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Created:Apr 20th, 2021
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 3,721
Comments: 39
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Scroll down to see everything. ^-cZW$qqb '1m#hb*^WWkmX+ !xuvzczXzzvxf?' :Y#B$B@$$@$@@%bJ1. v8B%@B@$@@@@@@Bo_ . .C@@@@a- i)zZu~.. ;aBBBB8p];!+|Lh@B@@Y^ XBB$%[ .lfU@BBt` 'h%B$$c. <q%B@m. `b8@w` 1m@BBv^ .C@BBMI. {o@$b +_J%B8I. .raZj0J. (8@Bb^ !k@Bn ^kWBB@U <q*kdWi .^w%@&_ .~W%m, ~8@B@@r .Y#*M@t z {8B$p` UBw>I }%BB$%t .1WM&Bu v'UBB@j }B8M#' }B@@@81 [8W#@/ W`v8%B(. [$%Ba. [BB@@$f f%%&%; $`vWB@t tB$@U :oB$B@c `b@&@p "zUh8B@x 0B@B/ 'U%B@$w;. (%@&8i J*oB%@0. >#@@#" {%B@%ML; |&%B%U ~*8&8Bo" ,h@@B[ ^q@@@%oLi. `JBBBBh? c@@@8@n ;w8@@) >oB@%BBac-!;`.`?Q8$B@@8x `0BB%B%c. .-]tkBBBJ i/v . "hBB$@@@BB@@@BB%&BB@W( '0BBBBBh[.. ,1m8$%$&BC '" ^L%@q. .: "n` fh@@%B@@@$$@B$B@@M[ f8BB@@@8WM#8@B%8B@h: .uWl <oB@J. kw: r( .-UW%B$$@$$@@@&~ ~Q8B$@B$$@@W%Wz` .C@?.,C8@BM! .|MZLh' .?Ub*%@@@M1 `!tUd#%kj" I*@ob@@01Bz :w8Bx `vpkW&az^ '1v] ^. ;M@@@M_"8#' 1MBz .>-~, 'k#" ;0%B@a+'bBj. _#@BL^ 'k@n.'tM8&@$%I U@b u%aWBput), l/. 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QB@@U r%B~ {8B@@@@@B@t "a@&@B: u8@c .)*%a? <&@+. ;M@B~ i*B@%" m@M' m%@$@pn$$) +WB@h' <Qr{{' "CBBB@Bj .Z@$t |%@@U. ;*$U >Z%@@BB@Qt@8l 1W@d. }p%@Bdv_O8$U C%@BI 18@v"/o&$&v:,hB$8p@#' }WZ. .1%$B$B@$8Y[^ ,#$@hjm%@%B#L- ;kBB@@#. ] ^*$vQ@$W*%@B@@B%8&MooWBB@BB@@o> `dBBBb XB@B@c .I~/xvZbbmQZ*B@BBBr .ZB%t [8B@n z%B@%l ^;. .Ub/ Y%$*' ^k$k IW%B- '" . –┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼– +–─┘ └─–+ | TinyS/Poka/Vman/ImMatsuri : : : : ┌─|────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────|─┐ └─│──┐──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┌──│─┘ │: : : :│ │| You think you are a clever boy huh? |│ ││ ││ ││ Trying to indoctrinate your stupid community. ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ You are really claiming that we are the criminals? ││ ││ That we are trying to harm people? ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ Its funny how you claim that you are the only "non-criminal" ││ ││ While probably beeing the most criminal of everyone here. ││ ││ You are simply a disgusting person. ││ ││ And i hope to open the eyes of your community with this. ││ │| |│ └──┐ | | ┌──┘ ┌──│──┘─ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─└──│──┐ └──|──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────|──┘ : : ─┼──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼─ Lets start all from the beginning shall we? Poka was formerly known as TinyS a little "researcher" on Vtuber Shitshow. He tried hard and begged for a Mod Position and an invite to a private Discord of Vtuber Shitshow called CaR (For a little knowledge CaR is a private Discord where people from Vtuber Shitshow shared sensitive information or information that arent to be published at that moment) Screen: https://prnt.sc/11r4oxu He was always a notorious liar even back then when nobody knew is name. https://prnt.sc/11r4t05 - In this Screenshot he is claiming that the named Channel (Hololive Knowledge) was not his and that they are using his "art" Let me tell that it was indeed his channel and the "art" wasn't his obviously. https://prnt.sc/11r529m https://prnt.sc/11r563z https://prnt.sc/11r58ew - In these screenshot you see the rest of the conversation he had with tokyo about him getting caught raiding/spamming unwanted infos onto fandiscords. He never denied it to be part of that "Raiding". And why would you leave the server so fast when you are innocent? While he tried to join their private server. (Little note: At that time tokyo had an agreement with several Fan Discord Admins to punish people who post informations regarding the pastlife onto fandiscords.) After that he called himself Poka and created his own Discord and everything. Lets get to the "Fun"-Part https://prnt.sc/11r5ru0 (Poka raiding and falsely reporting a shitposter from Youtube) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/819836442812874805/833713148925837362/4540231057978d8968454bc04798fd98.png (Poka tried to nuke Eren's server because he didnt help?! Delusional) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/821157980635791411/833752727855038534/image0.png (Poka beeing an attention whore who loves drama) https://prnt.sc/11r6275 (Poka's Doxxing channels on his Guilded.gg server) https://prnt.sc/11r64xv (Poka on his Arug Alt Account trying to get Arug framed and getting his server deleted by reporting bad messages of him) https://prnt.sc/11r68on (Poka on his Arug Alt Account) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/827942913844838460/834048516782293002/poka_on_his_alt_arug_because_he_wants_to_frame_arug_doxxing_the_info.png https://prnt.sc/11r6h0b (Poka getting his community to report a discord) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/834012378872938546/834027662388887552/pokagabapics.pdf (More screenshots of Poka beeing an absolute dick) https://prnt.sc/11r9cwt (Poka ip-banned by Discord) SoymilkTM Incident with Poka: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/834012378872938546/834024167950254090/guilded.png (A dedicated channel for doxxing soymilk on Poka's Guilded.gg server) https://prnt.sc/11r6p73 (Posting the dox of her/her cousins to his Guilded.gg server) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/834012378872938546/834024318135566396/unknown_4.png (His Guilded.gg Server containing over 1,5k Members) https://prnt.sc/11r6viq , https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/834012378872938546/834025245517676564/unknown_7.png (Poka harassing soymilk) Poka even went so far and posting a video of her cousin's sister: https://prnt.sc/11r749j But the funniest part about all of this is he says we are all criminals right? So why did you impersonate a lawyer then hm? "Mr. Joe Rigby"? https://prnt.sc/11r7e2o Had a good laugh at reading this bullshit of you. And before everyone says that its real it is absolutely not. I've contacted the lawyer mentioned in that bullshit of Poka and he responded me with that: https://kiwifarms.net/attachments/opera_fkps9a5cfj-png.1980762/ You can check it if you want. In the Screenshot of Poka he used everything of the lawyer except the real email which is PDoyle@gtlaw.com.au and not blunastevenson@gmail.com lmao. He called himself Bluna before too btw. Poka is just a attention seeking whore who betrays,lies and does everything to gain from it. Sad to see that his community is getting indoctrinated by this fool. You can see this on this screenshot: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/821157980635791411/833741420472827914/image0.png where he blatantly advertised it on the stream of Momosuzu Nene. Tell yourself that you are the good guy Poka. It is obvious that you are lying and seeking attentions you filthy rat. Tell your whole community that you are not a criminal but this stuff shows that you are nothing. Ugly ass cunt. (Picture of him: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/530135493317361684/832717632217940028/unknown.png?width=503&height=676 ) Noteworthy stuff: This is stuff from Paradise (server of Eren) posted by Eren aka ry: https://prnt.sc/11r8fsn (If you are on the server you can find it here https://discord.com/channels/814817010814550027/834012378872938546/834017400973688832) https://prnt.sc/11r8iec
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