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we warned you daisy... IM COMING FOR YOUR MODS NEXT

➤ Name: Daisy Tinkler
➤ Image of her: media.discordapp.net/attachments/1152746724394287184/1152954790154870814/IMG_7008.png?ex=652be4d2&is=65196fd2&hm=84a5e30068534ead773d8489fde8ebef10ee7ac6ef28d276090291d5f3671d0a&=&width=306&height=662
➤ Reason: Disa (disatinkle) is a girl who faked being r***d by her teacher to get views for her shitty roblox discord server.
she is extremely racist, homophobic, and more. Her mods are power hungry and pray on young children.
She wants to legalise C*P, called a african-american a monkey in a VC, and got pressed when confronted about all this.
She also said her gofundme is better then a kid with cancers,
There are a ton of other stuff as well, so join my server for everything.

  ➣ Disatinkle
➤ Age: 16
➤ Location: York, United Kingdom
➤ Race: White
➤ Language: English
➤ Religion: Atheist, (she will probably think different)
  ➣ Gender: Female
  ➣ Weight: unknown
  ➣ Height: 5ft6
➤ Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@disatinkle (Her main tiktok)
➤ Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@ukbantagramig (Her minions tiktok)
➤ Facebook: www.facebook.com/daisy.tinkler.58
➤ Her Disc*rd: .gg/eUJfBe3Qhc
➤ Instagram: www.instagram.com/calendarg1rlz/
  ➣ 2+ hours of proof: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RvKKpXe47E6JDS_b-tbAPxz1585SJ2Mi?usp=drive_link
  ➣ Tiktok proof (1): www.tiktok.com/@disasgulps/video/7277932616593034528?q=disatinkle&t=1696778221498
  ➣ Tiktok proof (2): www.tiktok.com/@disatinkleexposed
  ➣ Disc*rd proof (my server): .gg/HWqqtCr8jm
➤ The school she got "r*ped" at: www.get-information-schools.service.gov.uk/Establishments/Establishment/Details/148050
➤ Any questions, just leave a comment!
➤ She claims she is only 15, just to avoid any backfire
➤ She got offered help by other r*pe victims but argued with them on stage.
➤ Conclusion: She is a massive ewhore bitch who needs help, she prolly has esex with her members
