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                    Watch who you fuck with.                                                                                        
    Reason :            Keeps acting harmful
                     (Would Swat Him But No VM)
                        Back Round info
Name - Toni Ivcev
Age - 17
School - Used to go - JU Prva osnovna škola Brčko distrikt BiH // now JU Prva osnovna škola Brčko distrikt BiH (?)
State - /
Country - BIH
City - Brcko 
Zip Code - 76100
Addy - Cvijete Zuzorić 11
Dad - Dimče Ivčev ---- Instagram -----> https://www.instagram.com/Dimceivcev/ ---- Facebook -----> https://www.facebook.com/dimce.ivcev (WHOLE ASS PEDO LOOKING LIKE A DRUG DEALER)
Mom - Aida Ivčev ---- Facebook -----> https://www.facebook.com/aida.ivcev
Mom & Dad - https://prnt.sc/r96z06

The Man himself - Toni Ivcev ---- Facebook -----> www.facebook.com/toni.ivcev ---- Snapchat -----> tonyxrd ---- Instagram -----> https://www.instagram.com/tonyxrd/ 

Pics - https://prnt.sc/r96xls , https://prnt.sc/r96xph EGGHEAD LOOKIN ASS , https://prnt.sc/r96y4c (with his dad) , https://prnt.sc/r96yq5 (with his mom) , https://prnt.sc/r96z8x , https://prnt.sc/r96zem https://prnt.sc/r96zj4 (whole family)
https://prnt.sc/r96zrt , https://prnt.sc/r970a6 LOOL NINJATURTLE LOOKALIKE

His Phone number - (387)066 380 239
                           About him
- Biggest bitch ever.. He acts hard but is begging me not to do this, He makes girls very uncomfortable, Tries fighting anyone that digresses with him. Gets bad grades, spends daddies
money, Very INSECURE, Loses every girl he talks too, Mans got no game, Makes fun of people with disabilities, and other shit.

                    MAKE THIS KID LEARN HIS LESSON 