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Potato3887/Potato Is A Pedophile Who Admitted To Watching Child Porn

1: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/981670206353064027/1000494422112358561/95F7C3E4-4AEF-4DC2-8C18-C480327A776D.jpg
2: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/991087047848644618/1013625056557006888/A4F8AB26-FA5D-4D2F-8F6A-469DE1E9D6EB.jpg?width=1025&height=164
3: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/991087047848644618/1013625057563652156/IMG_1848.png?width=1025&height=420


Possible Name: Andrew Mullins

Discord Tag: Potato8337#8084

Home State: Virginia

Age Range: 18 - 30

Approx Amount Of Years In Military: 3 Years

Role In Military: Aircraft Structural Repairer / Specialist

Unit: 1st Battalion, 214th Aviation Regiment

Deployed In: Wiesbaden, Germany

Housing: Crestview, Plutoweg

Street Cords: 52.433541, 13.701185

Unit Number: +49 (0) 611-143-546-8009

Reason For Deployment: Russian invasion of Ukraine


Reason This Wasn't Sooner:

Due To The Fact Multiple Jokes Spread Around In The Community That He Is In We Assumed He Was Joking, However Like Him And Another Person Before Him It'd Come Out Later That He Was Serious When He Was Making These Statements, Both These People Have Been Removed From The Community They Were In.


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Don't Become A Pedo Kids.