Reason for dox: Was caught talking to underage girl who was 12, Plu is also a github paster and uses chatGPT for a living to impress people with no idea in programming and reversing.
His Discord: pluv2 / 1063281551808405606

(Why is plu weird?)
-Talks to 12 year old girls 
-Got caught asking 12 year old girl for nudes
-Pastes for a living
-Thinks he's always correct but relies on ChatGPT to confirm his confusion.
-Always says something's a joke when its really true to cover up his tracks.😂
-Has been in fortnite cheating com for 1-3 years / loser!.

Name: Mattie
Last Name: Kirby
Age: 17
Country: United State 
Home Address: 2008 River Brk, Forney, TX 75126, USA
His School: Forney High School


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