The school and authorities have found out about me (crazydog)

No longer accepting friend requests due to my account getting locked and I don't have a phone number.
   [ You can help with this, you may wonder how; my insta: omg.its.torch ]
   [ I will also be updating this paste more due to me being locked out ]
           **Scroll down to where our links are, ill put it there.**

To stay updated through discord, friend @.torch.exe. and / or goblin6701 <- will be changed soon due to ykw lol.
(Discord Only, Above is Instagram) 

If you would like to also help with the paste, friend those users and tell us why you friended us.
To help, text us that you would like to help.

To stay updated daily, ask us every day if we have more information.

May hell come to you, Alexander.


 - Telegram
[!] Telegram -

 - Instagram
[!] Torch // Crazydog -

[!] Goblin -
[!] Torch // Crazydog -     <-- Inactive Due To Discord Account Termed

[!] New Torch page soon
888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888    ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

QuackersClocks, the pedo.

Entry Made By Torch and Goblinscouch.
888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 

We have experienced a bunch with this guy, in less than a day.
He lied to our faces while we were trying to help him, because we thought it was defamation.
He continued to lie to us, for 8 entire hours, until we got fed up with his shit, when we got video proof.
He was masturbating to a 16 year old Female in a discord call, knowing about their age, and decided to do it anyways.
We talked to him for a long time, trying to talk to the people who uploaded his user on here, in a tiny paste, thankfully, I friended him before they deleted
the paste.
Me and goblin tried helping him but he wouldn't stop telling lies, and then we got video proof, and images of him saying crazy things.
We plan on getting him kicked out of his college, as we are contacting his board of education.

We are going to tell them everything that he has done and every single bit of our proof will be sent.

We plan on contacting his family also to reach out to them and inform him of their actions through discord. 
He has decided to turn friend requests OFF because he is scared that he will get exposed even more, in which he is, as me and goblin have already uploaded him to doxbin, we tried getting his WikiTubia page deleted, for the actions he has done, and failed, as they cannot take down pages and the youtuber has to take it down themselves.

Me and goblin tried helping him in the beginning, but we found out later on that he was lying to us entirely.
We tried contacting all of the witnesses / victims of Alex’s actions, but only got to talk to 3 of them.
(ydoucare, Positron, and exvity).

We then got most of our proof, from ydoucare, with a video of him masturbating in a discord call with an underage female.
Quackers was informed about her age and continued with his actions anyways.
He is a 21 year old pedophile living with his parents and sister still, doing weird shit.
In the video we got provided by ydoucare, it shows him in front of his door, laying there, with his fatass keeping it from moving.
He was saying “Sophie” over and over, in a weird tone, and way.
We have multiple images of Quackers saying very weird stuff, including him saying he would murder, and rape his younger cousins.
Then me and goblin got tired of his bullshit, and entirely blocked him.
We confirmed that he was in Aurora, by Quackers himself, and we have the address.

We are making this doc, to keep awareness of QuackersClocks, this will be shared through some people (TRUSTED), and other information will be on the doxbin paste.
We will update the paste as much as we can.

He studies Music, and IT Software Development. (THANK YOU GOBLIN FOR GETTING THIS)

His parents and sisters relationship is confirmed by their facebook page, Lisa is married to Timothy, which shows that he is the father of the mistake, Alex.
Alex is also known as QuackersClocks.
An American YouTuber who uploads videos of title cards from various shows, plush videos, music performances, and clocks making sounds.

WikiTubia Page: 

His family is not involved in any of this, so please do not use their information for bad use.
Please do not harass his relatives who have nothing to do with this. 

His relatives' information should be used to let them know what he's been doing online. 

Nothing more than that.

If needed you can mail them something with their addresses which will be in the doxbin paste when we edit it, if their phone number doesn't work.


Discord users:
Torch: .torch.exe.
Goblin: goblin6701

Quackers discord user:
888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 
       d8888 888                        888         888    888 d8b                   
      d88888 888                        888         888    888 Y8P                   
     d88P888 888                        888         888    888                       
    d88P 888 88888b.   .d88b.  888  888 888888      8888888888 888 88888b.d88b.      
   d88P  888 888 "88b d88""88b 888  888 888         888    888 888 888 "888 "88b     
  d88P   888 888  888 888  888 888  888 888         888    888 888 888  888  888     
 d8888888888 888 d88P Y88..88P Y88b 888 Y88b.       888    888 888 888  888  888 d8b 
d88P     888 88888P"   "Y88P"   "Y88888  "Y888      888    888 888 888  888  888 Y8P 
He has a bunch of socials, including a WikiTubia page just for him.

