The server owner has been bullied by people who shouldn't be toxic, they think the are internet hackers

Doxxed Reason: These Staffs and Admins are Toxiand they think they are internet hackers.


Server model: https://discord.new/bP99kcb9QCPA

Name: João Carvalho,João Pedro, Joni Delfuego
Nickname: mindofjoni20_yt (☆†〆ᴊᴏɴɪᴅᴇʟꜰᴜᴇɢᴏჯ亗) and JoniBoy
Age: 21
Phone number: N/A
Sexuality: Heterosexual or maybe bisexual
Discord ID: 867811762703564850
Steam ID: 76561199051416590
Country: Portugal, Lisboa Oeiras
City: Olisipo, Lisboa, Portugal
Postal Code:1000-?
Sports club you support: Sport Lisboa e Benfica
He studied: Escola Secundária Luis de Freitas Branco and  EPCI - Escola Profissional Comunicação e Imagem
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/jonidelfuego_yt/, https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100041662741039, https://www.tiktok.com/@jonidelfuego_35, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4nZpy-UNWOki21apf2obtg, https://x.com/joaoapcarvalho


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I posted these pictures because I don't want to be so mean to the guy and post more.

NOTE: This was just a warning, DOX could be worse next time, be careful.


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