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               a child is for someone who needs to
            grow. they are not meant to be abused nor
                    used for personal happiness.

                Mark Miralles the Pedophile.
                    needs to be updated.


Name: Raymart Troy Catudio

Former Name: Romansito Trojadio Mondragon

DOB: June 28, 1999

Age: 21

Religion: Roman Catholic

Location: Makati, Philippines

High School: University of Makati High School

University: Studied AB Broadcasting Production at University of Makati

Work: Freelance Multimedia Artist at 90's Motion Photography

Hobbies: Going on Online Virtual games pretending to be a girl just so that he can
         sexualise young women and force them into having video calls with him.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RAYMART062899

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Raymart1999

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/catudio28/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/RaymartTroyCatudio?fbclid=IwAR3reWdGgXpcO3cDq25H1fky3euDPUp_hBJjJWRBvXpGZfmYsPYDIlpj-SM

Work website: https://linktr.ee/RaymartTroyCatudio?fbclid=IwAR2RQhXCbUtBqybYlO472HP_xkpdmEFfom4hXv7hAcCEjRV_bdk2ly8dStU

Personal website: https://linktr.ee/catudio28?fbclid=IwAR0V8ELRJE-OKGPbw1_LxgiM3CbPGnxolIZwzgViNmKNJnWNKQKmlMWh6M4


Photos proving that he is harassing and predating on minors (Language is in Tagalog/Filipino, use translator):






Girlfriend of the pedophile

Name: Roda Vida Castronuevo Dizon

Has been in a relationship with the predator since July 18, 2018

DOB: August 4, 2001

Age: 19

Religion: Born-Again Christian

Location: Makati, Philippines

Work: Junior member at CAST - SALI TAYO

University: Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management at University of Makati

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vdadzon.18

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vidang_18/


Brother of the pedophile

Name: Rayangel Keanu Catudio or Ken Catudio

DOB: November 14

Religion: Roman Catholic

Location: Makati, Philippines

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KeanCatudio

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kenniequotes/
