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Q. What is Pridefall?
: 4chan is too irrelevant these days, so what are they doing to become relevant again? Well they dox random
  LGBTQ members who have weak opsec. In a nutshell its some pussies trying to get clout by creating mass panic.
  So due to multiple requests, i have decided to make a guide on how to make it hard or almost impossible for them to dox you.
  Anyone can contribute to this post by commenting more points. Lets begin.


> Collecting your identity from the information you post online
  Be cautious about what you post on your social media accounts, forums and other chats.

> Packet sniffing
 You don't have to worry about this. This is mostly passive, They have to be close to you or share the same coffee shop.
 Don't connect to suspicious hot-spots and you are safe.

> Crosschecking information between an online persona and social media profile
 That played the key-role on bringing down the Omegle Cat Killer. It was different and more complicated in her case.
 It involved hijacking her accounts. What you should do is that remove your snapchat details from your bio, 
 Make account connections on your discord account non visible by hiding them.

> File metadata
 Most images you take on your phone have exif data. 
 This contains data regarding camera or smartphone model, resolution, location (if you enabled GPS) and time when it was taken.
 Its better to remove metadata before posting images on forums and stuff.
 On Iphone : https://www.engadget.com/2013-10-03-parenting-tip-share-your-ios-photos-without-revealing-your-exif.html
 On Computer : http://www.verexif.com
 On Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.none.tom.exiferaser&hl=en_IN

> Phishing
 Do not fall victim to fake login pages.
 Just say no and that you dont want free vbux.

> Doxxing through IP logging
 IP loggers are tools used on the Internet to sniff out a person’s IP address. They sent it in mostly in the form of a link
 Do not click on everything, not everything would be free robux. No ones gonna give you stuff for free.
 While this isn't harmful in most cases, the doxer can use the IP to ISP dox you, which is basically calling your ISP and 
 asking for the bill payer's info for the IP address. But many ISPs protect their customers from this. You can right now call them 
 and tell them to not to pass info to anyone who is pretending to be you and you can even set a code.

> Don’t use your personal email to register on forums or other similar websites
 Websites get hacked and their database get dumped now and then. Thats your personal info right there.

> Hide your personal data from a website’s WHOIS.
 If you have a website, use WHOIS guard to hide your fullname, address and more stuff.

> Databrokers
 Some websites like whitepages, spokeo and yellopages are used to get full info on mostly US citizens, 
 However you can use the "Right to be Forgotten" act to remove your data from the websites. It mostly involves a little fee.
 You can use this service to remove your data from all databrokers and it removes your Personal Information From Data Brokers
 Removing personal information from data broker websites reduces your online footprint, and removes Google search results

> Laws and Rights
 If you live within the EU or Argentina, then you benefit from a so-called “right to be forgotten”. 
 This allows you to petition a search engine to remove search results concerning you.

> Usernames
Use a unique and username everywhere, don't use the same username, you will make it easy as just googling to dox you.

> Passwords
Change your passwords now, use a complicated and never before used password, enable 2fa/google auth.

> Sim-swapping
In simple terms, simming means the usage of employee tools from an isp + your data to transfer your number
to a new sim owned by the attacker. Now you don't have to worry about this unless you are a celeb. This is time consuming 
and done rarely to commoners.

<> End note: Well that's it, that's the basic guide to prevent getting doxed. Remember, you are the weakest link in your security.

<> Message to harmless 4channers behind this attention whoring pridefall: Go fuck x)

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