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|This is a DOX of the Person behind all the fake privnote.com websites, which replaced entered cryptocurrency addresses.|
|He managed to stealer hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Bitcoin, ethereum, USDT, Tron, Litecoin and Monero.    |
|Maybe even Millions.                                                                                                   |

|https://prilvnote.com                                                                          |
|https://priwnote.com                                                                           |
|https://notesonline.com                                                                        |
|https://priwnote.co                                                                            |
|                                                                                               |
|Google Ads Transparency Account:                                                               |

Crypto Addresses:
|bc1qsxpul69nvc4qx9s7daqd8c6x05rrt2t4rcsuf7 |
|                                           |
|0xd74cCa3AcCed038d85B44D829095c285D51A2433 |
|                                           |
|TGYwhHDxKmAPJpzznaBedsQoYm66AA1pHY         |
|                                           |
|                                           |
|Some of the previous addresses:            |
|bc1qf2mm63c2wz4dcs60uryy8q2ktkldlvtgj9va3e |
|                                           |
|0x7e415F4e8900361f545A8c234a7439751C203825 |
|                                           |
|TPGLE7GbkWzSEH5UsgMwxbaxDderzPUhC9         |
|                                           |

Social Profiles:
|https://www.blackhatworld.com/members/sokoldoma777.1609335/         |
|https://t.me/@Samoed777                                             |
|https://t.me/namillionstudio                                        |
|https://cl.pinterest.com/toshamillion/                              |
|Sisters Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vbakunina_             |

Personal Information:
|Name: Anton Santalov                                |
|Postal Code: 55086                                  |
|Country: Ukraine                                    |
|Region: Dnipropetrovska Oblast'                     |
|City: Pokrov                                        |
|Address: Soborna street 11a.                        |
|Full Name: Santalov Anton Sergeevich                |
|Name in Original Language: САНТАЛОВ АНТОН СЕРГІЙОВИЧ|
|Phone Number: +380664746114                         |
|Alternate Postal Code: 53300                        |
|Email: sokoldoma777@gmail.com,hereistony@mail.ru    |
|Passport number: 002103032                          |

|https://ibb.co/Pcpv4XJ                                     |
|https://ibb.co/7rnjrm9                                     |
|                                                           |
|A ton of more Images of him and his girlfriends and parents|
|can be found on his Instagram.                             |
|                                                           |
