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                                                                  BB  DBBBLBBRBBBB     bBZ                                   - You are the most unpleasant world                        
                                                                 7BB BBBBBB1   BBBJ    jB7                                   - We do what we like, thanks for reading.                         
                                                                  BB BBBBBB    :BBB    rB.                                   - We will go to the end
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| |          Discord:           | |                                                                                               
| |          I.USE.EULEN        | |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
| |.............................| |                                                                                                                       
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 Name: Petik Timur Ivanovich
➤ Date of Birth: 15.02.2008
➤ Region : Arkhangelsk, Kotlas, P.Vychegodsky ( 10k population. )
➤ Number: 79965038910 ( physical ) 79115767081 ( physical )
➤ Mail: sevpe13@gmail.com timurpetik2011
➤ Photo: https://imgur.com/a/hBzbEOq (I did not upload adult photos)
➔  Sᴏᴄɪᴀʟ Lɪɴᴋs                      
-1 ➢ tg @CTPAX_UHTEPnOLA | 7017435181
-2 ➢ https://vk.com/id518063508
-3 ➢ https://vk.com/psychmepoo
-4 ➢ vk1 - https://vk.com/id436063148
 ➔   School 
                                                                                 ⠀ ⠀ 
-1 ➢ School No 4 named after Y.A. Gagarin, GO "Kotlas", 31 Ulyanova St.
-2 ➢ Tatyana Evdakova
-3 ➢ Tel./fax: 8(81837)3-65-76
-4 ➢ Mail: school4img@yandex.ru
                                                      | The reason for this dox |
                                                        dark side of the Internet

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