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A overall fucked up person. Insecure about himself, which makes him a dick to other people.
Racist, Says the N-Word. (Mr. Sol Does not condone any harm or action done apon "AJ/Andrew James Mcdowell")

  ___                           _   ___       __                    _   _          
 | _ \___ _ _ ___ ___ _ _  __ _| | |_ _|_ _  / _|___ _ _ _ __  __ _| |_(_)___ _ _  
 |  _/ -_) '_(_-</ _ \ ' \/ _` | |  | || ' \|  _/ _ \ '_| '  \/ _` |  _| / _ \ ' \ 
 |_| \___|_| /__/\___/_||_\__,_|_| |___|_||_|_| \___/_| |_|_|_\__,_|\__|_\___/_||_|

Victim: Andrew James McDowell, Age 15
Country: United States of America (USA)
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Current Address: 7307 E 31st Pl, Tulsa, OK 74145-1208

School: Jenks Public High School
Address: 205 East B Street Jenks, OK 74037
Phone Number: (918) 299 4415


Mom: Mandi R Smith, Age 35
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Current Address: 7307 E 31st Pl, Tulsa, OK 74145-1208
Phone Number: (918) 900 4497
Prior Addresses:
54035 S 36800 Rd; Cleveland, OK 74020-6707
5507 E 32nd Pl; Tulsa, OK 74135-5208
5208 S Lewis Ave, APT 1015; Tulsa, OK 74105-6504
9721 E 75th St, APT 1015; Tulsa, OK 74133-3289
Prior Phone Numbers:
(918) 894-9034 - Wireless
(918) 407-5644 - Wireless
(918) 935-9550 - Wireless
(918) 358-5776 - LandLine
(918) 358-5796 - LandLine
(918) 252-4158 - LandLine
(661) 304-9644 - Wireless
Camron Smith
Carl Smith
Darcy Mcintyre
David Smith
Dawn Cosper
Dawn Lancaster


Dad: (Deceased)


Step Dad: Gabriel Atwell, Age 39
State: Oklahoma
City: Tulsa
Current Address: 7307 E 31st Pl, Tulsa, OK 74145-1208
Phone Number: (918) 906 0507
Prior Addresses:
109 S Spruce St; Sapulpa, OK 74066-4452
4649 S 85th East Ave; Tulsa, OK 74145-7119
9224 S 70th East Ave; Tulsa, OK 74133-5352
1702 E 72nd St, APT 1201; Tulsa, OK 74136-5329
Prior Phone Numbers:
(918) 813-1477 - Wireless
(918) 813-2253 - Wireless
(918) 307-0613 - LandLine
(918) 425-3705 - LandLine
(918) 527-8144 - Wireless
Beth Mckenzie
Brenda King
Gabriel Atwell
Jodie Atwell
Judy Atwell
L Atwell
Leslie Atwell
Loo Atwell


  ___  ___   ___ ___   _   _      __  __ ___ ___ ___   _   
 / __|/ _ \ / __|_ _| /_\ | |    |  \/  | __|   \_ _| /_\  
 \__ \ (_) | (__ | | / _ \| |__  | |\/| | _|| |) | | / _ \ 
 |___/\___/ \___|___/_/ \_\____| |_|  |_|___|___/___/_/ \_\

IG: simply._andrew *His pfp is a picture of a cliff up close*
FB: Andrew McDowell *His pfp is a picture of a baby duck wearing a bowtie*
