Hello. I have obtained all of this information after "dating" raxts for about 3 days (yes shes a fucking retard and trusted me with it) Keep in mind, I am still not age of consent; Doxbin, have fun ;D. RAXTS ROBLOX PEDOPHILE OFFICIAL DOX. Age: 18 Video Exposing Her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6Fe_6FwffI&t=23s&ab_channel=Scrimzox Google Dox Also Exposing Her: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cbMHFVTDbrm3M30S2-JbWTCBJeRWwlvy3IzlNPV_odM/edit# full name: Laura Reinhart phone number: +1 816-645-4429 state and city: Independence, MO email: carebear3girls@gmail.com address: 15704 E T C Lea Rd. T Independence, MO 64050 her face: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/917279351110787072/930727328248639488/unknown.png work place: (Sonic Fastfood) 11320 E 23RD ST (816) 254-6633 (866) 657-6642 (customer service)