(part 2) of this ewhore who is literally a slut online.
reasoning of dox: stupid racist whore who literally shows her body to everyone
huge ego retard also lmao
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Racist com whore nudes (again)

Created:Nov 2nd, 2022

Created by:clod

her info from other dox:
com whore jasmine 
mega racist literally shows her body to anyone :yuck:
Name: Jasmine Garcia
Age: 19
Moms name: Sarah Vamos 
Dad not in picture
Address: 94 W Harrison Ave Ventura, CA 93001 
Her discord: kawaii#0077

For more info hmu clod#0001

Her being racist:

Her nude ( video ) ( old one) : https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1023617319315976243/1037414475973791805/Credit_clod0001.mp4
Newest nude from this whore: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1024622927892729897/1044183354658009098/clod0001.mov
"Her teaser" :  https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1024622927892729897/1044182045800284190/clod_0001_for_more.jpg