He is known for his accurate replications of SpongeBob credits, as well as SpongeBob title cards for the show The Loud House.

From September 23, to October 31st every year, QuackersClocks changes his name to QuackersSpooks due to the Halloween season.

From November 1, to Thanksgiving Day, he changes his name to TurkeysClocks due to the Thanksgiving season.

From Thanksgiving Day to Christmas Day, he changes his name to SantaClocks due to the Christmas season.

On December 26, he changes his name back to QuackersClocks for the remainder of the year and until September 23rd of the upcoming year.

Since January 1, 2013, QuackersClocks has been making marathons of videos regarding grandfather clock chimes, in which he dubs them "Chime-a-Thons."

On February 1, 2014, QuackersClocks dubbed the very first Chime-a-Thon.

2015-17 were not very common years for Chime-a-Thons. QuackersClocks was focusing more on his series "The New and Improved Milk and Quackers Show" (TNAIMAQS).

TNAIMAQS had been cancelled in Summer of 2017, so QuackersClocks had more time to make more Chime-a-Thons.

2018 was a historic time for Chime-a-Thons. More than 1,000 chime videos were created this year, including the Start St. Michael's Day Chime-a-Thon.

2019 was also a year that included Chime-a-Thons. QuackersClocks' old channel was deleted on June 30th, resulting in all of those chime videos from 2018 to be wiped out. Some videos did survive in the purge.

There were only 2 Chime-a-Thons at the start of 2020: The New Year's Day Chime-a-Thon and the February Whittington Chime-a-Thon that occurs a day or two before the Super Bowl. The Whittington Chime-a-Thon was not cancelled amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

On April 6, 2020, a day in which QuackersClocks deemed it to be "Start St. Michael's Day," a day that commemorates the anniversary of the very first St. Michael's video ever recorded by QuackersClocks on April 6, 2012, Chime-a-Thons had been put to a halt, not only due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but a tree fell onto the house in which the chime videos take place in which the house needed repair for at least 8-9 months.

On December 25, 2020, it was announced that the grandfather clock would be repaired on January 23rd, 2021.

Since January 1, 2021, QuackersClocks has "brought back" Chime-a-Thons. He has been filming the schoolhouse clock, or the secondary clock, for the time being.

The grandfather clock was eventually repaired and it returned on July 14th, 2021.

QuackersClocks Second Channel

On June 30 2019, QuackersClocks' 

channel was deleted due to copyright. 

About a couple minutes later, a second channel with the 

same name was formed after the original channel 

was removed. His second channel doesn't have 500 subscribers 

yet. A possible explantion for YouTube removing his channel is

that thought it may have been spam. 

Alex Randall Brogan, more commonly known as QuackersClocks, is an American YouTuber who uploads videos of title cards from various shows, plush videos, music performances, and clocks making sounds. The title cards are very popular on the channel and include shows like Spongebob and the Simpsons which attract a lot of Spongebob and Spongebob fans, and the title cards are custom made which means they are his own creation.

Some of the plush videos announce special messages that are related to the channel, and one of his most recent series is New and Improved Milk and Quackers Show which is up to season 15 which are not the most popular videos on his channel.

Some scenes from play show off a section of a music performance at a public location which is most likely a school, and each video contains one song which is usually a couple minutes long. One of his most uploaded videos are about old clocks making sounds during a certain time of the day which specify a time and a ring sound in the location the clock is located which happens to be Whittington, but certain hours of the day are missing in the terms of upload. Since not many people are interested in clocks, there is a low amount of views on these videos unlike the other videos.

