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                                                                                      FORMAT Designed by : O S W A L D : https://doxbin.com/user/oz | Telegram: https://t.me/inthrall -- REMOVE THIS FREE TO USE

       Ω https://t.me/OmegaHatBot                           BASIC INFORMATION
                                                            ➤ Name: Polo Headspeth
                                                              ➣ Pseudonyms: 
                                                              ➣ "0_HKz", "kingharm0416", "Polo40z"
                                                            ➤ Age: 21
                                                            ➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 00/00/2002
               [ USA : CALIFORNIA ]                         ➤ Location: Bakersfield, California, United States
                                                            ➤ Race: African American
                                                            ➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight
                                                            ➤ Native Language: English & Lithuanian (Balto-Slavic)
                                                            ➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight
                                                            ➤ Religion: Lutheran 
                                                              ➣ Additional Information
                                                              ➣ Gender: Male
                                                              ➣ Weight: 180
                                                              ➣ Height: 5,8

                                                            PERSONAL INFORMATION
                                                            ➤ Country of Citizenship: United States

            [TLO NEEDS TO BE DONE]                          ➤ ⚠️ [SSN] Social Security Number: "#" //
                                                            ➤ ⚠️ [DLN] Driver License: "#"

                                                            ➤ [ISP] Internet Service Provider: Metro PCS
                                                            ➤ Area Code: 661
                                                            ➤ Mobile Phone Number: "661 346 8571"
                                                            ➤ Home Address: 329 S Brown St Bakersfield, CA 93307 1822 [Kern County]
                                                            ➤ Postal Code: 99304
                                                                ➣ Additional Information
                                                                ➣ Timezone: [PST] Pacific Standard Timezone

                                                            FAMILY INFORMATION
                                                            ➤ Mother Name: Timicka A Headspeth aka Kimberly Thomas
                                                              ➣ Picture: 
            [TLO NEEDS TO BE DONE]                            ➣ ⚠️ [SSN] Social Security Number: "#" //
                                                              ➣ ⚠️ [DLN] Driver License: "#"

                                                              ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 23/01/1976 -- DD/MM/YYYY
                                                              ➣ Age: 45
                                                              ➣ Mobile Phone Number: "323 674 8838"
                                                              ➣ Current Address: 1106 L St, Bakersfield, CA 93304 1448 [Kern County]
                                                                  ➣ Previous Address: 3617 Jewett Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 1312 [Kern County]
                                                                  ➣ Previous Address: 1151 E 78th St Los Angeles, CA 90001 2937
                                                              ➣ Emails: "theadspeth36@yahoo.com", "heads5659@gmail.com"
                                                              ➣ Additional Information: 
                                                              ➣ Previous Internet Protocol V4: "", ""

                                                              HASHED PASSWORDS
                                                              ➣ 2023 - verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_16.txt [Part 137 of 1537] - "baebaeb0-3835-421c-9b98-ded33fb68aa9"

                                                              ➣ 2022 - apexsms.rar/apexsms1.csv [Part 488 of 1281] - "20aaa95d-a42d-4476-bf22-fdbe41dd587f" - "theadspeth36@yahoo.com"
                                                              ➣ 2022 - apexsms.rar/apexsms1.csv [Part 352 of 1281] - "1c4ac339-1fdd-471b-ae2e-61080ef4d9b3" - "theadspeth36@yahoo.com"
                                                              ➣ 2022 - clearvoicesurveys.com_none.rar/clearvoicesurveys.com.csv [Part 1574 of 1954] - "214b2101-cebf-4b93-81e2-0991e3dbede4"
                                                                 -- 14271374 : 16217766 : 208CC794-2E62-4CED-8633-DB7B192FE18C	494 : -1 : -1 : P : Kimberly : Thomas : heads5659@gmail.com : 
                                                                    1976-01-23 00:00:00.000 : F	1 : 0 : 2013-05-31 05:26:28.947	false	true	false	true	false	false	false	true 
                                                                    true : 2013-05-31 05:26:28.417 : -1 : 2013-11-27 03:00:01.813 : : : 0	: 1904 Julian Ave : 
                                                                    Bakersfield	27	213	93304 :2013-05-30 : 2013-05-30 15:39:13.407 : CVSWebService : 2013-11-27 03:00:01.813 
                                                                    [Member_UpdateLoginDate] : 1033	: 0 : 1 : 0 : true : false : false

