Reason for Dox: Pedophile, racist, and homophobic.
Background: my friend was in this guys discord server and he ended up scamming him on a video game, then proceed to send his dox(his face and name) and when
my friend was "are you a hacker?" he said "No i just rape kids". It's been awhile since i've talked to him but, i just got around to find who this
guy was and his group of friends are all the same. Some information i got from letting myself into his discord.
Proof: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1112487267097919588/1193196247327191100/image.png?ex=65be4a99&is=65abd599&hm=766e08b8f51c79234366037e145028f3012c0a0388101d961513cdea51c34bb8&
*Personal Information:
Full Name: Lake Rudolph Falkoff 
Adress: 6555 w Plomosa Place, Tucson, AZ, 85743
Phone Number: (520) 979-1639
DOB: 11/18/06
ethnicity: Lightskin
Religion: Jewish
Emails: lakett332@gmail.com, Lake18rf@gmail.com, darkstarwars1010@gmail.com
Common passwords: lakelake10, Get5toinked, Get5hrekt (not releasing newer ones)
Picture: n/a
Alias: Blazer, Itsblazers, Darkvader1010
*Location Information
Address: 6555 w Plomosa Place
Area Code: 520
Zip: 85743
City: Tucson
State: Arizona
Country: United States
Continent: North America
Grade level: 11
High school location: 3901 w Linda Vista Blvd
Notes : High achieving academic student (cheats with his friends on hw)
*Social Media Accounts:
Instagram: _lake.f
Snapchat: Laake_e
Discord: Layke_e
*Workplaces (past and or present)
Occupation: Crew member
Business: Dairy Queen
Address: 6401 Marana Center Blvd Ste 919, Tucson, AZ
Phone Number: (520)-999-7886

Occupation: Floor assistant
Business: Tommy Hilfiger
Address: 6401 Marana Center Blvd Ste 225, Tucson, AZ
Phone Number: (520)686-5671
*Family/friends (friends are from discord and maybe irl)
Father: Glen falkoff

Friend: Cole F
Alias: Sayre, and Kol
Instagram: az.cole
Discord: azcole
Emails: Kolsayr@gmail.com, Kolfi32@gmail.com
Passwords: Midday3368!, Blackpufferfish23 (might need an !)
Personal Info:
Age: 16
ethnicity: Asian
Religion: Catholic 
Racist, and homophobic. (this kid argues alot)

Friend: Noah F
Alias: Jarky, Ark, Aqua
Instagram: Noah.Flaxy
Discord: Noah.flaxy
Emails: noah.flax@icloud.com, chynabeach@gmail.com (found in data leaks lol)
CommonPasswords: noahaf07, nalexanderf07 (might need an !)
Personal Info:
Age: 16
ethnicity: Caucasian 
Religion: Jewish

Racist, Homophobic, and is a slight Neo-nazi.(this kid randomly gets his address sent in chats and his parents)
Address: 5106 w bluejay st,  

Notes: Probably the same school but maybe not, they talk about irl shit on discord.
*Additional Info
Do what you want with this information, all i know is these kids are odd and have probably done worse things than take some virtual items, but they avidly harass people online and dox people.
They also most-likely wealthy with how much expensive shit they send in chats and say talk about buying it.

    "I pray one day god will decent apon us and teach us what is good and evil, and i will become one of his forsaken children who died to make his idle world a place where he would want to be
for i bare the sins of myself and the ones that i have taken with me to the deepest pits of hell and beyond, and prey for the well being of though who have fallen and those who will keep on loving."

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- Vious