                                                                                     d8P"        "b                                          
                                                                                    dP            8                                          
                                                                                   dP             8                                        
                                                                                  dP             d"                                    
                                                                                 dP              8                                           
                                                                                dP             ,o8oooooo,                                   
                                                                               dP            ,dP"~~  ~""Yb,                                  
                                                                              d9           ,dP            8                                  
                                                                              8           dP"             8                                  
                                                                              8          dP               "b                                 
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                                                                              8        dP          o       8                                 
                                                                            ,d8        8          dP       "b                                
                                                                           d8"         Yb        dP         8                                
                                                                         odP            Yboooooo8P          "b,                              
                                                                        dP               ~""""~~              Yb                             
                                                                       dP                                      8b                            
                                                                      dP          ,oooooooooo,                  "b                           
                                                                      8    ,ooooo8P~~~~~~~~~~Yboooooo            "b                          
                                                                      8  ,dP~ __                 ~~~Ybooo         "b                         
                                                                      Yb 8~  d88b                   __ ~Y8         8                         
                                                                       Yb8   8888                  d88b  Y8        8                         
                                                                        88   Y88P        oo        8888   8       d"                         
                                                                        "8b   ~~        Y88P       Y88P   8     ,d"                          
                                                                          8bo            ~~         ~~   d8   ,8P"                           
                                                                           "8boo        ___,           d8P__d8P"                             
                                                                           ,d~"Yboooo,__    _____,oood88od88b                                
                                                                          dP"    ~~~~"""8""""8""~~~~~~~~    Ybo                              
                                                                         d8            d"    8,               Yb                             
                                                                          8bo_       .d"     "8       _,ooooo888b                            
                                                                          d""Yboooood9"       8boooood88"8"~~~Yb                             
                                                                          8b   8                         "8,   Yb                            
                                                                          "Ybo,8                          "Yb  d8booo,                       
                                                                            ~"Y8                            YbdP"~~~Y8b                      
                                                                               8                             Yb       Yb                     
                                                                               Yo                             Yb       8                     
                                                                                Yo                             Yb      8                     
                                                                                 Yo                             8    ,d"                     
                                                                                  8                             8bood9"                      
                                                                                  8                            dP ~~~                        
                                                                                ,o88booo,   d                ,dP                             
                                                                               d8      "Yboo8                8P                              
                                                                               8        odP""                8                               
                                                                               Ybo,    dP                    8                               
                                                                                ~Y8booo88                   d8                               
                                                                                   ~~~~8bo,_____            8"                               

                                                      ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧
                                                      ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧ ୨♡୧
                                                           	 ୨♡୧ CREDITS ~ @cherry for my template <3 
                                                                                and me >-<


                                                                                     gg           88888888 gg                     
                                                                                     ""              I8    ""                     
                                                                          ggg    gg  gg     ,gggg,   I8    gg    ,ggg,,ggg,,ggg,  
                                                                         d8"Yb   88bg88    dP"  "Yb  I8    88   ,8" "8P" "8P" "8, 
                                                                        dP  I8   8I  88   i8'       ,I8,   88   I8   8I   8I   8I 
                                                                      ,dP   I8, ,8I_,88,_,d8,_    _,d88b,_,88,_,dP   8I   8I   Yb,
                                                                      8"     "Y8P" 8P""Y8P""Y8888PP8P""Y88P""Y88P'   8I   8I   `Y8


                                                            		       ୨♡୧  LOCAL PD ~
                                                                                ୨♡୧  NAME ~ Amber 
                                                                                ୨♡୧  LAST ~ Mahler
                                                                                ୨♡୧  AGE ~ 51
                                                                                ୨♡୧  GENDER ~ Female
                                                                                ୨♡୧  ADDRESS ~ 195 Deaver St Asheville, NC 28806
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PAST ADDRESSES ~ I'll put at bottom of dox cuz the paste is broken
                                                                                for me                                 
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PHONE NUMBER ~  (510) 332-1649  
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PAST PHONE NUMBERS ~  I'll also put at bottom
                                                                                ୨♡୧  SOCIALS ~
                                                                                ୨♡୧  None
                                                                                ୨♡୧  None
                                                                                ୨♡୧ None
                                                                                ୨♡୧  None
                                                                                ୨♡୧  RELATIVES ~ I'll put ay bottom
                                                                                ୨♡୧  ASSOCIATES ~ I'll put at bottom
                                                                                ୨♡୧  NEIGHBORS ~ I'll put at bottom
                                                                                ୨♡୧  IP INFO ~none