                                                              ➣ 2021 - Allfeeds Full file 56931519.rar/Allfeeds Full file 56931519 2.csv [Part 91 of 917] - "cc71d21f-61c8-4906-8711-3b700dfbe35f"
                                                              ➣ 2021 - clearvoicesurveys.com.rar/CVS_member_member.csv [Part 597 of 977] - "1a682867-76f9-476a-9a0b-52184ed5c6ef"
                                                                 -- 14271374,16217766,208CC794-2E62-4CED-8633-DB7B192FE18C,494,-1,-1,P,"","","","",Kimberly,Thomas,heads5659@gmail.com,"",
                                                                    1976-01-23 00:00:00.000,F,1,0,2013-05-31 05:26:28.947,false,true,false,true,false,false,false,true,true,,2013-05-31 05
                                                                    :26:28.417,,,,-1,2013-11-27 03:00:01.813,,,0,,,1904 Julian Ave,"",,Bakersfield,27,213,93304,,
                                                                    ,,,2013-05-30,2013-05-30 15:39:13.407,CVSWebService,2013-11-27 03:00:01.813,[Member_UpdateLoginDate],0,,false,,6,,,,10

                                                                ➣ 2020 - Modbsolutions.com.txt [Part 1230 of 4065] - "f324b024-1db5-44a2-a2eb-144a36e72f63" - "heads5659@gmail.com"

                                                            ➤ Father Name: Chris L Headspeth
                                                              ➣ Picture: 
            [TLO NEEDS TO BE DONE]                            ➣ ⚠️ [SSN] Social Security Number: "#" //
                                                              ➣ ⚠️ [DLN] Driver License: "#"

                                                              ➣ [DOB] Date of Birth: 00/00/1982
                                                              ➣ Age: 41
                                                              ➣ Mobile Phone Number: "661 247 5264"
                                                              ➣ Current Address: 329 S Brown St Bakersfield, CA 93307 1822 [Kern County]
                                                                  ➣ Previous Address: 3321 Mccourry St, Bakersfield, CA 93304 6430 [Kern County]
                                                                  ➣ Previous Address: 17635 Industrial Farm Rd Bakersfield, CA 93308 9520 [Kern County]
                                                              ➣ Email: "Chrisheads29@gmail.com", "hellyeah886@gmail.com", "cheadspeth@cs.com", "cheadspeth1@cs.com", "willinghamkarrol@gmail.com", 
                                                                        "chrisheadspet@yahoo.com", "mncheadspeth14@cs.com"
                                                              ➣ Additional Information: 
                                                              HASHED PASSWORDS
                                                              ➣ 2023 - verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_6.txt [Part 700 of 1537] - "3e2d5e7e-82c1-41e9-a393-281a38d2603a"
                                                              ➣ 2023 - verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_13.txt [Part 703 of 1537] - "0eb8ab0c-2b45-4e2e-b329-09a3926c2cac"
                                                              ➣ 2023 - iMesh.com 44kk [+8kk new records].txt [Part 58 of 335] - "85dcdb88-eec1-4b50-9cd3-67def7b63c9f"
                                                              ➣ 2023 - VerificationsIO/static_list_emails_hardbounces.bson.json [Part 290 of 1674] - "8ec374a2-142c-4382-826e-a3d2be360a5e"
                                                              ➣ 2023 - verifications.io.rar/emailrecords.bson.json_1.txt [Part 14 of 1537] - "358157d1-ebc4-440d-9d53-19971c296c51"
                                                              ➣ 2023 - iMesh.com 44kk [+8kk new records].txt [Part 85 of 85] - "1d2dd3ae-7351-4e93-81a9-ad2bbaeb9875"
                                                              ➣ 2023 - Yahoo.com 77kk.txt [Part 578 of 607] - ""

                                                              ➣ 2022 - apexsms.rar/apexsms1.csv [Part 167 of 1281] - "d7e4d0f8-1d77-43ed-9b90-911eff71743a" - "cheadspeth@cs.com"

                                                              ➣ 2021 - Allfeeds Full file 56931519.rar/Allfeeds Full file 56931519 1.csv [Part 513 of 917] - "e6055f03-3d51-4257-87ed-6730867eb677"
                                                              ➣ 2021 - USA_Customers_04.2021_(153.986.518)_3.txt [Part 580 of 1025] - "816a05b3-e286-486b-a30e-34d59de2773f"
                                                              ➣ 2021 - 250807711_Part2.rar/710.csv [Part 17 of 46] - "a8bfe495-47d1-4210-8df1-a32262127b3f"
                                                              ➣ 2021 - NewFEEDS-NOV2020.rar/80K Porn/80K P 5232020.rar/80K P 5232020.csv [Part 1 of 3] - "093f0d91-9c15-4611-8046-8bc7327629f8"

