Requested by: ! Formido the 14th#3778

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 _ __ ___  __ _ _   _  ___  ___| |_    __ _| |_   _____   _| | |_| || |_ / _ \ / _ \ / _ \/ |
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|_|  \___|\__, |\__,_|\___||___/\__|  \__,_|\__| /___|\__,_|_|_| |_||_|  \___/ \___/ \___/|_|

request dox at zull#0001                                                                             

Pinkstone is a horny weeb, gachafag, and possibly a pedophile that threatens to rape minors and ERPs unironically. Spread this everywhere you can. 

Name: Diamani Jade Rios
Mother's name: Rosa M. Pagan-Rios
Address: 3402 Magnolia Dr,  Lorain, OH 44053
School: Spectrum Resource Center & School
School Phone Number: (440) 244-2200
Tag: Mitsuri1!1!11!#6969
ID: 594739993029771266
1st part of Token: NTk0NzM5OTkzMDI5NzcxMjY2

Spread this as far as possible. :)