                                                                                ୨♡୧ COURT RECORDS ୨♡୧ 
                                                                                  unkown as of now
                                                                 gg,gggg,      ,gggg,gg   ,gggggg,   ,ggg,    ,ggg,,ggg,    I8     ,g,    
                                                                 I8P"  "Yb    dP"  "Y8I   dP""""8I  i8" "8i  ,8" "8P" "8,   I8    ,8'8,   
                                                                 I8'    ,8i  i8'    ,8I  ,8'    8I  I8, ,8I  I8   8I   8I  ,I8,  ,8'  Yb  
                                                                ,I8 _  ,d8' ,d8,   ,d8b,,dP     Y8, `YbadP' ,dP   8I   Yb,,d88b,,8'_   8) 
                                                                PI8 YY88888PP"Y8888P"`Y88P      `Y8888P"Y8888P'   8I   `Y88P""Y8P' "YY8P8P
                                                                                ୨♡୧ MOTHER
                                                                                ୨♡୧  NAME ~ Agoyi 
                                                                                ୨♡୧  LAST ~ Mahler
                                                                                ୨♡୧  AGE ~ 36
                                                                                ୨♡୧  GENDER ~ Female
                                                                                ୨♡୧  ADDRESS ~ 1125 Pico Blvd #107 Santa Monica, CA 90405
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PAST ADDRESSES ~   bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PHONE NUMBER ~    bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PAST PHONE NUMBERS ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  SOCIALS ~ Unkown
                                                                                ୨♡୧  RELATIVES ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  ASSOCIATES ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  NEIGHBORS ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  IP INFO ~ unkown

                                                                                ୨♡୧ COURT RECORDS ୨♡୧ 
                                                                                   unkown as of now
                                                                                ୨♡୧ DATABASE LEAKS ୨♡୧ 
                                                                                  none sadly
                                                                                ୨♡୧ FATHER
                                                                                ୨♡୧  NAME ~ Michael 
                                                                                ୨♡୧  LAST ~ Mahler
                                                                                ୨♡୧  AGE ~ 82 EW TYE AGE DIFFERENCE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!
                                                                                ୨♡୧  GENDER ~ Male
                                                                                ୨♡୧  ADDRESS ~ 1125 Pico Blvd #107 Santa Monica, CA 90405
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PAST ADDRESSES ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PHONE NUMBER ~ (310) 399-9304   
                                                                                ୨♡୧  PAST PHONE NUMBERS ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  SOCIALS ~ none
                                                                                ୨♡୧  RELATIVES ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  ASSOCIATES ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  NEIGHBORS ~ bottom of dox
                                                                                ୨♡୧  IP INFO ~ bottom of dox

                                                                                ୨♡୧ COURT RECORDS ୨♡୧ 
                                                                                      unkown as of now
                                                                                ୨♡୧ DATABASE LEAKS ୨♡୧                                                                                  
                                                                                  none lol
                                                                         ,dPYb,                                      ,dPYb,           
                                                                         IP'`Yb                                      IP'`Yb           
                                                                         I8  8I                                 gg   I8  8I           
                                                                         I8  8'                                 ""   I8  8'           
                                                                         I8 dP    ,gggg,gg   ,ggg,,ggg,,ggg,    gg   I8 dP  gg     gg 
                                                                         I8dP    dP"  "Y8I  ,8" "8P" "8P" "8,   88   I8dP   I8     8I 
                                                                         I8P    i8'    ,8I  I8   8I   8I   8I   88   I8P    I8,   ,8I 
                                                                        ,d8b,_ ,d8,   ,d8b,,dP   8I   8I   Yb,_,88,_,d8b,_ ,d8b, ,d8I 
                                                                        PI8"888P"Y8888P"`Y88P'   8I   8I   `Y88P""Y88P'"Y88P""Y88P"888
                                                                         I8 `8,                                                  ,d8I'
                                                                         I8  `8,                                               ,dP'8I 
                                                                         I8   8I                                              ,8"  8I 
                                                                         I8   8I                                              I8   8I 
                                                                         I8, ,8'                                              `8, ,8I 
                                                                          "Y8P'                                                `Y8P"                                                                                    


																		              all info I said under dox is under this to the side                                  


                                                             gg,gggg,     ,gggggg,    ,ggggg,   gg,gggg,     ,ggg,    ,gggggg,   I8   gg     gg 
                                                             I8P"  "Yb    dP""""8I   dP"  "Y8gggI8P"  "Yb   i8" "8i   dP""""8I   I8   I8     8I 
                                                             I8'    ,8i  ,8'    8I  i8'    ,8I  I8'    ,8i  I8, ,8I  ,8'    8I  ,I8,  I8,   ,8I 
                                                            ,I8 _  ,d8' ,dP     Y8,,d8,   ,d8' ,I8 _  ,d8'  `YbadP' ,dP     Y8,,d88b,,d8b, ,d8I 
                                                            PI8 YY88888P8P      `Y8P"Y8888P"   PI8 YY88888P888P"Y8888P      `Y88P""Y8P""Y88P"888
                                                             I8                                 I8                                         ,d8I'
                                                             I8                                 I8                                       ,dP'8I 
                                                             I8                                 I8                                      ,8"  8I 
                                                             I8                                 I8                                      I8   8I 
                                                             I8                                 I8                                      `8, ,8I 
                                                             I8                                 I8                                       `Y8P"  

  d888b  db    db d8888b. .88b  d88. 
 88' Y8b `8b  d8' 88  `8D 88'YbdP`88 
 88       `8bd8'  88oobY' 88  88  88 
 88  ooo  .dPYb.  88`8b   88  88  88 
 88. ~8~ .8P  Y8. 88 `88. 88  88  88 
  Y888P  YP    YP 88   YD YP  YP  YP 

