521
School district	Brownsville C.I.S.D
Subdivision	Mckenzie Acres Subdivision Sec I
Municipality	City of Brownsville
Property Tax
Tax year	2021
Market value	$47,533
Base tax	$1,225
Current tax	1224.59077768
Property Type	Real
Property class	Single Family Residence (A)
Lot dimensions	52 ft X 100 ft
Square footage	960
Year built	1990
************************************************************************************************************************************************************ ***************************************
C O N T A C T S 
Silva David A & Ana
188 Shoreline Dr
Brownsville, TX 78521
Source: Assessment Roll
Last recorded: 01/01/2021
Deed date	Description	Grantee	Document
7/27/2006		Silva David A & Ana	12871/0267
1/1/2000	Unknown	Martinez, Salvador	
1 Property Tax Calculation Hide
The Texas Tax Code establishes the framework by which local governments levy and collect property taxes. Usually county governments impose the largest taxes, and often there are additional taxes imposed by special taxation districts. The primary expenditures funded by property taxes are K-12 schools and infrastructure and services like roads and emergency services.

Market Value
Market value has been defined by The Supreme Court as the sale price of real estate as agreed upon between a willing buyer and willing seller, with neither being under duress to buy or sell.

Land homesite value		$14,000	
Improvement homesite value	+	$33,533	
Market value	=	$47,533	
Appraised Value
Establishing appraised value of a property represents the first step towards determining its taxable value. The appraised value is calculated by using the Agricultural/Timber Use Value instead of the agriculture or timber market value.

This property does not have agricultural/timber use value, therefore the appraised value will be equal to market value.

Assessed Value
The second step is determining the property's assessed value which is obtained by subtracting the homestead cap loss value from the appraised value. This applies only in the case of residential homestead and cannot exceed the lesser of the market value or the preceding year's appraised value, plus 10%, plus the value of any improvements added since the last re-appraisal.

Assessed value	=	$47,533	
Property Tax
Property tax is calculated by multiplying the assessed value with the corresponding tax rates. A variety of property tax exemptions are available in Texas State, and these may be deducted from the assessed value to give the property's taxable value.

Tax description	Assessed value		Tax rate		Tax amount
Brownsville C.I.S.D	$47,533	x	1.1750	=	$558.51
Brownsville Navigation District	$47,533	x	0.0300	=	$14.24
Cameron County	$47,533	x	0.4369	=	$207.67
City of Brownsville	$47,533	x	0.6971	=	$331.36
Drainage District #1	$47,533	x	0.0335	=	$15.92
South Texas I.S.D	$47,533	x	0.0492	=	$23.39
Texas Southmost College District	$47,533	x	0.1546	=	$73.50
Property tax	$47,533	x	2.5763	=	$1,225

Property Type	Real
Property class	Single Family Residence (A)
Land Type	Residential
Frontage	52
Depth	100
2 Building Hide
Square footage	960
Year built	1990
Improvement	Year built	Square footage	Details
Main area	1990	720	Show Details
Wood fence 6'	1990	300	
Concrete drive	1990	300	
Main area addition	1990	240	
Storage frame 2	2009	110	
Open porch 1/2	1990	65	
Open-porch frame 2	2009	64	
Open-porch frame 2	2009	48	

Population Demographics
Total population	89,629
Female population	51.6%
Male population	48.4%
Median age	30
Male median age	27.7
Female median age	32.4
No highschool	19.9%
Some highschool or college	63.1%
Bachelors degree	8.6%
Citizens	79.7%
Citizens born in US	68.7%
English speakers	77.3%
Journey to Work
Work in a metropolitan area	98.6%
Work in a micropolitan area	0.7%
Work at home	4.8%
Go to work by car	90.5%
Go to work after 10 am	18.8%
Average household income	$45,665
White collar	74.2%
Blue collar	25.8%
Family households	80.3%
Households with kids	49.4%
Housing units	28,100
Occupied housing units	25,503
Owner occupied units	59.2%
Average number of people per household	3.51
Median year structure built	1988
Houses with mortgages	33.0%
Median value for units with a mortgage	$82,300
Median value for units without a mortgage	$66,600
Median gross rent	$725
Median mobile home values	$24,600
Median housing costs per month	$604
Population in poverty	33.3%
©2022 Ercysec. ErcySecAirlines, the Ercy logo and Ercy airlines are among our registered and unregistered trademarks in the U.S. and other countries 2020-2022               
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