There is also a playlist where you can view all the video series, and there are a lot of videos to view.
888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 
Y88b   d88P            88888888888       888                     .d8888b.                                          
 Y88b d88P                 888           888                    d88P  Y88b                                         
  Y88o88P                  888           888                    Y88b.                                              
   Y888P  .d88b.  888  888 888  888  888 88888b.   .d88b.        "Y888b.   88888b.   .d88b.   .d8888b .d8888b      
    888  d88""88b 888  888 888  888  888 888 "88b d8P  Y8b          "Y88b. 888 "88b d8P  Y8b d88P"    88K          
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    888  Y88..88P Y88b 888 888  Y88b 888 888 d88P Y8b.          Y88b  d88P 888 d88P Y8b.     Y88b.         X88 d8b 
    888   "Y88P"   "Y88888 888   "Y88888 88888P"   "Y8888        "Y8888P"  88888P"   "Y8888   "Y8888P  88888P' Y8P 
Profile User: QuackersClocks

Style: Entertainment

Date joined: October 6, 2012

Shut down June 30, 2019, Returned July 1, 2019

Videos: 4,798

Views: 1,756,988

Subscribers: 1,568

Schedule: Daily

Status: Active

Most Recent Upload: 13d

Most Popular Video:

Views: 128,809

Likes: 497

Release Date: Jul 1, 2019
888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 
 .d8888b.                    d8b          888                                                                        
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 "Y888b.    .d88b.   .d8888b 888  8888b.  888 .d8888b                                                                
    "Y88b. d88""88b d88P"    888     "88b 888 88K                                                                    
      "888 888  888 888      888 .d888888 888 "Y8888b.                                                               
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 "Y8888P"   "Y88P"   "Y8888P 888 "Y888888 888  88888P'                                                               
Some Links may be wrong.


Disqus - alex_brogan social -

Hacker News - alex_brogan tech -

Houzz - alex_brogan hobby -

kik - alex_brogan social - - alex_brogan social -

Periscope - alex_brogan	video -

Pinterest - alex_brogan	social -

Poshmark - alex_brogan shopping -

Reddit - alex_brogan social -

Roblox - alex_brogan gaming -

slides - alex_brogan social -

Spotify - alex_brogan music -

TikTok - alex_brogan social -

Twitter - alex_brogan social -

Twitter archived..	alex_brogan	archived

Vivino - alex_brogan video -

Bandlab - quackersclocks music - - quackersclocks	video -

Disqus - quackersclocks	social -

GitHub - quackersclocks	coding -

Pinterest - quackersclocks social -

Reddit	quackersclocks	social

Roblox - quackersclocks	gaming -

smule - quackersclocks	music -

Tenor - quackersclocks	images -

TikTok - quackersclocks social -

Truth Social - quackersclocks social -

Twitter - quackersclocks social	-

Twitter archived..	quackersclocks	archived

Twitter archived..	quackersclocks	archived*/*

vsco - quackersclocks social -

wattpad - quackersclocks social -

YouTube Channel - quackersclocks video - - Alex.brogan business -

CastingCallClub - Alex.brogan hobby -

kik - Alex.brogan social -

OpenStreetMap - Alex.brogan social -

Pillowfort - Alex.brogan social -

PinkBike - Alex.brogan hobby -

Poll Everywhere - Alex.brogan tech -

Snapchat - Alex.brogan social -

Suzuri - Alex.brogan business -

TikTok - Alex.brogan social -

Vivino	- Alex.brogan video -  

888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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Via Facebook.                                                                                                                                  




888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 
8888888b.                                                      888       .d8888b.  888      d8b 888    
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First Name: Alexander, or Alex

Middle Name: Randall

Last Name: Brogan

College Address: 4545 College Rd, South Euclid, OH 44121                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Age: 21

Birth Year / Month: October 2002

Gender: Male

College: Notre Dame College

Study: Studies Music Entrepreneurship

Phone Of College: (877)-632-6446

Address: 39 Carriage Sq, Aurora, OH 44202

City: Aurora

State: Ohio

Zip: 44202

Possible Phone Numbers: (216) 571-4800 - (330)-274-1583

888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 

Images Of Him / Proof of Pedophilia.
Face Img -
Image -
Image -
^ Looks edited, but it isn't I got into quackers account and went through his history with that gc, and then logged out. ^
Video -
Video -
Image -
Image -
Image -
Image -
Image -

888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 888888 

Me and goblin will be updating this every chance we get.

I will save this paste as a file because doxbin likes to delete our 

pastes for 0 reasoning.

this is the SECOND uploading of this person.

- Sincerely Crazydog and Goblinscouch