                                                              ➣ 2020 - iMesh.7z/imesh.txt [Part 528 of 1087] - "25d69b84-a4a9-425c-8fd2-c7aa5440741f"
                                                              ➣ 2020 - JustDate.7z/Data/JustDate.com_24.5M.sql [Part 232 of 391] - "9b579f00-edf9-482f-84cc-7be65452fb6c"
                                                              ➣ 2020 - LinkedInMain 16M.rar/LinkedInMain 16M.csv [Part 107 of 581] - "46a76c1d-6c45-4b4a-b7db-5262cbde52a1"
                                                              ➣ 2020 - SpecialK.7z/kylesdata(dailyfeed)_2015.sql [Part 570 of 1530] - "1097ecca-f413-4e7d-b4fd-e083a4b985b6"
                                                              ➣ 2020 - Data4marketers Special K Data.rar/KyleS_LIVEFEEDS_2015-08-01.txt [Part 4 of 26] - "ab255143-baac-48e4-b56c-326b10eb1a27"

                                                              ➣ 2019 - Adobe October 2013.txt [Part 222 of 1973] - "781d1f32-1fa3-4530-8f79-3b8916ca88f6" - "willinghamkarrol@gmail.com"
                                                                 -- 109837904,,willinghamkarrol@gmail.com,Ej5ksQBicaA=,granddaughter

                                                            ➤ RBLX: "1144264317"
                                                            ➤ Snapchat: kklolbutt66
                                                            ➤ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/4aehgardwmyjzc48lk04819tk

                                                            ➣ 2021 - DoxBin_cleaned.7z/pastes/Polo40z.txt - "559c7ba3-a0c9-4335-8e77-bc34c33e622b" -- LOOK AT THIS RELIC, the old format of this paste OMG

                                                            [CA] CALIFORNIA
                                                            ➣ #ALAMEDA, #ALHAMBRA, #ANAHEIM, #ANTIOCH, #ARCADIA, #BAKERSFIELD, #BARSTOW, #BELMONT, #BERKELEY, #BEVERLY HILLS, #BREA, #BUENA PARK, #BURBANK, 
                                                               #CALEXICO, #CALISTOGA, #CARLSBAD, #CARMEL, #CHICO, #CHULA VISTA, #CLAREMONT, #COMPTON, #CONCORD, #CORONA, #CORONADO, #COSTA MESA, #CULVER CITY, 
                                                               #DALY CITY, #DAVIS, #DOWNEY, #EL CENTRO, #EL CERRITO, #EL MONTE, #ESCONDIDO, #EUREKA, #FAIRFIELD, #FONTANA, #FREMONT, #FRESNO, #FULLERTON, 
                                                               #GARDEN GROVE, #GLENDALE, #HAYWARD, #HOLLYWOOD, #HUNTINGTON BEACH, #INDIO, #INGLEWOOD, #IRVINE, #LA HABRA, #LAGUNA BEACH, #LANCASTER, 
                                                               #LIVERMORE, #LODI, #LOMPOC, #LONG BEACH, #LOS ANGELES, #MALIBU, #MARTINEZ, #MARYSVILLE, #MENLO PARK, #MERCED, #MODESTO, #MONTEREY, 
                                                               #MOUNTAIN VIEW, #NAPA, #NEEDLES, #NEWPORT BEACH, #NORWALK, #NOVATO, #OAKLAND, #OCEANSIDE, #OJAI, #ONTARIO, #ORANGE, #OROVILLE, #OXNARD, 
                                                               #PACIFIC GROVE, #PALM SPRINGS, #PALMDALE, #PALO ALTO, #PASADENA, #PETALUMA, #POMONA, #PORT HUENEME, #RANCHO CUCAMONGA, #RED BLUFF, #REDDING, 
                                                               #SAN FERNANDO, #SAN FRANCISCO, #SAN GABRIEL, #SAN JOSE, #SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, #SAN LEANDRO, #SAN LUIS OBISPO, #SAN MARINO, #SAN MATEO, 
                                                               #SAN PEDRO, #SAN RAFAEL, #SAN SIMEON, #SANTA ANA, #SANTA BARBARA, #YUBA CITY, #SANTA CLARA, #SANTA CLARITA, #SANTA CRUZ, #SANTA MONICA, 
                                                               #UKIAH, #VALLEJO, #VENTURA, #VICTORVILLE, #VISALIA, #WALNUT CREEK, #WATTS, #WEST COVINA, #WHITTIER, #WOODLAND, #YORBA LINDA

                                                            [X] SIGNATURES

                                                            ♠│ Insigno Implican | [OOCV] - Operations Communications Armed Federation - Executive of El Magisterium // https://doxbin.com/user/oz