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        ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗╚══██╔══╝██╔══██╗██║██╔══██╗██║░██╔╝  ██╔══██╗╚██╗░██╔╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝██╔══██╗
        ██████╔╝███████║░░░██║░░░██████╔╝██║██║░░╚═╝█████═╝░  ██████╔╝░╚████╔╝░██║░░██║█████╗░░██████╔╝
        ██╔═══╝░██╔══██║░░░██║░░░██╔══██╗██║██║░░██╗██╔═██╗░  ██╔══██╗░░╚██╔╝░░██║░░██║██╔══╝░░██╔══██╗
        ██║░░░░░██║░░██║░░░██║░░░██║░░██║██║╚█████╔╝██║░╚██╗  ██║░░██║░░░██║░░░██████╔╝███████╗██║░░██║
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                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                        0x00 - Table of Contents                       ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █                        0x00 - Table of Contents....                       █
                █                        0x01 - Introduction.........                       █
                █                        0x02 - Personal Information.                       █
                █                        0x03 - Aliases..............                       █
                █                        0x04 - Social Media Accounts                       █
                █                        0x05 - Emails...............                       █
                █                        0x06 - Outro................                       █
                █                        0x07 - Credits..............                      █
                █                                                           (-) sleazy/pvpn █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                          0x01 - Introduction                          ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ Hellow fellow viewers of Doxbin, welcome to the dox of Patrick J Ryder Or █
                █ We should call him Psycho Ryder, Psycho Ryder is an extremely corrupt     █
                █ Government Official who is leading the Nassau County Police Department.   █
                █ He has been caught using the term "Nigger" against black employees. He    █
                █ Also been arrested for jumping out of a tree and assaulting someone. You  █
                █ Can really do your own research on this dude and it's easy to see what's  █
                █ going on with him and etc.                                                █
                █                                                           (-) sleazy/pvpn █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                      0x02 - Personal Information                      ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Name Information:                                                        █
                █   (-) Full Name: Patrick Jude Ryder                                       █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Social Security Number:                                                  █
                █   (-) 134-60-9999                                                         █
                █   (-) State Issued: New York                                              █
                █   (-) Year Issued: 1976-1977                                              █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Gender:                                                                  █
                █   (-) MALE                                                                █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Date of Birth:                                                           █
                █   (-) 06/14/1962 | FR/JU/1962                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Race:                                                                    █
                █   (-) CAUCASIAN                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Ethnicity:                                                               █
                █   (-) White - Non Latino                                                  █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Sexual Orientation:                                                      █
                █   (-) Straight                                                            █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Political Affiliation:                                                   █
                █   (-) Republican                                                          █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Native Language:                                                         █
                █   (-) English                                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Relationship Status:                                                     █
                █   (-) Married                                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Address: 2912 Kent Rd E Wantagh NY 11793                                 █
                █   (-)                                                                     █
                █       (-) Relevancy:                                                      █
                █       (-) Date: ??/??/???? - ??/??/????                                   █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Phone Number: (516) 457-8983 | 5162211908                                █
                █   (-)                                                                     █
                █       (-) type: IPHONE                                                    █
                █       (-) Carrier: Verizon Wireless                                       █
                █       (-) CNAM: PATRICK RYDER                                             █
                █       (-) Last Port Date: 12/7/2023                                       █
                █       (-) Relevancy: N/A                                                  █
                █       (-) Linked Accounts: N/A                                            █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Education:                                                               █
                █   (-) School Name: WANTAGH SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL                             █
                █       (-) Type: Public High School                                        █
                █       (-) School Adress: 3297 BELTAGH AVE WANTAGH, NY 11793-3371	    █
                █       (-) NCES District ID: 3629850                                       █
                █       (-) NCES School ID: 362985004011                                    █
                █       (-) CSA/CBSA: 35620                                                 █
                █       (-) School Website: https://whs.wantaghschools.org/                 █
                █       (-) Phone number: (516) 679-6401                                    █                
                █       (-) School leader: Dr. Paul Guzzone                                 █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                            -) sleazy/pvpn █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                            0x03 - Aliases                             ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  Aliases:                                                                 █
