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     Welcome to your nightmare.
##### Teach This Tiny Punk A Lesson. #####
REASON: He is a racist by saying the N word
as well as the N word with the hard R. Touches
girls private areas without their permission.
Has no respect for woman. 

PHOTOS of The Mathes:

Jacob Mathes
- Number: 407-955-6143
- Email: jacobmathes82@gmail.com
- Address: 1245 Caruthers Woods Rd, Geneva, FL
- Socials:
      - Instagram: @j_mathes23
Mom’s Name: Nina Mathes also known as Nina Busutil and Ninarara Busutilski
        - Number: 407-733-3083
        - Emails: foxy_nina19@yahoo.com
        - Socials: 
           - Facebook: /nina.busutil
        - Married Jeffrey Mathes on Feb. 13, 2014
Dad’s Name: Jeffrey William Mathes also known as William Jeffrey Mathes
    - Reason: Disrespects underaged girls
              (Calling them sluts/whores just
               because they don’t like his son)
    - Number: 407-923-0555
    - Email: jeff.mathes@yahoo.com
    - Socials:
       - Facebook: /jeff.mathes.14
    - DOB: October 1982 (Libra)
PHOTOS of The Mathes: