► Index:
  ⦁ [x.1] Reasoning
  ⦁ [x.2] Information On Target
  ⦁ [x.3] Information On Target's Family
  ⦁ [x.4] Information On Property
  ⦁ [x.5] Database Strings
  ⦁ [x.6] Extras
► [x.1] Reasoning:
  ⦁ Dumbass on OGUsers coming to breakingin asking for methods and shit. Stay on your site faggot.
► [x.2] Information On Target: 
  ⦁ Aliases: Proud, Loveshots
  ⦁ Full Name: Ludvig Ifvarsson
  ⦁ Pictures Of Target: https://i.imgur.com/Ijif4dH.png
  ⦁ Email: ludvig@ifvarsson.net
  ⦁ Address: Almlöfsgatan 3, 1303 
  ⦁ Education: Manillaskolan
    ▬ Address: Manillavägen 1, 115 21 Stockholm
    ▬ Phone: 08-662 77 00
  ⦁ Social Media: 
    ▬ Namemc: https://namemc.com/profile/supermanrailedya.1
    ▬ Snapchat: @ludvig
    ▬ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ludvig.ifvarsson/
    ▬ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ludvig.ifvarsson.3 

  ⦁ Common Passwords:
   ▬ Ludde2004!          
► [x.3] Information On Target's Family:
  ⦁ Mother:
    ⦁ Full Name: Åsa Ifvarsson
    ⦁ Number: 070-872 83 23 
    ⦁ DOB: 1973-06-20
    ⦁ Email: asa@ifvarsson.net
    ⦁ Address: Almlöfsgatan 3, 1303
    ⦁ Employment: Repurol AB
      ▬ Phone Number: 070-872 83 23 

    ⦁ Social Media:
      ▬ Instagram: N/A 
      ▬ Twitter: N/A
      ▬ Facebook: N/A
  ⦁ Father: 
    ⦁ Full Name: Staffan Ifvarsson
    ⦁ Number: 08-545 930 00 ( Home phone )
    ⦁ Pictures Of Target: https://i.imgur.com/ZdKPNB6.png
    ⦁ DOB: 1972-05-24 
    ⦁ Email: staffan@ifvarsson.net
    ⦁ Address: Almlöfsgatan 3, 1303
    ⦁ Employment: Repurol AB
      ▬ Phone Number: 070-872 83 23  
    ⦁ Social Media:
      ▬ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sifvarss/
      ▬ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sifvarsson

► [x.4] Property Informations:

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Lives in a fucking apartment the poor freak.

► [x.5] Database Strings:
Ludvig Ifvarsson:
    ⦁ Arcane Teamspeak
      ▬ Username: Loveshots
      ▬ IP:

    ⦁ Faithful IPS
      ▬ Username: Loveshots
      ▬ IP:

    ⦁ Faithful TS
      ▬ Username: Loveshots
      ▬ IP:

    ⦁ MMC DB
      ▬ Username: Loveshots
      ▬ Email: ludvig@ifvarsson.net
      ▬ Registered IP:

    ⦁ Velt IPS
      ▬ Username: Loveshots
      ▬ IP:
Staffan Ifvarsson:

    ⦁ Faithful Buycraft
      ▬ Username: Loveshots
      ▬ Email: staffan@ifvarsson.net
      ▬ Registered IP:
► [x.6] Extras: