Poof v2 pasting my shit on Discord so I'm here to fuck him over.
He is using my source code "Stealth" but rebranding it and turning it into a rat / trojan.
All he does is skid peoples sources and lie about pasting.
He has 0 programming knowledge whatsoever and he needs to be fucking humbled.

Some of this might be incorrect. 

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gavinhahahahaha - He is following / has people following him from his personal life.
Snapchat: gavingavin44
Age: 16
Name: Gavin
Discord aliases: poofv2 / poacc
Paypal: poofsigmawolf
Cashapp: https://cash.app/$ozfr
State: Possibly Florida
Girlfriend name: Jadelyn
Roblox profiles: https://www.roblox.com/users/417761751/profile  |  https://www.roblox.com/users/2615292206/profile
Discord Ids: Main - (804110263443390505) Alt - (1239408164844339301)
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@felteds
Race: White
Bio Link Page: https://guns.lol/poof
Shitty cheat name: vape.lol / vap3
Discord server ids: Main - (1182287241662451743) 2nd Server - (1251649285901123674)

Please for fucks sake don't download anything that this kid promotes or sells.
Don't associate with him you will just end up being fucked over.
You will end up being ratted and having all of your accounts / information stolen.

Pictures for proof:
Link for the virus total reports: https://gofile.io/d/MrEpGp
Link for screenshots of him being a retard: https://gofile.io/d/0h0XAP

Stealth virus total report: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/4b1c9ee8f7ce65288c7f75a92a85f055849e89ed01b4c8d9cdd50420430a73f3
Vape virus total report: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/6666c3ef1bb36779fd6725d4ec308dd4a5a7677931844691d1d3fdba46c3278f

Sorry for the downloads its just easier.
Please read the "Read Me" documents inside of both archives.