                █   (-) Patrick T Ryder                                                     █
                █   (-) J Ryder                                                             █
                █   (-) Psycho Ryder                                                        █
                █                                                           (-) sleazy/pvpn █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                    0x04 - Social Media Accounts                       ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █  (-) LINKDIN: http://www.linkdin.com/in/j-ryder-ab379842                  █
                █  (-) TWITTER: https://twitter.com/i/user/171553460                        █
                █  (-) PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/jpandthree/                          █
                █  (-) LINKEDIN: www.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fpatrick-ryder-83596ba              █
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                           (-) sleazy/pvpn █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                            0x05 - Emails  and passwords               ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █                                                                           █
                █   example@example.com: LISTED BELOW                                       █
                █       (-) Used on: SITES                                                  █
                █           (-) Google                                                      █
                █               (-) Name: PATRICK JUDE RYDER                                █
                █               (-) Gaia: 1234567890                                        █
                █               (-) Recovery information:                                   █
                █                   (-) Number: 5162211908 > +US15162211908                 █
                █               (-) https://google.com/maps/contrib/1234567890 -N/A         █
                █               (-) https://youtube.com/channel/abcdefghijklmn - N/A        █
                █           (-) https://www.earthlink.net/                                  █
                █           (-) rocketmail.com                                              █
                █           (-) eoptonline.net                                              █
                █           (-) Databreaches: N/A                                           █
                █               (-) BY US NIG                                               █
                █                (-) username: PPRYD                                        █
                █                   (-) hash: N/A                                           █
                █                   (-) passwords: 7d0df4f46505d83bc7949dd1fb9c0db8,        █
                █                        bailey,bailey123,bailey333,Liam_Ryder14,Lnr12345,  █
                █                         mjr123,Sickri,Sickride,                           █ 
                █                                                                           █
                █               Emails:                                                     █
                █               (-) Continued:                                              █
                █                  baileyandmeg123@aol.com                                  █
                █                  jillryder@rocketmail.com                                 █ 
                █                  jpandthree@optonline.net                                 █ 
                █                  LIAMLAX14@GMAIL.COM                                      █ 
                █                  liamlax14@gmail.com                                      █ 
                █                  Liamlax14@gmail.com                                      █ 
                █                  patrickryder@earthlink.net                               █ 
                █                  pryder@erols.com                                         █ 
                █                  RYDELAX7@GMAIL.COM                                       █ 
                █                  rydelax7@gmail.com                                       █ 
                █                                                                           █
                █                                                           (-) sleazy/pvpn █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                            0x06 - Outro                               ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █ 
                █                                                                           █
                █ Most of the information listed in this uploaded paste is mostly accurate. █
                █ I can also agree that this upload is mid-due to the fact that my attention█ 
                █ span is shit. I was going to upload his entire family and shit, but again,█ 
                █ I'm too lazy. I'll add a v2 upload later on with his family and more added█ 
                █ information. Due to the fact that Sway is gay and faggot.                 █
                █                                                           (-) sleazy/yhew █
                █                                                                           █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ ░                             0x7 - Credits                             ░ █
                █ ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ █
                █ s̲l̲e̲a̲z̲y̲6̲6̲6̲                                                                  █
                █ (-) sleazy666 𝐃𝐎𝐗𝐁𝐈𝐍                                                      █
                █ (-) 1pxi 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃                                                          █
                █ (-) sleazy100k 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌                                                  █
                █                                                                           █
                █  ╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼╼                                             █
                █                                                                           █
                █ P̲V̲P̲N̲                                                                      █
                █ (-) pvpn 𝐃𝐎𝐗𝐁𝐈𝐍                                                           █
                █ (-) yhew 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐃                                                          █
                █ (-) bit coin 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐌                                                    █
                █                                                           (-) sleazy/pvpn █

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