Need help getting revenge on these ppl 
They made a fake  dox and said I’m a pedo 
They domestic abusers pedos and dog fuckers
In the group chat I can add you if needed
Help get me the location and name I have pics of all
If needed stillnotnormalx4 on insta
Scar let’s doxers and pedos  domestic abusers and dog fuckers chill 
In the group and live there fantasy’s for group chat  activity 
she protects them for group chat activity 
Please teach her a lesson  stolen polez is a pedo 
Who lies about his age to minors and has friends that are
Minors  under 17 pretending they are his sister on instagram 
And leaks minors nudes  with younghandsome who got Deported for 
domestic abuse to El Salvador 
Nicolas is a Canadian mentally I’ll kid who doxed me 
He hides behind vpns and shi  please help. Me find him he’s making 
My life hell 

Main doxer
I have pics of him/fam  Who helped with dox

@chunmoneyliiiiii       @scarscartt
All same guy            @scar_323
chunmoneylii.           @youngnhandsum (gmoney)
@chunmoneyliiiii        @xkyizzma /@sheluvskjkj(kamilla)
@farfromken             @jokesupx2000 (kev)

         All on instagram 
   Locations of interest and reason 
 Nicolas /last name ? In Montreal Quebec
Possibly in Mount Royal I have a pic of his Family
 Doxed and used my ssn now I need his name

Scar area 66th main 55th gage Los Angeles 
-55th hooper 55th gage 66th and main
Sent my number and spreaded/keeps sending dox 
protects Pedos domestic abusers and animal fuckers

Juan witchita/Kansas city or Dallas tx
Spreaded/keeps sending  dox because he’s a wanna be hacker 
And a pedo who text minors need him to be fixed 
For police 

Kamila kylee palacio/ Kylee Kamila
1086 n ave California Los Angeles
Paid for ssn using telegram bot from syx/osama
Dead beat mother plus spreaded dox to tele 

G money Other one got deported to El Salvador 
Probably could find in ice data base or California 
No real reason he just spams dox and because 
he beat a woman And can’t fight men 
Kev possibly involved or gave information 

Please help get revenge locations and names 
                   is all I need