Маслов Глеб Алексеевич                                                                        Maslov Gleb Alekseevich
День рождения - 14.07.2003                                                                    Birthday - 07/14/2003
Номер телефона - +7 909 311 68 67                                                             Phone number - +7 909 311 68 67
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Проживает: Республика Татарстан, Проспект Мира, 95, Нижнекамск, Россия 423578                 Resides: Republic of Tatarstan, Prospekt Mira, 95, Nizhnekamsk, Russia 423578
IP: (RU)                                                                       IP: (RU) 
Discord ID: 389030144217448449                                                                Discord ID: 389030144217448449
Discord name: _mitsuha_                                                                       Discord name: _mitsuha_
Telegram username: https://t.me/vileneri                                                      Telegram username: https://t.me/vileneri
Telegram ID: 1220354530                                                                       Telegram ID: 1220354530
Страница ВК: https://vk.com/mitsuuha                                                          VK page: https://vk.com/mitsuuha
Страница матери: https://vk.com/id402759575                                                   Mother's page: https://vk.com/id402759575
Данных на отца нет, т.к его убили                                                             There is no information about his father because he was killed
osu!profile: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6846049 (mass-report him ?XD)                           osu!profile: https://osu.ppy.sh/users/6846049 (mass-report him ?XD)
Почты: ppmitsuha@mail.ru                                                                      Emails: ppmitsuha@mail.ru
       ppmitsuha@gmail.com                                                                            ppmitsuha@gmail.com
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Фотографии лица: https://kamikuguya.s-ul.eu/nH3Hgacl                                          Face photos: https://kamikuguya.s-ul.eu/nH3Hgacl                                                             
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Вид из окна:     https://ibb.co/1mfsmRs                                                       View from the window: https://ibb.co/1mfsmRs
                    Dotabuff (actually boosted from 2k to 6k mmr): https://www.dotabuff.com/players/328519351
                        I want to remind a 20-year-old boy from Nizhnekamsk that everything will not always revolve around you, and I still have data on you. 
            Of course, I could turn a blind eye to the fact that you continue to use people for your own purposes, brazenly take on the image of a girl on the Internet, 
                            and simply lie to everyone you can get acquainted with, you told me that you would stop doing such things and start change, 
                                    but people are the worst thing on earth, and once again I draw the conclusion that people never change. 
           The purpose of this dox is only that information has reached me that you actively allowed yourself to talk about me behind my back and speak unflatteringly about me. 
                        Even despite one conflict that started through no fault of my own, and a couple of other situations that you pushed me into. 
             You will not escape punishment, and suddenly I find out that you have deceived someone again, the consequences will be much worse than what I did now. 
                                                           I hope you read this, I hope you look dox at yourself and go crazy.