Real first and last name: Yassien Maher Dad's name: Ehab Maher Brother name: Youssef Maher Mom's and sister's name remain unknown for now. Last known address: RFBA6805, 6805 Al Bahar Al Mayyit, 3537, Ishbiliyah, Riyadh 13226, Saudi Arabia (Sent about 10 shitexpress packages to confirm it... Still waiting on Shitexpress to ship it) Pictures of him, his brother and his sister: Yassien: Youssef:, his sister (name unknown): Reason of doxing: Buying C2's and flexing without any power, flexing with his dad's money (Spoiled at max), Begged many times for money. Also a "wannabe" carder. Life story: His mom and dad broke up, mom went into debt and dad is assumed to be rich asf, tried carding to help his mom pay debt. Begged many people for money, after his dad reunited with his mom, he's been flexing with his dad's money. He's claiming to be moving to the UK, but we'll see about it. Spent 15$ of his dad's money on a shit C2 (4 day plan for 15$ and no power). This post will be regularly updated so stay tuned :D **Last updated at 16th of December 2023.**