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    /             |          /     `-------.|      everything listed and sorted by $Lord#0001 ;)
Alright since you want to fucking cry cause I blocked you as a joke.

-His discord token is "Nzc5OTExMzQ4MTE2NTIwOTkw.X-A78Q.7mVOkg5EpFlmSUSrcT64w9a2HYQ"  
Name- James Hickert, James is short for Jimmy

Moms Name - Alysa Bennet (Cause he has a step dad the last name is obviously gonna be different)

Step dads name- Joshua Bennet 

Sisters name- Kimberly Hickert (Had her when his mom was with his real dad obviously) 

Brothers name- Kristopher Hickert (Had him when his mom was with his real dad obviously) 

Other sister- shes 3 years old so im gonna leave her name out

Proxys(aka James or Jimmy) is 17, drop out of high school, Doesn't have a job, and claims to steal bank accounts.
His ip  America/New_York