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Reason4dox: Proud E-Whore, seeks attention from obviously false rape stories/ talking about killing herself,
(has apparently attempted like 20+ times, like it's not that hard?) egotistical, hypocritical, manipulative, 
a top 1% professional victim. Apparently edates, zero self respect, also her dog looks fucking hideous.
(I cannot vouch for the accusations above except the dog one, I've had no interactions with person.)
Name: Anna M Dattola
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Number: +1 972-469-2099
Email: abanana1522@gmail.com
Instagram: _annadattola
Snapchat: annadattola
Discord: annadatt (ID: 543572624383410186)
Twitter: anna38736265
Roblox: annadatt (https://www.roblox.com/users/150898444/profile?friendshipSourceType=PlayerSearch)
Address: 3451 Pilgrim Dr
City: Frisco
State: Texas
Zip: 75034
Country: United States
Her business - https://madebyannad.com/
School: Hebron Highschool | https://www.lisd.net/hhs 
School Number: +1 469-713-5183
Mother Name: Tamara Dattola
Number: 2149382589
Email(s): tamara.dattola@sbcglobal.net | tamaradattola@aol.com | tamara.andrews@ps.net 
Dad Name: Tony Dattola
Number: (972) 370-9225
Email(s): tony.dattola@nttdata.com | antonino.dattola@email.it | tony_dattola@dell.com