Dropped by: Hypnotic999 & Sense999                      
Reason for Dox: He said he can't ddos lol but look at this
:https://imgur.com/a/r7O3Bv4. But we know he Ddos a lot
of kids but he can't do shit.lmfao

Full Name: Jaimy Dannick Koops

Phone Number: 0628309159

DOB: 25-08-2003 (16)

Picture: https://i.imgur.com/n9dYA42.png & https://i.imgur.com/3fFVe88.png 

Alias: Quickaim & sereohmc  

E-mails: jaimyk9@gmail.com
school: Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht. We think we found his 
mentor we not sure but we thought it was funny to add 
name: den Dekker, J.
Number: 0624634637
E-mail: johandendekker@gmail.com
His school page before we fucked up: https://i.imgur.com/8x9J3GY.png
We don't have a after we forgot to sreenshot that
Yea we got a lot of passwords from this kid. we tested it
all. we also got in his school account but he already changed
it. we fucked his whole school page up xd
here the proof we got in his school page: https://i.imgur.com/70eNoPV.png (JaimyKoops123!? 534815@student.glu.nl)

His dumb ass webstresser account: jaimy3001 SUCKMYDICk123!!

Twitter: JaimyK12345!!?? Email: jaimyk9@gmail.com
Lunar Website: JaimyK987!!??
Minemen Website: JaimyK987!!??
Badlion Client & Website: Jaimy456K?!?! Email: quickaimmc@gmail.com
Mediafire: Poep123!!?? Email: quickaimmc@gmail.com ( you can find weird shit)
Miniurl.io: JaimyK12345!!?? Email: quickaimmc@gmail.com
Gyazo: JaimyK12345!!?? Email: quickaimmc@gmail.com
Paypal: Yq)X-".rzbK3#:-x@+V& Email: sereohmc@gmail.com
Teamspeak: ZN;6&>T58h]nuh#cYu%\ Email: jaimykoops23@gmail.com
Vape Account: ZN;6&>T58h]nuh#cYu%\ Email: jaimyk9@gmail.com
MC: GCub.a8~Cu9bR@A.%B* & \E/]p!wP7%CdQ5U.+~UX
Minecraft Security questions :



>[Location Information:]<
Address: Rietsuikerweg 38 
Zip: 3541TE 
City: Utrecht 
State: Utrecht 
Country: Holland
>[IP Information:]<                                                                                                                                                     
IP Address: (current ip) he's static
ISP: Ziggo  
Hostname: 94-211-123-226.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl
>[Family:]< we are not involving any family. But
if you wanna bully his dad we don't care about that:
number: 0646737352
E-mail: gerritmarinus@outlook.com
>[End Dox:]< jaimy let this be a lesson for you dumb bitch
             |  RIP |
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             | Jaimy|
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