We have doxxed this girl as revenge for her doxxing edzar. -cid.                    BASIC INFORMATION
➤ Picture:     https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/904193912833445908/1200242794485260348/IMG_4566.png?ex=65c57835&is=65b30335&hm=86b6ccdafeac8e871daa6d6200866f543e33a8c06a67ee8dcfba9110fc702b59&
➤ Name: ellie seifferth
  ➣ Pseudonyms: 
  ➣ "username", _justmare (discord) Snapchat E_grace29eagle. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1NPDFcu9az/?igsh=MWY3cjhlb2tmdTU2Ng==
➤ Age: 17-18
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 05/27/2006
➤ Location of Birth: Illinois 
➤ Location: somewhere in Illinois Shiloh 
➤ Race: Hispanic 
➤ Sexual Orientation: girl
➤ Political Affiliation: 
➤ Native Language: Spanish 
➤ Religion: Christianity 
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Gender: female
  ➣ Weight: dk
  ➣ Height:dk

➤ Country of Citizenship:   USA.