(510) 332-1649 - Wireless
Possible Primary Phone
Last reported Mar 2024
(310) 399-9304 - Landline
Last reported Jul 2001
Frontier California
(215) 428-0522 - Landline
Last reported Sep 2021
Verizon Pennsylvania
(415) 821-3772 - Landline
Last reported Mar 2016
Pacific Bell Telephone Company301 Monticello Rd
Weaverville, NC 28787
Buncombe County
(Oct 2010 - May 2019)
1307 South Ave #4
Rochester, NY 14620
Monroe County
(Sep 2008 - Aug 2010)
992 Wing Rd
Bakersville, NC 28705
Mitchell County
(Mar 2008 - Mar 2011)
1638 Alcatraz Ave
Berkeley, CA 94703
Alameda County
(Jun 2004 - Mar 2011)
2721 2nd St #211
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Los Angeles County
(Apr 1995 - Jan 2012)
1051 Hampshire St
San Francisco, CA 94110
San Francisco County
(Apr 1995 - Mar 2011)
401 Continental St
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Santa Cruz County
(May 1994 - Mar 2011)
115 Blannahassett Is
Marshall, NC 28753
Madison County
(Jul 2011)
81 Annandale Ave
Asheville, NC 28801
Buncombe County
(Nov 2007)
43 Morris St
Asheville, NC 28806
Buncombe County
(Oct 2006)
801 Wisteria Pl
Birmingham, AL 35216
Jefferson County
(Jul 2001)
1725 Ocean Ave #201
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Los Angeles County
(Feb 2001)
2800 28th St #250
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Los Angeles County
(Jan 1993 - Nov 2000)
1725 Ocean Front Walk #204
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Los Angeles County
(Aug 1993 - Dec 1996)
2800 28th St
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Los Angeles County
(Feb 1994 - Nov 2000)
2800 28th St #323
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Los Angeles County
(Mar 1994 - Apr 1994)
1725 Ocean Front Walk #20
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Los Angeles County
(Jan 1993 - Dec 1993)
1725 The Promenade 201
Santa Monica, CA 90401
Los Angeles County
(Jan 1993)
1125 Pico Blvd #107
Santa Monica, CA 90405
Los Angeles County
(Jan 2022)
801 Wisteria Pl
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
Jefferson County
(Jan 2022)
Possible Associates
May include current and past roommates, friends, and extended family
Richard Hufford
Age 47
Richard Hufford
Age 74
Alexandra McLaury
Age 55
Angel Figueroa
Age 63
Arlette Capel
Age 79
Brian Crites
Age 63
Diane Derieg
Age 64
Douglas Wood
Age 59
Geraurd Paschal
Age 62
Marlene Dempster
Age 64
Melissa Streeter
Age 55
Naomi Standerwick
Age 70
Phyliss Prinz
Age 86
Richard Whitney
Age 76
Robert Allan
Age 64
Sergei Shustov
Age 75
Stephen Moser
Age 68
Sunil Thapa
Age 60
William Hogan
Age 60
Annesha Garner
Age 41
Carmella McIver
Age 73
Charity Elliott
Age 73
Dontrel Farris Sr
Age 41
Dontrell Farris
Age 41
Karen Jenkins
Age 45
Lacoyia Holcombe
Age 41
Lacurtis Garner
Age 43
Latoya Nettles
Age 45
Leonard Deskins
Age 44
Loretta Farris
Age 41
Marcus McIver
Age 42
Patricia Elliott
Age 51
Ray Sparks
Age 71
Samuel Taylor
Age 21
Tawana Garner
Age 64
Thomas McIver
Age 51
Thuy Nguyen
Age 49
Emily Reason
Age 43
Kathleen Hart
Age 64
Margaret King
Age 50
Scott King
Age 60Current Address Property Details
195 Deaver St
Asheville, NC 28806
Square Feet
Year Built
Estimated Value
Estimated Equity
Last Sale Amount
Last Sale Date
Occupancy Type
Owner Occupied
Ownership Type
Land Use
Single Family Residential
Property Class
R M Deaver
Lot Square Feet
School District
Asheville City SchoolsPhone Numbers
(510) 332-1649 - Wireless
Possible Primary Phone
Last reported Mar 2024
(310) 399-9304 - Landline
Last reported Jul 2001
Frontier California
(215) 428-0522 - Landline
Last reported Sep 2021
Verizon Pennsylvania
(415) 821-3772 - Landline
Last reported Mar 2016
Pacific Bell Telephone Company