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\__|  \__| \_______| \______/  \_______|\__|                                wsp, this is the promised redo about the router aka Krzysztof Ressel information
                                                                            Reason: scamming, making my friend quit and bullying little kids on the internet
                                                                        |         Main-info         |         PC-info           |    Continuation + Extra   |
                                           +++_________.                |___________________________________________________________________________________|
                  .'` `'.                  ||__           `-._          | Name: Krzysztof           | IP Address: |84BABFA2B23695D1E1A2CC80046|              
                 /    ,-.\                 ||_ ```---..__     `-.       | Surname: Ressel           | Local IP:   |CF4181839FA092FEFA50B910C85|      
                /    /:::\\               /|//}          ``--._  `.     | Age: prob 15 (if not, ill | Mac address: 142D27EF0789 |6A27068C92B32B88F01E10AE1FF|
                |    |:::||              |////}                `-. \    | update this later)        | HWID: HWIDBFEBFBFF000306C3|2BBB63BFFEF06043E8F3DCF9F41|             
                |    |:::||             //'///                    `.\   |---------------------------|---------------------------|6CA7E81F1B5C55E70E340285C30|
                |    |:::||            //  ||'                      `|  | Lives at: Wolanka         | PC Product Key:W269N-WFGWX|054BF6E9F138E7EF82CDEA623B2|                           
                /    |:::|/        _,-//\  ||                           | near: 51.47833417708695,  | -YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX        |55A64C5767D7A1D611A0B5A1A47|
               /`    |:::|`-,__,-'`  |/  \ ||                           |       17.300020232031077  | Wi-Fi Password: 65001     |A8C9273F0F3C703CC625675BB30|
             /`  |   |'' ||           \   |||                           |---------------------------|---------------------------|9CDF03111C463E9374723089817|                                           
         |`       |  |   |)            \ | ||                           | Family:                   | PC Product Key:W269N      |20BEDDA554491064ECF973D5147|                                              
        |          \ |   /      ,.__    \| ||                           | Dad: Tomasz Ressel        | -WFGWX-YVC9B-4J6C9-T83GX  |9154908D861F05610DE575C0BB1|                                                 
        /           `         /`    `\   | ||                           | ex-Mom: Monika Gwiazda    |                           |113EFABB9216DD963C648A29838|                                               
       |      Neuer          /        \  / ||                           |---------------------------|---------------------------|4369C40C2507A9EBD2B3015D3EE|                                                  
       |                     |             ||                           | rest of them:             | Roblox token: _FD076F77205|3CEA094A8C4A9B0E2E2A1F0D0EA|
       /         /           |        `(   ||                           | Jakub Ressel, Kasia Ressel| 5EDDE52F3FEF80384AD6BC5C8 |F8C62A4A8BBE12EFC7CB6103BD7|
      /          .           /          )  ||                           | Dawid Ressel,Joanna Ressel| FA7504120A8C5D988F55C8ECE |2B79359C33422B82C0EFD779E0C|
     |            \          |     ________||                           | Paweł Ressel, Dawid Ressel| 642E7F6CA9393CAD4E6844C461|716CAFFCC23463E6ADC1D858CCB|
    /             |          /     `-------.|                           | Aleksandra Ressel Piotr R-|1F235788F59B86756A1D850AC6 |FDD810B00781780D1BE4656154F|
   |\            /          |              ||                           | -essel, And his imaginary |CBED61E8FB1066037D78111CA60|F6DC61CDF0                 |
   \/`-._       |           /              ||                           | Friends.                  |2F72AA2948BE6B4009BAF559B30|---------------------------|
    //   `.    /`           |              ||                           | --------------------------|681846B51A9FA3DBC7082A60FD7| Extra:                    |
   //`.    `. |             \              ||                           | Pro-tip: make ur facebook |9D5079D5ACF9133F28AA7498E24| - can't fight  ___________|
  ///\ `-._  )/             |              ||                           | private                   |8AA2D26D1FD244A2580E1B5193C| - has autism  |   Neuer   |
 //// )   .(/               |              ||                           |____________________________________________________________________________________
 ||||   ,'` )               /              //
 ||||  /                    /             ||                            his photos and vids folder: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vnxghu9fb279mw9/Router_photos%252C_vids.7z/file
 `\\` /`                    |             // 
     |`                      \            ||  
    /                        |           //  
  /`                          \         //   
/`                             |        ||             
doxed by neuer :P